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  1. (British informal) cross-eyed

How To Use boss-eyed In A Sentence

  • We were told that we were boss-eyed Little Englanders. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • He is going boss-eyed with the number of zeroes being flashed before him. The Sun
  • Chantelle said: When we were at the altar, Preston was going boss-eyed for a joke while I was saying my vows and that tainted it for me. Evening Standard - Home
  • A slobbering, boss-eyed cretin chops wood at my side, and when Across China on Foot
  • She ordered wine from a boss-eyed kid behind the bar who had a strange patch of greying hair at the back of his head like he'd fallen asleep against a blackboard.
  • Increasingly it feels as if the violence did not go away but was supplemented by a vile and damaging hatred among those who used to bring something more worthwhile to the ground than a boss-eyed devotion to one team.
  • Commenting on a letter to the editor describing William and Kate's marriage as a "Darwinian exercise in gene-pool refreshment," Brian Viner, a columnist for the Independent, noted that his wife believes William should have been forced to stick to "a fat Spanish princess" or "a slightly boss-eyed one from the Netherlands. Kate Middleton's 'commoner' status stirs up Britons' old class divide
  • And in jail, rather than helping to improve the area that he was brought up in, Chris Brown would have ended up being bummed into smithereens by a boss-eyed arsonist with obvious mental health problems. Chris Brown’s Sentencing Gets Delayed For Some Reason
  • Sail on, Sara, and here she is - fully restored - has both her pretty arms, both her tan legs and we're drenched in the sonic sun, boss-eyed and drooling over two pints of snakebite. My Dead
  • Ah, well, you've made me smart enough now, you boss-eyed old cow, you! Stage-Land
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