How To Use Borrowing In A Sentence
There's a level of debt in proportion to income that the world will accept as manageable, and there's a level of short-term nett borrowing that will be acceptable through a temporary period of difficulty.
Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
He ran up massive debts borrowing from loan sharks.
Interest rates would then rise as the central bank increased its discount rate to discourage borrowing and the demands for legal tender.
These two transaction costs discourage foreign investment and borrowing.
International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
It is written in Attic Greek, with much studiedly antithetical rhetoric and frequent verbal borrowings from the classical authors.

Bigger discounts on equity and debt issuance to get them away risks seeing investment cut, borrowing reduced and jobs lost.
Times, Sunday Times
Again borrowing heavily from the Ghosd examples/animation.c file, the main loop creates a 400x400 alpha-blended surface area.
As to the bid, it will entail huge borrowings and consequent cost cuts.
Times, Sunday Times
For a young family with relatively low borrowings, this could mean moving straight from a small urban townhouse to a detached four-bedroom with three acres.
Times, Sunday Times
Those borrowing are required to show they have made sufficient arrangements for security and insurance and have suitable climatic conditions.
AT HOME WITH THE QUEEN: The Inside Story of the Royal Household
But what we are most concerned about is the lack of a proper business plan for the planned borrowing of £16 million to fund a new central library that just can't be paid back overnight.
Of considerably more importance is that Scanchem is now factoring its invoices, and thus increasing its apparent borrowing, the outstanding amounts being secured by a charge on the book debts of the company, as is normal.
The boss said a Yes result would mean poorer families, fewer jobs and rising borrowing costs.
The Sun
So has this blizzard of data cleared the fog that clouds the path of borrowing costs?
Times, Sunday Times
A lower sovereign credit rating could mean higher borrowing costs for businesses.
Times, Sunday Times
To help reduce its borrowings it is selling a number of assets.
Times, Sunday Times
But economists hoping for big cuts to forecast borrowing in future may be disappointed.
Times, Sunday Times
The global downturn has prompted governments to consider borrowing to lower taxes.
Times, Sunday Times
Higher interest rates can hurt stocks because they raise the cost of borrowing to expand businesses and cut into corporate profits.
Local government borrowing for the month also rose to 2.9 billion from 900 million the previous year.
Times, Sunday Times
It is anticipated that borrowing of this nature will continue to constitute a large proportion of future cross-border lending.
Borrowing too heavily and paying too much is a recipe for negative equity.
Times, Sunday Times
Under Gordon Brown's own fiscal rules, he could carry on spending and borrowing the shortfall in the short-term.
In addition, government cannot finance long-lived public capital expenditures with borrowing.
Philip Hanson's empirical work on international technology transfer laid bare the limitations of borrowing as a survival strategy.
We continue to believe that interest rates will head higher as a desperately overheated economy fuels unprecedented borrowing demands.
Dr. Pillai feels that pharmaco-genetics could serve as a bridge between allopathy and ayurveda and lead to a borrowing between the two systems.
The bank's monetary policy committee raised the borrowing cost to 2.25 percent in July amid solid growth prospects for the domestic economy and inflation concerns.
I had accused Lils of borrowing it and never returning it, but she, of course, had claimed never to have touched it.
Borrowing is set to soar to an astonishing £60 billion.
The proceeds of the sale will be used to reduce the group's borrowings.
Times, Sunday Times
These federal guarantees encourage people to overextend by making borrowing cheaper than it otherwise would be.
The widening gulf was bridged by borrowing.
Times, Sunday Times
Whatever your reason for borrowing, we have the loan that suits your needs .
The upshot is very little productive investment is made as all the money goes ultimately to fund state borrowing.
Its strategy is to acquire engineering companies in niche markets and dispose of existing businesses to reduce borrowings.
It has gone on reducing the fantastic levels of public sector borrowing requirement that were reached under the last Government.
The British government's policies are locked in the same impotent stasis as the rest of the world's – battening down the hatches, cutting public spending and borrowing, and refusing to accept realities.
Observer editorial: Our leaders need to seize control of the crisis
Such ideas might seem outlandish but finding a remedy for unsustainable sovereign borrowing is not just a Greek imperative.
Times, Sunday Times
And, importantly, no longer are market rates determined through the interaction of the demand for borrowings with a limited supply of loanable funds.
A lower sovereign credit rating could mean higher borrowing costs for businesses.
Times, Sunday Times
[1894] Padua in Italy they have a stone called the stone of turpitude, near the senate-house, where spendthrifts, and such as disclaim non-payment of debts, do sit with their hinder parts bare, that by that note of disgrace others may be terrified from all such vain expense, or borrowing more than they can tell how to pay.
Anatomy of Melancholy
The public sector borrowing requirement is expected to rise.
Both States had huge, irresponsible tax cuts which they paid for in part by bonding and borrowing.
They profit both from holding stock in subsidiaries overseas and by engaging in investment banking, that is, borrowing and investing.
International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
Cases in point: Bear Stearns and Lehman, both of which financed large investments in risky securities primarily with short-term borrowing.
He who likes borrowing dislikes paying.
The committee's proposals alone might not have stopped us going on this borrowing binge.
Times, Sunday Times
The rise is said to have been driven by an increase in net borrowing from central and local government.
The Sun
Borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.
Constancio's rejection of Paine's deism illustrates that liberals were selective in their borrowings from the ‘canonical’ Enlightenment.
With collapsing technology shares and disintegrating manufacturing profits in an environment of general corporate over borrowing, there is now the clear specter of large-scale debt defaults.
At least part of it should be used to repay borrowings, as I think the long-term downtrend in interest rates is over.
Councils that need homes should be allowed to use borrowing pledged for areas with little demand.
Times, Sunday Times
The government estimates that its borrowing requirement this year could reach £150 billion, subject to a wide margin of error.
More Bernanke: European Troubles 'as Much Political' as Economic Sen. Shelby Cautions Bernanke Against QE3 Fed Chief Open to New Options Bernanke Shifts Tone on Further Easing Not taking proper action "would be a self-inflicted wound," he said, because it would raise U.S. interest rates and increase the government's borrowing costs and the deficit.
Fed Chief Cool on More Bond Purchases
In both cases, large foreign banks will underwrite these borrowings and take a charge on the company's assets.
We value them at 80m allowing for borrowings.
Times, Sunday Times
Financial sector commercial paper borrowings have increased at a 36% annualized rate over the past seven weeks.
During college and right after graduating college, I spent many a Saturday at my parents' house, borrowing their laundry facilities.
If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some, for the that goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing.
Total borrowing by pensioners through these schemes is £2.3bn.
But the elocutionists, like the rest of the New Rhetorical movement, were doing more than simply borrowing the status of the classical tradition as a foundation for their work.
Worst affected will be those who upped borrowings when miners' earnings hit a peak in the early 80s.
A buy-to-let investor could deleverage by selling some properties in order to reduce borrowing.
Times, Sunday Times
The rest will come from higher borrowing and hopes of higher growth.
Times, Sunday Times
First, Congress responds to a crisis caused by too much debt and overleverage by … borrowing a trillion or so dollars and deficit spending.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Hair of the Dog, Part 3
As airlines grew, their large cash flows were used to justify huge borrowings for takeovers and expansion.
The problem is that Congress has been “borrowing” the surplus, and currently owes SSI somewhere around 2-3 trillion in monies!
Think Progress » Rep. Blackburn touts Social Security privatization.
It appears that the administration will attempt to finesse this problem by the blatant expedient of pretending the borrowing never happened.
These early Acts stemmed very largely from sanitary powers, and did not provide any financial assistance beyond powers of borrowing money.
Banking covenants are breached when borrowings reach at 3.5 times.
Times, Sunday Times
However, if we follow instead Hesychius' testimony, the irregular Celtic reflexes can be perfectly explained through borrowing from the implied Etruscan etymon *capra with its unaspirated k-.
Manly goats
You should note, however, that bad credit cash advance services are short-term borrowing.
They squandered the opportunity afforded by much lower borrowing costs.
Times, Sunday Times
Banks encourage what is for them a profitable orgy of borrowing, and luxury imports surge.
The UK had an age of excess, with much wasteful public spending and too much personal borrowing.
Times, Sunday Times
He said spiralling public sector borrowing was the greatest threat to a sustained economic recovery.
I took the liberty of borrowing your lawn - mower while you were away.
Churches can be effective in teaching people how to convert from a culture of borrowing and spending to a culture of saving and investing.
Black Churches and the Prosperity Gospel
The rest will come from higher borrowing and hopes of higher growth.
Times, Sunday Times
It's difficult to advise others about the perils of this kind of lifestyle, especially when one has been sucked into it, albeit on a minor scale compared to some people's levels of borrowing.
Soon, when borrowing a book, you'll be able to specify how sexy or sad or silly or sentimental you'd like it to be.
Changes in the level of interest rates charged on borrowing, therefore, depend almost wholly upon movements in the base rate.
Sidney: Yes, fancy borrowing his father's car without permission.
It is to allow inflation to eat away at the real value of borrowings.
Times, Sunday Times
undemanding" valuations and lower borrowing costs. --
The amorousness of youth has little to do with the desire for the union of souls; what Shakespeare mocks time and again is the borrowing of the imagery of the union of souls for something far more immediate and specific and transitory.
He got a truck, and he ended up borrowing a white-fleeced Levi jacket from a guy in a bar who told him he didn't look nearly redneck enough in his jeans and shirt.
Behind the borrowing binge lay unstable global imbalances.
Times, Sunday Times
And governments cannot easily use their domestic debt markets to absorb the shocks, because these are shallow and too much government borrowing crowds out private investment.
Public borrowing has to be increased.
cash flow andfinancial security andfive-year retirement plan andfree time andlack of borrowing power andloan difficulty andloss of company benefits andmoney management andoffice space andtime management andself-talk, negative
Nothing Down for the 2000s
He said spiralling public sector borrowing was the greatest threat to a sustained economic recovery.
As the majority of my salary was swallowed up by my obsession, I ended up borrowing a lot of money to make ends meet.
Bastian was not merely borrowing metaphors from political liberalism in order to explain Humboldt's intellectual importance.
This time next year higher borrowing costs could be eating up the benefit of rising pay.
Times, Sunday Times
Indeed, the army of the Northmen was a thing to blush for; for an enemy crushed it by borrowing the aid of a brute.
The Danish History, Books I-IX
Germany's mistake was to consider only first-order effects on bank capital, whereas it would be the second-order contagion effects on government and bank borrowing costs that would do the greatest damage.
Don't Believe These Greek Myths
Others farm within their means, with minimal borrowings.
Times, Sunday Times
Councils that need homes should be allowed to use borrowing pledged for areas with little demand.
Times, Sunday Times
Wow, that's some return - and all thanks to the gearing (the magnifying effect) of borrowing money to buy an asset!
We suggest that borrowing may make sense for some firms but not for others.
Principles of Corporate Finance
Chancellor's scheme to front-load governments' long-term aid commitments through borrowing on financial markets.
Times, Sunday Times
The project was almost derailed at the last minute by the eurozone crisis, which resulted in higher borrowing costs.
Times, Sunday Times
The use of the voluntary sector is a convenient method of concealing the number of people employed by central and local government and removing the necessary borrowings from public statistics.
Nevertheless, obsession with the size of public sector borrowing requirements began at this time.
So it now faces a triple whammy of big borrowing, a rapidly growing mountain of debt and a global economy sluggish in many areas.
Times, Sunday Times
The company is well within its borrowing limits and has rescheduled its debt recently.
Times, Sunday Times
The confusion is rooted in a failure to distinguish between cyclical budget problems and the longer-term soundness of state and local borrowing.
NYT > Home Page
Moreover, even with the borrowings from flamenco, the movement vocabulary was thin, with very little formal choreography.
Rather than borrowing at penal commercial rates of interest, much cheaper standard mortgages became available and rental income was taken into consideration for assessing the size of any loan.
He was usually able to scrounge up enough from the empty boxes in the trash or put the bite on an unsuspecting transient, “borrowing” a cupful or two from someone who he didn't already “owe” from before.
25 Cents at a Time
For a young family with relatively low borrowings, this could mean moving straight from a small urban townhouse to a detached four-bedroom with three acres.
Times, Sunday Times
A bank makes its money by "borrowing short" (deposits or repo) to "go long". (putting money in long-term illiquid assets) That means that a bank is required to hold liquid reserves and enough capital to meet its needs even in a crisis.
Consequently, it is wrong to infer from the risk-free rate that there is no constraint on borrowing or that the rate of return on capital investment is negative.
Liquidity Trap, II, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The downside of a moratorium is that when it is lifted, payments are bunched up and the cost of borrowing could rise, meaning countries will find it even harder reduce their debt.
Which default when as some endeuoured to salue and recure, they patched vp the holes with peces and rags of other languages, borrowing here of the french, there of the Italian, euery where of the Latine, not weighing how il those tongues accorde with themselues, but much worse with ours: So now they have made our English tongue, a gallimaufray or hodgepodge of al other speches.
Shepheardes Calendar
A customer can choose to opt for a payday loan and that is agreed borrowing, rather than unarranged borrowing.
TranSys will fund the £200m borrowing requirement and spend £150m on capital equipment over the next five years.
In order to finance expansion on this scale, the government has relied heavily on borrowing.
But until the group gets its borrowings down, its scope for further expansion and investment will be severely constrained.
The proliferation of the derivatives is angering treasurers around the country, who say the derivatives are sending a negative message and possibly driving up their costs of borrowing at a time when they need all the help they can get.
POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Tuesday, April 27, 2010
It turned out that some of the borrowing had simply been shuffled back into previous months.
Times, Sunday Times
House prices have stopped rising, which will discourage borrowings.
The occurrence of oil-induced current account deficits encouraged some countries to rely on external borrowing from public and private sources.
The widening gulf was bridged by borrowing.
Times, Sunday Times
The store fell into one of the major pitfalls of small business, borrowing from suppliers by paying bills late.
In former days, a young man arriving at Calcutta as a writer, had no difficulty in raising money by borrowing from some wealthy _circar_; and many of those very young men are still hampered with debts they can never pay: though high in office, and enjoying large salaries, they are tied to the country by their creditors, to whom they are obliged to give
Trade and Travel in the Far East or Recollections of twenty-one years passed in Java, Singapore, Australia and China.
Meanwhile, people try to avoid borrowing when they know they have to repay loans in deflated dollars. —
The Sunday Word: Obama Raises Jobs Target - The Caucus Blog -
The gallery is borrowing the massive transport from the Mariner's Museum in Newport News, Va.
Next Spring, it's La Dolce D.C.
What is also needed is for money to flow through to new borrowers and those replacing existing borrowings.
Times, Sunday Times
German officials have argued that any open-ended commitment to joint liabilities would encourage errant governments to profligacy, violate Germany's constitution and raise its borrowing costs.
So has this blizzard of data cleared the fog that clouds the path of borrowing costs?
Times, Sunday Times
Behind this shift has been a truly explosive rate of increase in personal sector borrowing.
In addition, some subsidy programs help to raise interest rates and thus increase borrowing costs for traditional public activities.
That's what you call borrowing a lover for ten minutes, is it?" said
La Vendée
Alongside these markets, using in some cases quite literally parallel instruments, are markets for lending and borrowing other currencies.
cash flow andfinancial security andfive-year retirement plan andfree time andlack of borrowing power andloan difficulty andloss of company benefits andmoney management andoffice space andtime management andself-talk, negative
Nothing Down for the 2000s
Demand for mortgages also softened in the face of increased borrowing costs and lower disposable income.
Times, Sunday Times
For example, interest on borrowings to purchase buy-to-let property can be offset against rental income for individual property investors.
Amid the global crunch, Swedish banks have had trouble getting medium - or long-term financing to replenish borrowings in Swedish krona, and particular difficulty getting access to dollars.
Drawing on Experience of Past Rescue,
So gearing increases your risks but, if you have reason to believe that your investment will generally give you a higher return than the cost of your borrowing, then it can work very well.
After establishing a reserve for emergencies, it makes sense to reduce borrowing, with the most expensive loan first.
Times, Sunday Times
The company is well within its borrowing limits and has rescheduled its debt recently.
Times, Sunday Times
He is borrowing to buy the club, thus effectively mortgaging its future.
Excessive domestic borrowings to finance current expenditure has resulted in debt service payments approaching unsustainable levels.
With their use of tone rows and dense counterpoint these pieces should dispel any ideas that Ives's music is just about jaunty marches and musical borrowings.
All that is required for borrowing is a valid university identification card or a valid participating regional consortia card.
And when borrowing ensure that a hefty margin of safety is built in to the amount that you can repay.
Mum rushed around borrowing clothing coupons and ration books.
He was prone to the long-term unarranged borrowing of Paul's things.
A bold and aggressive infrastructure boost at a time of very low government borrowing costs would meet with near universal acclaim.
Times, Sunday Times
Banking has a long history of borrowing ideas from science - astronomer Edmund Halley was constructing mortality tables for the life assurance industry back in the 17th Century.
This borrowing from the movie industry also covers the characters.
Times, Sunday Times
In these notes, the borrowing is the most direct, often corresponding word for word.
Public borrowing is close to peacetime records.
Times, Sunday Times
The cost of borrowing has come down significantly with a loosening of monetary policy in the hope that injecting more cash into the economy would help revive struggling businesses.
Paul de Man, who introduced the deconstructionist theory of Jacques Derrida to American readers after the New Criticism had become a received orthodoxy, detected in the New Critics a "foreknowledge" of what he called, borrowing a phrase from the Swiss critic Georges Poulet, "hermeneutic circularity.
The Decline and Fall of Literature
We can continue with short-term borrowing, which is very expensive.
CNN Transcript Feb 26, 2004
With weak economic growth squeezing fiscal revenues, he was forced to announce a sharp increase in public borrowing in November.
The liquidation also would have a negative impact on lines of credit, for example, liquidating assets at values that are less than their collateral value at the time of borrowing.
A few more aphorisms have been found as borrowings from the past.
They say some have blocked fledgling businesses from borrowing through them.
Times, Sunday Times
In 1995-96, Treasury declared a one-year debt issuance suspension period, in order to disinvest large amounts from the civil-servant fund and free up additional borrowing capacity.
Questions and Answers About Reaching the Debt Ceiling
Many governments thus resort to financing expenditure through domestic bank borrowing and printing money, both of which are inflationary.
Consider consolidating these borrowings on a card with a 0 per cent introductory rate.
Times, Sunday Times
While much of this borrowing is being used to finance investment in hi-tech equipment a considerable portion is being used to finance share buy-backs by major companies - a procedure aimed at maintaining stock prices.
While the 'private accounts' are savings the act of borrowing $300B is dissavings. $1 borrowed cancels out $1 saved resulting in a net $0.
Boskin on Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Federal borrowing serves to regulate the term structure of interest rates, and not to fund expenditures.
Warren Mosler: Modern Monetary Theory: The Last Progressive Left Standing
Confidence must be restored in the movement so that it continues to serve the saving and borrowing needs of its 2.7 million members.
Behind the borrowing binge lay unstable global imbalances.
Times, Sunday Times
Inflation encourages consumption, borrowing and speculation: it discourages saving, lending and investment.
This is Monopoly stuff, with hundreds of millions of pounds of borrowing.
The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures.
This sensory receptor with its cerebral perceptor has in the long process of time, aided by vision, under the influence of natural laws of the survival of the fittest, educated and developed an instrument of simple construction (primarily adapted only for the vegetative functions of life and simple vocalisation) into that wonderful instrument the human voice; but by that development, borrowing the words of Huxley, "man has slowly accumulated and organised the experience which is almost wholly lost with the cessation of every individual life in other animals; so that now he stands raised as upon a mountain-top, far above the level of his humble fellows, and transfigured from his grosser nature by reflecting here and there a ray from the infinite source of truth.
The Brain and the Voice in Speech and Song
The French crown was forced to pay for its Canadian expenditures by borrowing or taxing in France and shipping specie to the New World.
The comments were hardly noticed in a speech laced with staggering figures about the sharp increase in borrowing and debt facing Britain over the coming years.
The Sun
A monthly statement shows customers how much they have borrowed and what borrowing facilities remain.
The high cost of borrowing is inhibiting investment by industry in new equipment.
It added that the pound could weaken further and make borrowing more expensive.
Times, Sunday Times
If you're a company like Microsoft, and you can issue a three-year bond for a ridiculous 0.875 percent coupon, then you should be borrowing as much cash as you cart away in a wheelbarrow.
Public borrowing is close to peacetime records.
Times, Sunday Times
Interest rates would then rise as the central bank increased its discount rate to discourage borrowing and the demands for legal tender.
And many small firms were reluctant to approach banks in case it led to an increase in the cost of existing borrowings, or reductions in overdraft limits.
Times, Sunday Times
Company gearing, the level of borrowing relative to equity, currently stands at a stretched 120 per cent.
If you're borrowing money for the down payment, provide a copy of the entire loan agreement.
Selling short involves borrowing stock and then selling it, hoping to replace the shares at a cheaper price later.
The bad news is that this new frugality could soon be offset by higher borrowing costs.
Times, Sunday Times
In both cases, large foreign banks will underwrite these borrowings and take a charge on its assets.
Any dictatorship can and will incorporate all sorts of political ideas and rhetorics, borrowing much of it from pre-existing currents of thought, left wing, right wing, nationalist, corporativist, etc., remoulding them to their own agenda, and basically doing anything it can to achieve and maintain authoritarian power.
Can conservatives and libertarians be feminists?
The criticism of the Government is not that it has expanded public borrowing to do this and to support demand.
Times, Sunday Times
We bought this place by scraping the money together, borrowing and scrabbling about.
He is expected to avoid a fiscal tightening by allowing borrowing to rise.
Times, Sunday Times
The result is that he has undershot his borrowing target for a second year.
Her life was miserable because she could only live in that cycle: borrowing from the trader and selling it to him.
Although farm incomes continued to decline in 2002, the low cost of borrowing did much to save off the threat of closure for those struggling with a high level of debt.
We build upon a rock when interdicting plagiarism; but on sand when we make that term inclose author-theft and author-borrowing.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No 3, September, 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy.
They use their home a cash machine by borrowing against its value.
I'm not sure where my friend Paul forwarded this from - it's probably up on Defamer or The Superficial or something - but look who I might be borrowing a cup of sugar from* in the future...
Won't you be my neighbor?