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[ UK /bˈuːtlɛɡɪŋ/ ]
[ US /ˈbutˌɫɛɡɪŋ/ ]
  1. the act of selling illegally or without permission
    the bootlegging of videotapes is common in Asia
  2. the act of making or transporting alcoholic liquor for sale illegally
    the Prohibition amendment made bootlegging profitable

How To Use bootlegging In A Sentence

  • He has sued a fan for bootlegging his concerts.
  • Its key characteristic is not cross border shopping and bootlegging but large scale fraud in which millions of cigarettes evade duty and appear on the contraband market.
  • In the late 1930s, he briefly attended Tuskegee Institute before he was expelled for bootlegging.
  • They were bootlegging whiskey
  • Here's a story about a US Marine onboard an amphibious assualt vehicle who's making great coin bootlegging games, porn, music and movies on burnable CDs and selling 'em to his shipmates. Boing Boing: November 4, 2001 - November 10, 2001 Archives
  • When increasing price has been applied to tobacco, it has caused bootlegging and counterfeiting on a huge scale. Times, Sunday Times
  • A family doctor falsely claimed to be a war hero while secretly running a bootlegging racket trading in blackmarket cigarettes. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, before we went into Louisiana, a lot of people were bootlegging our product into Louisiana, so when we arrived there, people already knew about it.
  • The publisher of the Nassau Tribune referred to the bootlegging crowd and the business they conducted as “the orgy of the Lucerne.” LAST CALL
  • In the second episode of an unmissable series, the main players continue to muscle in on the bootlegging bonanza. Times, Sunday Times
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