How To Use Booster shot In A Sentence
Also make sure you're up-to-date on your tetanus booster shots, and ask your doctor about being vaccinated for hepatitis B.
Additional work as a postdoctorate teaching fellow acted as a booster shot.
The Complete Stories Vol 1
Just moments ago in Washington the president spoke out about the economy, coming out of the gate saying it is clear that the economy has slowed, but he also said that growth package that he signed will help to put what he calls a booster shot into the economy.
CNN Transcript Mar 7, 2008
Still, as even George Bush admitted at the time of announcing it, the stimulus will be no more than a temporary "booster shot".
Of the reported cases this year, six people did not know whether they had ever received a pertussis vaccine, nine people had never received one, 13 were current with their vaccinations and 10 people were under-immunized, meaning they received a dose as an infant but never followed up with a booster shot.
The News Tribune - Tacoma - - HOMEPAGE

First, a single vaccination generates only a small amount of immunity and booster shots are needed to build up immunity to protective levels.
Still, as even George Bush admitted at the time of announcing it, the stimulus will be no more than a temporary "booster shot".
The list is the booster shot needed for quality older scripts that have become invisible or exciting new scripts that need momentum to get them towards the screen, " adds Godfrey.