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How To Use Boondoggle In A Sentence

  • The debate centers on how much government should regulate industry and whether that will affect climate change or be an expensive boondoggle.
  • But I think this is why I still subscribe to the NYT Latest News Blog on my Kindle: so I can be boondoggled earlier. 2009 March | Spontaneous ∂erivation
  • We need to return to vigorously fighting the development of this pricey boondoggle.
  • The governor says the rail line, which he calls a "boondoggle," wouldn't have as high of a ridership as currently projected-citing a study from the Reason Foundation. The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • Republicans called the plan a boondoggle and a drain on federal highway funds.
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  • Sarah Palin has effectively stopped the boondoggled government option from Facebook while Obama can't do anything town hall after town hall. McCain addresses Palin, health care on Tonight Show
  • `Sweeties I'll read as slow as I can though to try and boondoggle my time" she said. RANDOM ACTS OF SENSELESS VIOLENCE
  • The senator called the new highways proposal "...a fraud and a boondoggle that the taxpayer should not tolerate".
  • And highfliers with thriving core businesses pump capital into excess capacity or real estate boondoggles - or siphon funds into private projects.
  • Higher-caliber critiques came from mayors unhappy with the federal government intervening in their affairs; from the right, which regarded the programs as boondoggles; and from the left, which wanted more local control of federal spending. Peace Corps Founder Shriver Dies at 95
  • Simple municipal projects, whether filling in a giant pit, or making sure that a megalomaniacal confectioner doesn't make our children obese, can quickly become hopeless boondoggles that, without the help of tireless bureaucrats like Leslie Knope Amy Poehler, the Hilary Clinton of Central Indiana, would overwhelm even the most red-white-and-blue of Americans. Parks and Recreation: A Who's Who of Pawnee's Finest Bureaucrats
  • O'Connell's record of embezzlement, contractor boondoggles, handpicked mayors and election theft is both exalted and execrated in the novels' vivid fictional composites. Corruption on the Hudson
  • If that wasn't enough, there were Doug Ford's ill-considered remarks about Waterfront Toronto, which he described as a "boondoggle. - Home Page
  • This boondoggle is a travesty to the American people. A fitting memorial for Sen. Ted Kennedy. | RedState
  • Given the colorful history of federal boondoggles - billion-dollar weapons systems that misfire, $600 toilet seats - that's an understandable concern.
  • And in the end, McCain is motivated by lifelong principles dedicated to protecting the taxpayer from big government boondoggles which is exactly what the Democrat plan pushed at the White House had become. Dissecting Leftism
  • The shameless cheerleading for the many boondoggles is only a small part of their quality problem. The hurled turgidity (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • I myself have a long history of being boondoggled by pop culture: I applied to NYU because I thought it'd be just like Greenwich Village in the 1950s, all beatniks in berets, poetic and artistic and sipping coffee over a dog-eared Village Voice. Jessica Wakeman: Eulogy for Dead Trees
  • So why buy more of what looks like one of the great military boondoggles?
  • The term boondoggle, in the sense of a project that wastes time and money, first appeared during the Great Depression in the 1930s, referring to the millions of jobs given to unemployed men and women to try to get the economy moving again, as part of the New Deal. Schumer on "those little tiny, yes, porky amendments": "The American people really don't care."
  • For all these advantages, this particular intersection is boondoggled by two problems: Waldo Jaquith - Bad urban planning: Curved intersections.
  • The United States has not embarked upon its formidable program of space exploration in order to make or perpetuate a gigantic astronautic boondoggle. The Practical Values of Space Exploration Report of the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives, Eighty-Sixth Congress, Second Session
  • The senator called the new highways proposal "...a fraud and a boondoggle that the taxpayer should not tolerate".
  • The Oregonian is right on the case now -- painting Fireman Randy, whose bullying conduct has been nothing short of venal, as the "profile in courage" on the Paulson boondoggle. Fish and Fritz -- finally, somebody down there gets it (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Hopefully you can boondoggle your way till the end of the day.
  • China’s huge investment in high-speed rail may be instructive to the United States, whether for proponents of federal rail investments or critics who consider bullet trains a boondoggle.
  • But in the view of serious energy policy experts, the project bears all the hallmarks of a boondoggle.
  • The best way to make sure that a vast stimulus package doesn't turn into a federal boondoggle bonanza is for that money to go directly to private citizens and local governments.
  • That's why they spend time and effort on sales meetings and incentive trips and recognition programs -- things that people like me, once upon a time often mis-characterize as boondoggles. Gary Rich: Why Is Your Entire Sales Force in Vegas?
  • The governor has become Santa Claus for every legislator with visions of boondoggles dancing in their heads.
  • `Sweeties I'll read as slow as I can though to try and boondoggle my time" she said. RANDOM ACTS OF SENSELESS VIOLENCE
  • They were all boondoggled by her big talk.
  • In keeping with recent elephantine overruns that render the Space Station Alpha a useless floating boondoggle in the sky, each NASA shuttle launch costs over $400 million.
  • It's an absolute boondoggle, but I'm bringing it back.
  • They were all boondoggled by her big talk.
  • O'Connell's record of embezzlement, contractor boondoggles, handpicked mayors and election theft is both exalted and execrated in the novels' vivid fictional composites. Corruption on the Hudson
  • She has thrown money into the district, until recently when Garcetti finally clamped down and the council finally gave each district a certain allocation, she was one of the worst in taking money for "hann giveaways" really campaign boondoggles in her SLA district. Janice Hahn Jumps the Gun?
  • The PQ was especially given to swallowing corporate dogma whole, as evidenced by their mammoth funding of the short-lived ‘multimedia boom’ and other boondoggles.
  • ** It was a markedly different discussion from when Pat Cadigan spoke at my Science Fiction course at UC Santa Cruz, when the boondoggled Cadigan was sabotaged with a bunch of unintelligible academic-theory questions about the implications of Lacan and Freud in her identity-bender work. A Paparazzo at the LA Festival of Books
  • This has been a boondoggle and a PR sham that pays utilities to build more dirty plants while claiming to be coming clean.
  • `Sweeties I'll read as slow as I can though to try and boondoggle my time" she said. RANDOM ACTS OF SENSELESS VIOLENCE
  • Will the blackout prove to be a boon or a boondoggle for business owners?
  • Another boondoggle for the rich to jet somewhere exotic to gush over their concern for the poor.
  • Republicans called the plan a boondoggle and a drain on federal highway funds.
  • They aren't "boondoggles," as they facilitate connecting the West Sound labor market with Seattle jobs. Sound Politics: Fractured Ferry Tale
  • Walker, a Republican, vowed during the campaign to stop the train which he called a boondoggle and waste of taxpayer money. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Another boondoggle for the rich to jet somewhere exotic to gush over their concern for the poor.
  • On Thursday, Florida Rep. John L. Mica R said that he sought to broker a deal that would have allowed private investors into the Florida rail proposal as a hedge against overruns but that Scott could not be persuaded to support what he called a "boondoggle. Dollars from Florida's high-speed rail project up for grabs
  • But to interview, over five years, 425 people, some of them scarcely or not at all relevant to the ostensible topic, smells of academic boondoggle to me.
  • This boondoggle is too power grabbing and too expensive to provide coverage for a small percentage of the public. Obama challenges reform detractors to explain themselves
  • Private healthcare is a huge boondoggle for insurance companies and related industries who have enormous influence over both political parties.
  • He is a trusted member of the CEO brotherhood, and he never met a military boondoggle he wouldn't hug.
  • As you may guess I am no fan of corporate-welfare boondoggles, but I hope that the provision to extend Daylight Savings Time survives to become law.
  • That's the time-off we manage to squeeze in during the business boondoggles to the Caribbean, or the hours not spent checking in via e-mail or cell phone.
  • Aren't these live horseracing broadcasts boondoggles?
  • The road improvement scheme was a gigantic boondoggle.
  • Now hopelessly swamped in scandal and corruption, high taxes, firearms boondoggle, sponsorship scandal, etc, they are again using bribery as their last resort.
  • The supervisors' broadband/cable/phone proposal is a more straightforward boondoggle, involving massive new pipe laying during a sewer dig.
  • The road improvement scheme was a gigantic boondoggle.
  • Governments, if allowed, will continue to boondoggle along unless there are lawful reforms in place to prevent it.
  • We are now known as the boodle or boondoggle city. The Chicago Picasso.
  • Their license area continues to be under attack as a political or ethnic boondoggle.
  • A boondoggle that will evaporate when fuel gets back $4+/gal is a poor use. Matthew Yglesias » The Highways We Don’t Need
  • They missed a few but did better avoiding wasteful projects than FDR and the New Dealers in the era when the term boondoggle was coined. THE PROMISE
  • His official budget even featured a photo of a wind-powered ice sled - an example of the alleged boondoggles he said he would no longer tolerate.
  • I don't know why it has taken so many years for such an oversight to begin, but we Americans need to ensure that some two hundred hearings are held annually and get back every last penny of the billions boondoggled out of U.S. taxpayers over the past decade or so. POGO-The Project on Government Oversight Needs More Support and Awareness-as do federal whistle-blowers
  • The "horrible mistake" actually would have been for UF to honor Jeb! after he systematically dismantled higher education in Florida and turned it from a solidly functioning organization into a politically motivated, bureaucratically-boondoggled trainwreck ... not to mention his destruction of K-12 education through his cheerleading of the FCAT standardized test, the "grading" of schools, and the implementation of a voucher program. Today's Daily Schadenfreude
  • He probably ends up working on some military boondoggle somewhere.
  • Broadcast and telecom monopolists' message comes in loud and clear for boondoggled employees.
  • If people were actually aware of how they're being boondoggled, we might get somewhere.
  • A system so boondoggled in the confounding complexity that it is near inscrutable? The Politics of Politics
  • The senator called the new highways proposal "...a fraud and a boondoggle that the taxpayer should not tolerate".
  • Sam knew how to prevent an opportunity like this from turning into a boondoggle for some official's family and friends.
  • A committee of Democrat-appointed puppets to weed out all those pecky anti-tax, anti-spending, and anti-boondoggle initiatives. Sound Politics: These legislators mustn't have a very high opinion of their voters
  • The program is incorrigible; once a boondoggle, always a boondoggle.
  • LaHood gave Scott a reprieve until the end of this week to make a final decision on the funding, which would go toward a high-speed rail line between Tampa and Orlando; Scott last week renewed his criticism of the project, calling high-speed rail "a federal boondoggle. Northeastern senators make play for high-speed rail funds rejected by Florida
  • We should be funding our buses through the taxes we're already paying for Sound Transit (buses are a more effective and efficient form of transportation than overpriced train boondoggles) Sound Politics: Endorsements!
  • But guess whom they blame for the whole boondoggle?
  • I boondoggle, I dilly-dally, I hang fire; but now it's time, I delay no longer.
  • Some of the Republican governors attending the first big postinaugural evening soiree were harsh critics of the president’s boondoggle stimulus plan, going so far as to refuse to accept the funds. The Obama Diaries
  • The Rangers are still paying the San Diego Padres for taking that boondoggle off their hands.

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