How To Use Booby prize In A Sentence
Graham and the team have now been presented with a wooden spoon booby prize for their efforts.
The booby prize was awarded to the worst singer in the competition.
The ceremony also includes the dreaded Golden Bull booby prizes for the year's most baffling gobbledygook.
The booby prize was awarded to the worst singer in the competition.
While a lucky few on Cross's Christmas list score a shiny, new VHS player, the bulk of them receive the ultimate in booby prizes: a network-branded bath towel.
Going To The Movies With Hollywood’s Crappiest Christmas Gifts » MTV Movies Blog

Peer Steinbr ü ck , the German finance minister , a special booby prize for premature triumphalism.
This Saturday's game - and we can leave Italy out of any Six Nations equation - is a race for the also-rans, the contest for an elliptical wooden utensil, the championship's booby prize.