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  1. slender silvery marine fish found in tropical mud flats and mangrove lagoons

How To Use bonefish In A Sentence

  • (We don't have bonefish where I come from in Canada, and the first time David asked me to join him on one such trip, I worried that "bonefishing" was code for something else.) Best and Brightest
  • She was staring up at Thorn's corkboard collection of bonefish flies with a defiant clench in her jaw. BLACKWATER SOUND
  • The two-storey white stucco lodge with yellow trim and shaded by a beautiful almond tree is situated a good bonefish cast from the warm waters of the Middle Bight, situated on the east coast of Andros island.
  • But once out there, it's not unusual to see spotted rays or even nurse sharks cruising along a 2,000-foot wall, or for anglers to hook bonefish, tarpon, or snook.
  • Of course, it's not only bonefish that like to eat shrimp-like concoctions of fur and feather.
  • But there's something about bonefishing that I think is an ultimate challenge for a fly angler. Name the Mystery Island
  • The senator fell into step beside me while some of Bonefish's smaller children followed at a safe distance.
  • The recorded slow arch and collapse of waves on a coral island while bonefishing would be one example. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes | No | Report from joey wrote 1 year 9 weeks ago haha, i don't turn my nose up at permit, i like to fish for them. i just think 'permit fever' is all psychological, something generated from the pages of magazines. they are a great sport fish, but far from god's greatest gift. there are only a handful of people who target permit anywhere in the overall scheme of saltwater fishing, they are frequently encountered while pursuing other fish such as tarpon or bonefish, and in only certain parts of south florida that i don't think they contribute much to the overall numbers, that's all i was saying. Anybody Want Some Grilled Permit?
  • And surrounding it all were some of the most productive bonefishing waters in the world. The Disappearance of Stanley Bain
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