How To Use bog whortleberry In A Sentence
- Bog whortleberry (or bog bilberry – '' Vaccinium uliginosum ''), lingonberry, and mountain crowberry showed increases in leaf ice nucleation temperature exceeding 2.5 °C whereas bilberry showed no significant effect, as in another study [99]. Phenotypic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation
- In contrast, K. Taulavuori et al. [115], found decreased frost resistance in bilberry in response to elevated UV-B radiation levels and Beerling et al. [116] showed decreased frost resistance in bog whortleberry, lingonberry, and mountain crowberry. Phenotypic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation
- Mountain crowberry and lingonberry showed no responses to enhanced UV-B radiation levels after seven years of exposure whereas bog whortleberry and bilberry showed few responses (Table 7.6). Phenotypic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation