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[ US /ˈbeɪm, ˈboʊm/ ]
  1. German mystic and theosophist who founded modern theosophy; influenced George Fox (1575-1624)

How To Use Boehme In A Sentence

  • Yes | No | Report from Ronald Boehme wrote 22 weeks 1 day ago What kind of bird dog should I get?
  • Boehmer left the Marine Corps and joined Hobart in its machine shop, where he learned on the job how to become a machinist and a toolmaker.
  • Boehme acquired a vocabulary of alchemistical terms which he was always labouring to turn to spiritual meaning, but which always baffled him. Spiritual Reformers in the 16th & 17th Centuries
  • Boehme is president of the PN-G HOSA club, which sponsors the event. HOSA dress delivery
  • ramie" is but a variety (_tenacissima_) of _Boehmeria nivea_. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 22 of 55 1625-29 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing t
  • “All of us in Saxony-Anhalt are put to shame by this,” Wolfgang Boehmer, premier of Saxony-Anhalt, told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung daily on Friday. Think Progress » ThinkFast PM: July 7, 2006
  • In vegetation so dense it was sometimes impossible to find the ground, we collected wild begonias and salvias, delicate ferns and oxalis, boehmerias and at least three unknown plants, a new species of Dalbergia, a new Centropogon with a brilliant red corolla, and an exquisite aroid later named for Tim, Caladium plowmanii. One River
  • Boehme, which is worked out in the suggestive little book, _The Mystery of Pain_, by James Hinton. Mysticism in English Literature
  • Mike Boehme, director of the Virginia Aviation Museum, said neither assertion is true. Heroes or Villains?
  • Although he writes less in the tradition of Boehme than that of Epictetus and Seneca, Schopenhauer echoes The Melancholic Gift: Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Fiction
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