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body structure

  1. a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing and its construction and arrangement
    he has good bone structure

How To Use body structure In A Sentence

  • This lizard's flattened body structure and spraddled gait make this animal perfectly adapted for living in rock piles.
  • Small sea organisms bind these marine minerals into their body structures, which then fall to the ocean floor upon their death.
  • The body structure and panels are made of carbon-fiber and the powertrain is the same adopted on the Gallardo. Lamborghini Insecta Concept
  • Tawa is a very good example of a fossil that fills in what we call a morphological gap," says Nesbitt, referring to a gap in knowledge about how morphology, or body structures, changed over time, a result of the incomplete nature of the fossil record. Media Newswire
  • To meet the durability requirements, you would have to rework the underbody structure and make changes to accept an independent rear suspension.
  • They are important for the majority of metabolic processes and for the building of body structure. The Medicine Chest - your family's guide to prescription drugs
  • Urodele amphibians such as newts and axolotls show a remarkable capacity for regenerating body structures such as tails, limbs, jaws, and the lens of the eye.
  • A stiffer unibody structure serves as the chassis foundation, with a double-wishbone suspension in front and multilink system in the rear.
  • For these vehicles, Marando says the trend is toward body-integrated-frame construction, where frame elements are integrated into a unitized body structure.
  • Homeobox genes play a key role in the morphogenesis of segmental body structures along the primary anterior-posterior body axis including the genitourinary system. Urology Division Research
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