How To Use Body fluid In A Sentence
The water vascular system is not filled with seawater as in sea stars and urchins, but rather with a special body fluid.
Lyssavirus is found naturally among chiropteran and carnivoran mammals and is spread by the exchange of body fluids.
A tremendous amount of work is necessary to redesign surgical sharps and procedures so that exposure to blood and body fluid is reduced significantly during surgery.
As to the remedy for the symptoms after they have appeared, satisfactory results have been obtained by replacing the sufferers in a compressed air chamber ( "recompression"), when the gas is again dissolved by the body fluids, and then slowly
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
This paper summarized the body fluid balance change which showing the dehydration and natriuresis at altitude or under hypoxia exposure.

These are released into the blood or other body fluids long before symptoms show.
The Sun
Yet here they too were mummified by natural means, as corrosive body fluids drained away into the same hot dry sand which desiccated and preserved their skin, hair and nails.
Condoms work by preventing contact between body fluids which carry sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.
The virus usually causes severely matted eyes, runny noses and pneumonia, spreading from animal to animal through direct contact with body fluids or by scratching, clawing or biting.
Immunology Laboratory: tissue biopsies, body fluids, bone marrow aspirate, and peripheral blood for flow cytometry for leukemia, lymphoma, ALPS (autoimmune lymphoproliferative disorder), and DHR (chronic granulomatous disease).
After the birth of a child with congenital malformations, one way of looking for the cause is by testing the father's body fluids for organic solvents.
The disease can spread on contact with body fluids such as blood, urine, excrement, vomit and saliva.
The salts of sodium and potassium are the main providers of the osmotic strength of body fluids.
There, the salt acts as a magnet, drawing water by osmosis from the blood and other body fluids up through the glands.
Some of the general measures include: avoiding unclean food and water, washing hands thoroughly after using the toilet or contact with body fluids.
Certain standards were well met, but still much potential for improvement in key procedures such as handwashing, use of isolation, and clearing up of excreta and other body fluids.
It plays a vital role in regulating many bodily functions and is contained in body fluids, which transport oxygen and nutrients.
If the drug concentrations in plasma or other body fluids decrease mono-exponentially in time, absorption is apparently absent or very fast.
Alternate methods of diagnosing pneumococcal disease are based on the detection of bacterial antigens in body fluids.
They say that the increased risk might be associated with toxigenic species of bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, which grow well in body fluids that contaminate mattresses.
Most of the leeches found in our lakes are parasites feeding on the body fluids of fish.
Objective: To improve a GC/MS method for simultaneous determination of amphetamine, methamphetamine and 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine(MDMA) in body fluid and tissue.
Samples of body fluids should be obtained including blood and urine toxicology screenings, as well as gastric lavage samples if appropriate.
For a monarch caterpillar, ingesting milkweed poisons is not a surefire defense against a predatory stinkbug, which harpoons its victims before sucking up the body fluids.
Students modeled the spread of disease within a population by sharing simulated "body fluids" using pipettes.
The damage which the disease-producing microorganisms cause, namely, is conditioned by the poisons which these organisms produce and which are distributed by the body fluids.
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1908 - Presentation Speech
This antibody is found in body fluids such as tears, saliva, and other bodily secretions.
The regulation of body fluid and the constancy of the internal environment is the primary role of the kidneys.
These materials include all body fluids, secretions, and excretions except sweat, regardless of whether they contain visible blood, mucous membranes, and nonintact skin.
In so far, however, as the diseased function of the living body elements is, in the main, conditioned by the incorrect mixture of body fluids, I find the linguistic inconsistency of the use of the word humoral pathology no worse than if one speaks of pathological anatomy, although the subject matter of this discipline concerns cadaver anatomy and cannot really be attributed to cadavers.
Emil von Behring - Nobel Lecture
The ions in motion are those chemical ions in body fluids and present within body cells.
Let me try to put this as delicately as I can out of respect to my female readers ... but some women have been known to willingly "ingest" a certain dubious "body fluid" made by men, during moments of
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Materials used for surgical gowns and drapes should be resistant to penetration by blood and other body fluids as necessitated by their intended use.
As I was walking down the corridor one day with my chief, we came upon a pool of brownish mucoid liquid on the floor, perhaps vomitus, incontinent stool, or some other body fluid.
Pomegranate: The pomegranate - temperature acid Sweet living body fluid, only the role of polydipsia.
Prey is immobilized by special structures called rhabdoids which enable the turbellarian to swallow the prey whole, in pieces or suck the body fluids out of it.
A biohazard warning reminding personnel that blood and body fluids are potentially infectious was placed near the soap dispenser at each scrub sink.
Therefore, hepatitis B represents a significant occupational hazard to all workers who have contact with blood or body fluids.
Sodium may have a bad rep, but it's essential for regulating body fluids and blood pressure as well as for nerve transmission, muscle function and absorption of important nutrients.
However, Hepatitis B is easily transmitted by contact with blood and other body fluids.
In December 1997, a technician at Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center was splashed in the eye with body fluid from a monkey infected with Herpes B; she died six weeks later as a result.
Distance learning can help fill a void in various specialty areas such as mycology, parasitology, and body fluids.
Other monitors may be used to keep track of your heart rate, circulation, blood pressure, temperature, body fluid balance and other bodily functions.
Women, except for the rare instances of societal matriarchies, have been perceived as inferior in intelligence, inadequate in controlling their body fluids, and predominantly sexually moronic.
The disease can spread on contact with body fluids such as blood, urine, excrement, vomit and saliva.
As I was walking down the corridor one day with my chief, we came upon a pool of brownish mucoid liquid on the floor, perhaps vomitus, incontinent stool, or some other body fluid.
In other words the electronic odour sensor can detect the presence of bacteria in a sample of urine or other body fluids.
They should be worn when the worker will come in contact with blood, body fluids, secretions and excretions, or with items that have been contaminated with these fluids.
The word "homeostatic," adopted in cybernetics for feedback systems in general, originated in 1920s human physiology to name self-regulation of body fluids, digestion, and metabolism. [
Minding the Brain
Creatures that succumbed didn't rot; the dry heat drained their body fluids and mummified them.
One cannot overlook the conceptual congruity between the concepts of damp stagnation (defined as pathological body fluids clogging the organs and channels) and peripheral tissue resistance, due to obesity.
Detectives later confirmed that the stains had been caused by body fluids.
By replacing body fluids with transparent plastic, plastination maintains the natural shape and color of dissected tissues.
Clothing and sheets soiled with blood and other body fluids should be washed in a machine at a high temperature setting.
The hepatitis B antigen is found in blood, saliva, urine, semen, vaginal secretions and possibly other body fluids.
What I didn't see were drunks, body fluids, punch-ups and verbal abuse.
They are also regulatory organs, controlling the volume and the composition of the body fluids and maintaining the correct osmolality, ion concentrations, and acid - base status of the body.
There is evidence that both infectious and Serum hepatitis may be transmitted by faeces , urine, blood and other body fluids such as ascitic fluid.
The dogs are trained to find blood-stained weapons, clothing and property, miniscule traces of blood and body fluid.
Avoid direct contact with the carcass, blood and body fluid discharged from the dead bird.
Protect existing wounds, skin rashes or lesions, conjunctivae and mucosal surfaces from all blood and body fluids.
The mite is just visible to the naked eye and feeds on honey bees and their grubs by sucking their body fluids.
As long as there is active diphtheria poison in the body fluids, then a dyscrasia exists.
Emil von Behring - Nobel Lecture
Objective: To improve a GC/MS method for simultaneous determination of amphetamine, methamphetamine and 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine(MDMA) in body fluid and tissue.
The garment was taped for fibres and hairs and screened for body fluids, such as blood, semen and saliva.
We have identified the psychosomatic traits in modern medicine linked to the reversible unbalance of qi, blood, and body fluid in ill-health.
Sea spiders and sea lice have a cavity of body fluid as salty as the sea itself.
By replacing body fluids with transparent plastic, plastination maintains the natural shape and color of dissected tissues.
The mobility of electrons is influenced by cellular metabolism and the concentration of charged particles suspended in body fluid.
The bakery owners later gave up their lease after it emerged that the liquid had in fact been body fluids from the two men.
In December 1997, a technician at Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center was splashed in the eye with body fluid from a monkey infected with Herpes B; she died six weeks later as a result.
HIV is a lethal contagious disease spread by contact with blood and body fluids.
Take your time, and avoid spillages of blood or body fluids.
These are released into the blood or other body fluids long before symptoms show.
The Sun
It attaches to fish with its mouth, rasps through scales and skin with its tongue, and feeds on the body fluids of the host fish, often killing it.
There are numerous straight-on shots of heads crowning, with subsequent gushes of body fluids, including blood.
The detoxicating process acts exclusively in the body fluids, in the blood, in the lymphs and in the pericellular lymphatic areas.
Emil von Behring - Nobel Lecture
Immunology Laboratory: tissue biopsies, body fluids, bone marrow aspirate, and peripheral blood for flow cytometry for leukemia, lymphoma, ALPS (autoimmune lymphoproliferative disorder), and DHR (chronic granulomatous disease).
The virus is spread by body fluids, such as saliva and blood.
Times, Sunday Times
Hospital transmission occurs through inadequate infection control measures. Strict isolation of cases and procedures for handling body fluids and excreta must be maintained.
If production of one or other predominates, then body fluids tend to become acid or alkaline.
The HIV virus is transmitted though body fluids, during sexual intercourse.
When these small sachets containing a mixture of sugar and salt are dissolved in water they are quite simply a lifesaver for children who have lost vital body fluids.
If qi fails to attach to body fluid , qi - deficiency and even qi prostration will ensue.
After inactivation of the diphtheria poison, or in other words after the detoxication of the body fluids by the addition of diphtheria antitoxin, the dyscrasia is overcome; in its place appears, so to say, a eucrasia.
Emil von Behring - Nobel Lecture
Avoid direct contact with the carcass, blood and body fluid discharged from the dead bird.
We believe that the results of analysis of body fluids and laboratory experiments are obvious.
If qi fails to attach to body fluid , qi - deficiency and even qi prostration will ensue.
The salt water is called an isotonic solution because it is a nonirritating mixture with the same saltiness as your body fluids.
If your child is dehydrated, it is important to replace lost body fluids right away.
When body fluids become concentrated, more antidiuretic hormone is released from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, and acts in the kidneys to promote retention of water.
When the pressure on the patient side is higher than at the insufflator connecting point, body fluid or gas is allowed to flow up the trocar cannula through the insufflation tubing and into the insufflator.
Rotate the bezel of Gerber's stubby RECON LED light, and you get red light for preserving night vision, blue for detecting blood and body fluids, soft white for general use, and green for topo map reading.
The main benefit from drinking toast water would, however, be the replacement of body fluids.
Natrium sulphate (6cH) is a biochemic tissue salt also known as the 'cell cleanser' and also helps to maintain balance in all body fluids.
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In the early days of DNA testing, samples had to be over a certain size for scientists to work with them, but now the smallest trace of body fluid or even skin flakes can provide a profile.