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board foot

  1. the volume of a piece of wood 1 foot square and 1 inch thick

How To Use board foot In A Sentence

  • But I'm not too good at it, I know none of the pieces to the end, and I also have no pedalboard foot-keyboard, so I play a 'handicaped' version, except for BWV 913, which is one of the harpsichord toccata's of the Angela Hewitt CD mentioned above, and thus 'hands only'. Music While Painting
  • Although the moves performed by the Z-boys were revolutionary at the time and definitely paved the way for modern skating, the skateboard footage does get a bit tiresome after a while.
  • Every board foot of reclaimed wood used in construction is a bourd foot of wood that is not harvested from a forest. LORAX’S “GREENEST HOUSE IN SAN FRANCISCO” | Inhabitat
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