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  1. a very fast American hound; white mottled with bluish grey

How To Use bluetick In A Sentence

  • Westminster will welcome six more breeds next year, including the bluetick coonhound, best known to sports fans as the Smokey mascot at the University of Tennessee. Sadie The Scottish Terrier Wins Westminster Dog Show; Protesters Disrupt Events (PHOTOS)
  • That had to be more than sixty years ago now, but in her dream, her bluetick hound had been alive once more, bringing the grubby sand-covered tennis ball back to her time and again so she could throw it. TRIAL BY FIRE
  • DNA analysis showed Loogie to be a bluetick-spitz mix. Report from Week 895
  • The bluetick is a "redshirt freshman" and needs a year to qualify in local competitions, Brandon Sun Online - Top Stories
  • I have a bluetick/beagle mix named Sam and he can't seem to help himself sometimes and just takes off after cats, squirrels, racoons, you name it. What Would You Do?
  • Six breeds Cane Corso, Leonberger, Icelandic sheepdog, Bluetick coonhound, Redbone coonhound and Boykin spaniel are entered for the first time. Old dog show Westminster learns new tricks
  • It was a place where gray mists hid the tops of low, deep-green mountains, where redbone and bluetick hounds flashed through the pines as they chased possums into the sacks of old men in frayed overalls, where old women in bonnets dipped Bruton snuff and hummed "Faded Love and Winter Roses" as they shelled purple hulls, canned peaches and made biscuits too good for this world. Excerpt: All Over But The Shoutin' by Rick Bragg
  • DNA analysis showed Loogie to be a bluetick-spitz mix. Report from Week 895
  • It begins with Pepper's theft of a bluetick coonhound from the leader of an outlaw biker gang. The Fractal Murders: The Story Behind the Story
  • She refuses to cooperate unless she can get her dog, a bluetick coonhound, from Bugg, so her attorney hires Pepper to steal the dog. The Fractal Murders: The Story Behind the Story
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