- flesh of very large tuna
- largest tuna; to 1500 pounds; of mostly temperate seas: feed in polar regions but breed in tropics
How To Use bluefin tuna In A Sentence
- Big fish - like swordfish and bluefin tuna - are attracted to fronts where cold and warm waters meet.
- Schools of true giant bluefin tuna also swam past these rock ledges and although many were hooked, none were ever landed, although in 1973 the national record of 384 kgs was landed from a boat in the same bay.
- Evidence: Atlantic bluefin tuna stocks have fallen below 15% of their historic levels. Biodiversity 100: actions for Asia
- The tagging data are providing new insights into the seasonal movements, diel thermal body temperature cycles, feeding energetics and habitat utilization of Pacific bluefin tuna.
- Chefs like Baggett put the lie to claims by Japanese sushi-industry lobbyists that eating endangered bluefin tuna is essential to Japanese culture. American Sushi
- We have reported that western-tagged Atlantic bluefin tuna are mixing on their feeding grounds but potentially sorting to distinct spawning grounds in the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern Mediterranean.
- Increased understanding of the migration patterns and level of mixing between the two stocks is crucial to improving the management and conservation of Atlantic bluefin tuna.
- Or responsible countries that maintain and invest in the bluefin tuna population should be exempt from international regulations like this. what's new online!
- Here swim the schools of yellowfin and bluefin tuna.
- Japan should change its stance on bluefin tuna conservation and support a ban on international trade. Biodiversity 100: actions for Asia