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How To Use Blue-gray In A Sentence

  • The underwings are white with a band of blue-gray.
  • A rainbow of darts shoots through the limbs - a capeful of purple finch, three blue-gray gnatcatchers, a pair of cedar waxwings, and countless ruby-crowned kinglets.
  • You could even include questions about tints and shades like pink and maroon, and a question about low intensity, such as blue-gray.
  • He returned an interception for a touchdown in the Blue-Gray game and also played well in the Senior Bowl.
  • The night's rare disappointment was Pablo Picasso's "Instruments de musique sur un gueridon," a blue-gray Cubist work painted just after the outbreak of World War I that was priced to sell for at least $32 million but stalled at $26.9 million after lackluster bidding. Art World's Stimulus Package:
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  • Most of these specimens exhibit crystals that are cubic in habit; however, octahedra of both blue-gray and medium green have also been common.
  • The crane has light to dark blue-gray plumage and a crimson cap at the back of its crown.
  • The blue-gray smoke of cigars thickened the already thick air.
  • The blue tint of the bharals makes them almost invisible against the background of blue-grayish rock that is typical within their habitat.
  • A punch biopsy at the border of the lesion is necessary to rule out melanosis secondary to malignant melanoma that manifests as a generalized blue-gray skin discoloration.
  • The blue-gray smoke of cigars thickened the already thick air.
  • Crab fossils were found within the lowest portion of the exposed Bahariya Formation in a blue-gray indurated shale.
  • Each prisoner is dressed in identical blue-gray, long-sleeved shirts and dark pant and up to 16 U. S. POWs are seen.
  • Highlights of the collection include Pablo Picasso's "Instruments de musique sur un gueridon," a blue-gray Cubist work painted just after the outbreak of World War I that is estimated to sell for at least $38.8 million. The Art World's Last Hurrah?
  • If you look at all the other stuff called 'Blue-Gray,' this was the grandfather of all the other Blue-Gray things in town," said Durden Dean, the president before Kyser, who has had his title frozen by the association since 2005. - Go
  • Physical examination revealed a blue-gray hyperpigmentation of the forehead, cheeks, nose, malar regions and chin.
  • We were pleased to come up with two beauties we haven't seen since we started birding, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and American Redstart.
  • Most of these specimens exhibit crystals that are cubic in habit; however, octahedra of both blue-gray and medium green have also been common.
  • A painting I love will be at Galerie Jean-François Heim of Paris—Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot's "The Velino above the Cascade of Terni" (1826), a whirl of blue-gray water rushing with life (€330,000). In With the Old in Paris
  • Sante Maure, also French in origin, is an aged goat's milk cheese, or chevre, with a nutty flavor and aroma and a thin, smooth, blue-gray molding. Making merry in May: Mexico's National Cheese and Wine Festival
  • The crane has light to dark blue-gray plumage and a crimson cap at the back of its crown.
  • The most abundant breeding birds include the cardinal, tufted titmouse, wood thrush, summer tanager, red-eyed vireo, blue-gray gnatcatcher, and Carolina wren. Eastern Broadleaf Forest (Oceanic) Province (Bailey)
  • Some of the best bornite specimens consist of plates of 5-mm blue-gray crystals upon which are perched large, complex chalcopyrite crystals.
  • The only thing the hucksters donit claim colloidal silver can treat is argyria, an irreversible blue-gray skin condition caused by the ingestion of silver. - Boing Boing
  • It was my good fortune to find a nest on a copsy hilltop, where the bird's madrigals and lullabies mingled with those of the yellow-breasted chats, the indigo buntings, the blue-gray gnat catchers, and the Kentucky warblers. Our Bird Comrades
  • His necktie was the blue-gray of a November sky, and its knot was plainly the outcome of The Voice of the City: Further Stories of the Four Million
  • Her long black hair was tied back in a thick braid, and her blue-gray eyes gazed into mine with a mixture of wisdom, kindness, and nobility.
  • On the blue-gray waters of Lake Edward, where the eastern fringe of Congo blends into Uganda, Byanmongo Matabishi, a fisherman from the Congolese village of Vitshumbi, stands on a pirogue and shakes his head. As Go the Hippos …
  • An altostratus cloud usually covers the whole sky and has a gray or blue-gray appearance.
  • She had curly chestnut brown hair, blue-gray eyes, stood 5'8, and had long slim legs that guys drooled over.
  • The crane has light to dark blue-gray plumage and a crimson cap at the back of its crown.
  • Her shoulder-length jet-black hair glittered in the sunlight as did her blue-gray eyes.
  • Her eyes, a startling blue-gray danced and twinkled in the light streaming in from tall, elegant windows framed with green marble columns topped by gold-painted fluting.

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