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[ US /ˈbɫumˌfiɫd/ ]
  1. United States linguist who adopted a behavioristic approach to linguistics (1887-1949)

How To Use Bloomfield In A Sentence

  • This volume included valuable bibliographical essays by B.C. Bloomfield and by Bruce Graver, as well as discussions that set Introduction: Tim Fulford
  • Robert Bloomfield: I understand the basis for criticizing the law, but cyberbullying is worth worrying about. The Volokh Conspiracy » Louisiana Bill Would Outlaw Insulting an Under-17-Year-Old By E-Mail
  • Robert Bloomfield was a name unknown to us and to the world; and amid the volumes of insipidity which it is our lot to examine, we were delighted to meet with excellence that we had not expected. Critical Review, 35 (May 1802), 67–75
  • Horton, Mr: Bloomfield's landlord and employer when he lived in lodgings, working as a shoemaker, in Index of People
  • Burial will be in the IOOF Cemetery in Bloomfield. The Ottumwa Courier Homepage
  • Bloomfield has been grievously afflicted of late with a lumbago which disables him from taking such exercise as his constitution requires. Letter 84
  • [1] Clubbe's translation of The Farmer's Boy, entitled Agricolæ puer, poema Roberti Bloomfield celeberrimum; in versus latinos redditum. Letter 145
  • A Victorian hand painted pottery oil-lamp, without a shade, attracted some enthusiastic bidding at Bloomfields to sell at £510.
  • Bloomfield, George (1758 – 1831): Bloomfield's shoemaker brother, who cared for the young Robert in London and latterly, living in Bury St. Edmunds, was responsible for introducing The Farmer's Boy to Lofft. Index of People
  • [3] This verse-debate about war springs from the differing sentiments expressed in Nathaniel Bloomfield's 'Essay on War', published in An Essay on War, in Blank Verse; Honington Green, a Letter 238
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