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How To Use Bloodstain In A Sentence

  • Ultimately, the only recognition Railton received was to see the bloodstained Union Jack he had used as a pall for temporary burials lowered over the coffin of the Unknown Warrior in the Abbey.
  • Groggy from lack of sleep, I emerged from my building the next morning and looked for bloodstains on the sidewalk.
  • I touched a bloodstain and it left a dark crust on my finger. SILENT JOE
  • The cave was empty and no bloodstains could be seen anywhere.
  • There's also a cell lined with sound-proofing pads, on which fading bloodstains are visible.
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  • The DNA profile of the bloodstain found on a bedsheet was the same as Muntik Bani's, the Indonesian maid who died from abuse in October last year, the High Court was told. Nst online
  • I just remember Cortez ordering his cannon to fire and the Spaniards marching around the bloodstained teocallis and little else.
  • Specially not a heavenly pascha with such bloodstained hands as the biblical one. Evolution and Liberal Christianity
  • I needed my darkness, my scars and my bloodstains to feel like I mattered. Bryan Fenkart: To Be or Not to Be... Just Like Everyone Else
  • Nearby was the abandoned heavily bloodstained get-away car.
  • Even more conveniently, the left has the right's history of racism, the bloodstain on its nightshirt, onto which we can cathect all our hostilities in one easy swing. Nancy Wadsworth: Down with Demonology: The Left Can Do Better
  • [FN#214] This "diapedesis" of bloodstained tears is frequently mentioned in The Nights; and the "Bloody Sweat" is well-known by name. Arabian nights. English
  • Police found bloodstains on her jacket.
  • It was the worst mass murder in Juárez in years, Cardona says as I gaze at the flickering votives, the bloodstains and bullet holes framing the picture of Christ. The Fall of Mexico
  • A bloodstained tree marks a leopard ‘canteen’ and the diner could be lurking in any of the many caves above us.
  • a bloodstained shirt
  • In so doing he revealed what to his experienced eye was a large bloodstain on the carpet. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • University officials were unable to completely wash the bloodstain from the floor, so they covered the area with tile. 3 guys and a video show life isn't all about bombs
  • The election alliance led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki -- whose administration has been backed by Washington -- called the court decision "bloodstained" by allowing suspected Saddam loyalists back into the political fold. Headlines
  • He entered it and discovered a golden idol crusted with red jewels, which he called the bloodstained god. Conan of Cimmeria
  • The election alliance led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki - whose administration has been backed by Washington - called the court decision "bloodstained" by allowing suspected Saddam loyalists back into the political fold. - News
  • Even in the middle of their bloodstained feudal period, in the year 597 B. C.-forty-six years before Confucius was born-Prince Chuang of the State of Ch'u, proclaimed: "The ideograph for 'prowess' is made up of the signs 'to stay' and a 'Spear' -- in other words, the cessation of hostilities. Two Thousand Years of Democracy
  • Bloodstained clothing, papers and trash were heaped everywhere.
  • Their clothes were bloodstained, armaments hanging at belts and baldrics.
  • Whoever carried out this attack would have left the scene with bloodstained clothing and we appeal to people's better nature to come forward.
  • A concrete bench on an outside terrace overlooking their garden and swimming pool was broken and there were bloodstains on the floor.
  • His lips ricked back to reveal sharp, serrated teeth still bloodstained from his earlier victim. Hellgate London Covenant
  • Afterwards they found bloodstains and knew that he was wounded. Koolau the Leper
  • He was touching the front of the coat, probing the bloodstain with his forefinger. SNOWJOB
  • There was heavy bloodstaining over the left arm. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The blast at the Sunubar Hotel sent frightened guests of the three-storey hotel running into the street, some barefooted, others with bloodstains on their clothes.
  • Bloodstained snow, heavy cloaks, blackened eyes, Indian rites, puritanical fire and brimstone and the ominous howl of vicious wolf beasts.
  • A bloodstained knife was in the flat. Times, Sunday Times
  • That same night, bloodstains, shirt buttons and cartridge cases were found on the roadside a mile from the town, where it is believed he met his killers.
  • Officers said it was unclear whether the shots were fired at a person or into the air, and there were no bloodstains found or evidence of any injuries.
  • There were also bloodstains, so I wasn't sure I would ever give it to her, but I put it in my pack anyway.
  • She alerted police, but when they arrived they found his blue Toyota Seleca empty and bloodstained.
  • There was bloodstaining and a pool of blood in an area running from the left arm of the deceased for a total distance in the order of two to three feet," said Dr Nicholas Hunt, the pathologist. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Detectives investigating the discovery of heavily bloodstained items in a car park yesterday said they belonged to a man for whom they had ‘serious concern’.
  • In cross examination, Timothy Roberts QC, for Dobson, asked him why there was no other bloodstaining on the jacket if the mark on the collar had been caused by fresh blood. WalesOnline - Home
  • = blónde female person blòodstained one word blòodthirsty one word blürred cf. cûred bŏard wooden, directors Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The result was a set of cinematic sickies so drenched in dread and bloodstained bodies that audiences couldn't help but be disturbed.
  • The floor of one classroom is marked with bloodstains.
  • Bloodstained clothing was found near the scene.
  • “I could see there was a lot of blood in the room as well as large bloodstains on the bedclothing.” Robyn Browne murder trial: update from Old Bailey, January 7
  • The crowd parted before them and they stared, unbelieving, at the three girls on the bloodstained pink marble floor.
  • I laid the body on the sheeting already on the floor, and then bundled the duvet into the washing machine and poured bleach over the bloodstains.
  • `It had crossed my mind," she replied then indicated the bloodstain on his parka. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • Saliva contains an enzyme that will decolorize blood and remove fresh bloodstains. Quilts Are Forever
  • There are suggestions that bloodstains at the scene of the shooting were cleaned away by some of the accused while the police turned the other way.
  • It was the worst mass murder in Juárez in years, Cardona says as I gaze at the flickering votives, the bloodstains and bullet holes framing the picture of Christ. The Fall of Mexico
  • We haven't found any evidence, any scorch marks or bloodstains inside the buildings, or anything like that.
  • In a communal grave so newly dug in bloodstained gorse and bracken. Never Forgotten Newsletter
  • When Boon visits the murdered woman's home, there is really no need to let us see the bloodstained floorboards.
  • He is also thought to have been heavily bloodstained. The Sun
  • Ney -- the bravest of the brave -- left alone in Russia at the last with seven hundred foreign recruits, men picked from here and there, called in from the highways and hedges to share the glory of the only Marshal who came back from Moscow with a name untarnished -- Ney and Girard, musket in hand, were the last to cross the bridge, shouting defiance at their Cossack foes, who, when they had hounded the last of the French across the frontier, flung themselves down on the bloodstained snow to rest. Barlasch of the Guard
  • This time she was an enraged lion with bloodstained paws. Times, Sunday Times
  • The killer must have been heavily bloodstained.
  • But their bloodstained clothes and injuries show they suffered terrible deaths. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are still bloodstains on the floors of the interrogation rooms.
  • Sarah screamed hysterically as she pulled on her mother's limp arm, covered with deep cuts and bloodstains.
  • I choose to believe he was merely a slob rather than inefficient enough to walk around with bloodstains from his last victim.
  • I touched a bloodstain and it left a dark crust on my finger. SILENT JOE
  • Detectives were last night hunting a bloodstained attacker after a wealthy businessman was murdered at his luxury home.
  • He was touching the front of the coat, probing the bloodstain with his forefinger. SNOWJOB
  • PHILADELPHIA — When Davida Johnson walked into Dr. Kermit Gosnell's clinic to get an abortion in 2001, she saw what she described as dazed women sitting in dirty, bloodstained recliners. Dr. Kemit Gosnell's Abortion Clinic: Women Say Abortions Left Them Sterile, Near Death
  • If haemarthrosis is not suspected but joint aspirate is bloodstained, a clotting screen is essential.
  • Citing flaws in the original trial, they obtained a court order to have the bloodstain from the sweatpants subjected to more exacting, DNA testing. After 15 years in prison, man cleared
  • She untied the bloodstained black bandana from his neck.
  • And they still drag out those photographs I took of the splashes and use them to illustrate lectures on bloodstains.
  • Scene-of-crime material (bloodstains, hairs or a vaginal swab from a rape victim) are typed and matched to a DNA sample from the suspect. Archive 2004-12-01
  • There were bloodstains on the outside of the trunk area.
  • Now that there's a Wal-Mart in my neighborhood, I could well break this resolution before I even sweep up the last shards of broken glass and bleach out the last bloodstains following my New Year's Eve party. Floyd Elliot: High Resolution
  • The mattresses and walls were covered in blood and the murder weapon, a bloodstained hedging billhook, lay abandoned.
  • This time she was an enraged lion with bloodstained paws. Times, Sunday Times
  • He still wore the bloodstained smock in which he had been arrested.
  • The police ask Sam about the bloodstains under her sink.
  • It is understood the bloodstained hammer and kitchen knife were found in a downstairs room. The Sun
  • Police also found a bloodstained hammer and black cable ties.
  • These nudities, brutally exposed, bloodstained, and in places bored with holes, attracted and detained him. Morgues in Parisian Popular Culture (1867)
  • In obvious pain and covered by bloodstained sheets, the homeless woman is one of the lucky ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is 3am and the only people on the streets are bloodstained meat porters lugging carcasses from cold-storage lorries to the butchers' aisles.
  • It is understood the bloodstained hammer and kitchen knife were found in a downstairs room. The Sun
  • When alone in the kitchen, Nora sighs and methodically starts to clean her husband's bloodstains from the counter.
  • The room had enough space for a couple of desks and chairs; one desk had bloodstains running down its side…
  • It is understood the bloodstained hammer and kitchen knife were found in a downstairs room. The Sun
  • `So high,' he said, indicating with his bloodstained hand an unfeasible two feet off the ground. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • Jason pointed down at a small bloodstain in my carpet that stood out amongst the white fabric.
  • As you pass from cell to cell you notice various spine-chilling details: the straitjackets left on the hooks; the bloodstains on the walls; the padded doors which muffled the prisoners' screams.
  • The acid slag, the automobile spare part sprint place, the chassis front part everywhere are bloodstains.
  • One can only trust that the matutinal fare provided by the proprietors is of a less homicide-provocative kind - no mutton broth - than that borne forth from Bridget Sullivan's kitchen that bloodstained Thursday morning 108 years ago.
  • The woman claimed her bloodstained clothing was the result of a severe haemorrhage but told staff not to call for medical help.
  • The oubliette is a dirty place, and fuligin doesn't show bloodstains. The Shadow of the Torturer
  • Sheik Abdullah Farjan would lead our prayers in prison," he said, referring to the videotaped image of a man who lay dead, his long silk robes bloodstained from bullet wounds. News -
  • He probably went directly to his giant corncrib full of money* to take a swim and was not a bit perturbed by the still-wet bloodstains on most of the bills. Think Progress » VIDEO: Cheney Loudly Booed During First Pitch
  • The bloodstained knife was found near by. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police found the kitchen knife used next to her bloodstained body.
  • The acid slag, the automobile spare part sprint place, the chassis front part everywhere are bloodstains.
  • ‘I changed the sheets and pillowcases, and I'm soaking the bloodstain out,’ Tara said earnestly.
  • The jury watched a police video that showed the bodies as they were found in the heavily bloodstained bedrooms. Times, Sunday Times
  • And officers hunting her killer urged people who spotted anyone with bloodstained clothes to get in touch with them.
  • She did not remember taking off a pair of bloodstained rubber gloves found in the bedroom, but recollected washing her hands in the bathroom.
  • He also helps instruct others in the science every year at his Bloodstain Evidence Institute.
  • She smiles when she spots a bloodstain where the doorstop was hidden.
  • A bloodstained note left by the couple, which suggested they might be planning to kill themselves, was found pinned to a fence nearby.
  • Does Robert Spencer really expect us to pay attention to his deliberations of whether Christians are more of a threat to free societies than so-called 'Islamic jihadists', whether the Bible and the Q'ran contain violence, to consider whether the history of Christianity or Islam is more 'bloodstained', and why he believes Christianity is a religion of peace, but Islam is not. British Blogs
  • He glanced unemphatically at my bloodstained scrubs and observed, “You were wearing gloves while doing the post.” POSTMORTEM
  • Stretcher after stretcher was being carried from the ruin, some of the white cloths covering the bodies bloodstained.
  • Very damp; and with bloodstains all down one of the long edges, lengthways, that is.’ Tour de Force
  • A bandage was wrapped around her chest, and a large bloodstain showed where her collarbone joined her breastbone.
  • There were bloodstained tissues on the bathroom floor and the lavatory bowl was blocked. Times, Sunday Times
  • He stood aside for his wife to leave, a bite-mark showing through a rip in her bloodstained sleeve.
  • On the stairs faint bloodstains are visible and their origin unknown, but there are only three choices to what caused them.
  • In four seconds, I can accurately assess almost everything about you like a crime scene investigator knows which direction the pistol was pointed from the bloodstain pattern on the wall. Teresa Strasser: Mom Profiling Is an Imperfect Science, but I Know Who You Are
  • Earlier the court heard that police found the flat had been ransacked and there were bloodstained footprints in the hall.
  • A steady morning drizzle washed away bloodstains and threatened evidence at the site of the attacks, which ripped off storefronts, shredded a bus stop and left bodies strewn in the dirt of Mumbai's crowded neighborhoods and market. India says no leads in Mumbai bomb attacks
  • Both of them, dead, and yet for him his own painful, bloodstained existence dragged slowly on.
  • In so doing he revealed what to his experienced eye was a large bloodstain on the carpet. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • But prosecutors in 1995 were aided by testimony from a forensic chemist, who said that enzyme tests showed that bloodstains found on Arrington's sweatpants were "consistent with the blood type of the victim," according to court records. After 15 years in prison, man cleared
  • He was adamant about this even though the bloodstaining showed it couldn't be true. The Jigsaw Man
  • It is not clear exactly what weapon the attacker used, but police say the wanted man is likely to have been heavily bloodstained.
  • This was to view the first showing of Nelson's bloodstained uniform.
  • The scene of bodies covered in bloodstained blankets, with debris and chunks of bodies scattered across the road, revolted bystanders.
  • Even so, the medical conclusions have been supported by forensic experts (see Asia Times Online, Berg beheading: No way, say medical experts, and at crimelibrary. com, Bloodstain analysis from the video of Nick Berg's murder). Unreliable beheadings
  • Such bloodstained enormities pass unnoticed now in a media pummelled into numbness by a government at last bereft of any moral sense or shame.
  • There was little in the way of bloodstaining, most of it confined to her neck area and down one side of her face. The Jigsaw Man
  • Rubble and bloodstained corpses were scattered across the dockside, and acrid smoke from burning oil filled the air.
  • There is no indication that Hollywood is turning over a new leaf, free of bloodstains.
  • The mattresses and walls were covered in blood and the murder weapon, a bloodstained hedging billhook, lay abandoned.
  • How was he supposed to spot something like a bloodstain, anyway?
  • She nestled her face into his chest, muffling her sobs in his bloodstained clothing.
  • Only broken furniture, busted doorways, and bloodstains.
  • I don't know how long it's going to take to heal, " said Zeng Defang, 46, touching a leg wrapped in a bloodstained bandage and swollen to three times its normal size.
  • The vehicle had been left in the isolated rural spot with its lights on and the engine running, and there were bloodstains inside.
  • In the small hours of the morning the bloodstain was an omen that foretold violence and death. Let The Dead Lie
  • His face was covered in cuts, and his clothing was also bloodstained and torn.
  • `It had crossed my mind," she replied then indicated the bloodstain on his parka. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • STOLOROW: From what I understand, the relevant stain that is being examined, or under investigation presently, is a bloodstain which is known to have come from a male. CNN Transcript Dec 26, 2006
  • He told the jury the bloodstained footprints found in the hall had a distinctive zig-zag pattern that was also found imprinted in soft soil where the killer escaped through the back garden.
  • There is no indication that Hollywood is turning over a new leaf, free of bloodstains.
  • Old bloodstains had dried into the fabric and he had been unable to wash them out.
  • There are some bloodstains on his clothes. They must be from the pig butchering.

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