How To Use blood clot In A Sentence
- She denied hemoptysis, fever, trauma, or history of blood clots in her or her family.
- An irregular heartbeat or a blood clot are suspected by the coroner. The Sun
- But when nature's protective mechanism overcompensates and precautions aren't taken, there is a danger of blood clots.
- ZUCCHINI The sight-saving plant pigment called lutein is lost in cooking; so is vitamin C. BROCCOLI Eat it raw, and you'll get a hefty helping of potent plant nutrients that lower your risk of blood clots, plus vitamin C, and an enzyme that may demolish precancerous cells. - Home Page
- She had blood clots on the lung, but when the symptoms recurred, her doctor diagnosed something completely different.
- Weeping bedsores covered his body, and his tree trunk-like legs were riddled with blood clots. The Sun
- What it sounds like, Bill, was that it was something known as a subdural hematoma, a blood clot underneath the surface of the brain. CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2002
- Similarly, blood clots can form in the arteries that supply the arms or legs; this condition is called peripheral artery disease. The Fiber35 Diet
- The analysis showed Celebrex was associated with an increased risk for a combined study endpoint of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke, heart failure or thromboembolic event, or events related to blood clots, compared to patients not taking the drug. Higher Doses of Pfizer's Celebrex
- They have important effects on blood pressure, blood clotting, pain sensation, and reproduction mechanisms, but one prostaglandin may have different and even opposite effects in different tissues.