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How To Use Blok In A Sentence

  • A couple of blokes tried to glass me in the face with a pint tumbler.
  • I'm a 25-year-old single bloke who plays international cricket and tours the world.
  • If a bloke's a waiter, it ain't fair to bung him down as a ` waster ". STAGE FRIGHT
  • Tell me, exactly what happens when the first C130 full of blokes cops a Manpad up it's jacksie and crash lands in flames? Army Rumour Service
  • You got a big hefty looking bloke who looked like he could handle himself in a barney, put him and a bunch of like mates out on the streets at all hours of the day and night as a visible presence.
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  • It was the first time I had met the pleasant bloke, though he had registered four years back.
  • He is an ordinary bloke who is not too bothered about his clothes.
  • No sign of Dobson and his goon, but one bloke was stock-still on the pavement, keeping his eyes on us even when jostled. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • But the one who's most captured the admiration of everyone is a local bloke.
  • On a typical day, blokes spend 14 minutes getting ready. The Sun
  • To the bloke who called Nani a 2 game wonder, you're wrong. TEAMtalk Football News
  • When you think of a classical music composer, blokes with gold teeth and a shaved head probably don't spring to mind! The Sun
  • I bet a straw poll of the blokes in the office, or down the pub would reveal exactly the same
  • This is not a season for experimental fiction, such as the book by that Canadian bloke in which each chapter uses only one vowel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nuggetty, self-assured little bloke who regularly performs superhuman feats on the television screen may well be human after all.
  • That means we often fancy the same blokes. The Sun
  • So really just a bloke sitting uncomfortably on a hill. Times, Sunday Times
  • My … brother had quite a hand in brokering the accords, she said nodding across the room to a skinny bloke in a well-fitted tuxedo who was making his way onto the verandah Rose had disappeared onto. The Boundaries of Consent (1/3)
  • When I moved back to the north-east in the early 90s I travelled up with our furniture in a removal van with two blokes from the west end of Newcastle. Sportsmen and their women: history's great divide
  • It turns out that a bloke in his car had got a picture as he went past. The Sun
  • While he is always friendly, even jovial in a blokeish high-fiving way (his English having got better as my French gets worse) he tends to be infuriatingly circumspect and diplomatic.
  • The logical progression of all of this is make-up for blokes — much-fabled manscara and guyliner. The Sun
  • When most people think about Australian national identity, the images they remember are overwhelmingly blokey - drovers, surfies, lifesavers, Anzac soldiers.
  • THE blokes had the blonde tennis player scratching her bottom. The Sun
  • Elaine arranged for me to go on a blind date with a bloke from her office.
  • In this fairly ungracious position (the view up my shorts for the bloke on the exercise bike opposite can't have been too nice) I started to do sit-ups.
  • Sometimes you worry with such a big name but he is a down-to-earth bloke with no airs or graces. The Sun
  • Whether it's what looks like junk in the shed or his pile of gizmos by the bed, all blokes have belongings they treasure. The Sun
  • There was some bloke on the phone waffling about an airline ticket.
  • Women dress up for men, but blokes hardly ever merchandise themselves for us gals.
  • Sheldon, who is a really nice bloke and very fond of children, was pushing an elderly lady in a wheelchair.
  • To the buyer who spends hundreds of thousands, it seems unfair that the bloke next door gets his free. Times, Sunday Times
  • One bloke even had his car towed away to the dealership for diagnostics but they couldn't find anything wrong with it.
  • The successful applicant needs to be quick on his/her feet in order to reapply mascara and lippy during breaks in play, and not too hung up on the fact that real blokes don't wear makeup.
  • All it needs is a little bald bloke. Times, Sunday Times
  • The night was kinda ruined earlier on when my friend - the one who got engaged stupidly early - messaged me to say that her bloke didn't want us to keep in touch.
  • The even-mouthier bloke on the telly, who used to edit newspapers. The Sun
  • Celebrate that space bloke fixing his knackered old shuttle by playing the Solar Games.
  • I'd agree that it is head-and-shoulders above most sitcoms but it follows hackneyed gender traditions (men are blokeish and committment-phobic; women are insecure and needy).
  • I get it, this other bloke is a formidable fighter. Jaime's Challenge
  • I swear I saw this bloke banging one of the wheels of the undercarriage, with a massive adjustable spanner.
  • And of the bloke is as serious as he has been trying to show himself as, he might say #¤%&¤ to the $$$ and just join a non-profit organisation that fights videogames. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Been avoiding this: Jack has been disbarred
  • I can legitimately lay claim to have done something that millions of God gospellers from all over the globe have for thousands of years said that the mysterious bloke called Jesus Christ is gonna do.
  • Being a deployed ‘combat Q-ie’ means you're a well liked bloke when things are good, but not having enough stores and equipment to provide to the diggers can soon change that.
  • Try getting blokes up for that! Times, Sunday Times
  • The types we got at B&Q were young couples, old crusty workmen blokes, middle-aged couples, pensioners (usually on a Wednesday) and the odd beefy bearish labourer.
  • Most of the black and Asian blokes appeared to have Manc accents but a lot of the white blokes sounded cockney to me.
  • Although I had resolved that morning to give up the poncing lark, by now it was several hours past the midday cocktail hour so I drove to north-west London and ponced a whopping £200 off a TV producer I know called Roy, a lovely bloke.
  • I wouldn't really consider this blog to cover the same sort of material you'd normally find in a blokey magazine - but sometimes we really must bend the rules and make exceptions.
  • Admittedly, it's a bit blokey – there are few female voices – but it has some genuinely funny presenters such as Christian O'Connell, Frank Skinner and Dave Gorman, as well as properly produced documentaries, very unusual for a commercial radio station. Rewind radio: Elbow: Live at St Paul's Cathedral; Radcliffe and Maconie; A Forensic Look at Infidelity; The No 219 Sodcast Project – review
  • Big Mike whose real name is a Frenchie sounding Michel Lapointe aged 37, was in prison for conspiracy, drug trafficking and gangsterism in other words the bloke is a thug. Old Bitter Balls
  • Huh, so one of the top five good-looking blokes of my entire University career, and a really nice, sweet person, chats me up on my first night and I turn him down.
  • This bloke's got history when it comes to dodgy saves and even dodgier barnets. The Sun
  • He's got heaps of photos proving he is a rough-and-tumble Kiwi bloke interested in hunting pigs, the bush, and swannies.
  • He's a funny bloke?you never really know what he's thinking.
  • Jokey references to "lads" (which in my opinion is a Pommy expression and not fit for robust Australian consumption) just reinforce the message that Crikey is blokeland.
  • I can be quite blokeish about cars and once, in a moment of extreme folly, bought a BMW that I couldn't afford to run.
  • 'Nice bloke, Firenze,' he said gruffly 'but he don' know what he's talkin 'abou' on this. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • Next day, a bloke rang the door bell to check the mini bar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being a bloke has many perks, but shaving is not one of them.
  • It's just lots of genial old blokes sitting around whittling chess pieces and playing with marbles. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are a great place for blokes to ride on when on the lookout for a missing wife - and on the mezzanine floor at the top, entirely occupied by George at Asda, there is an extensive range of stylish, hard-wearing and inexpensive clothing.
  • I am sure people will be waxing lyrical about what a nice bloke he is and that will go in his favour on the balance of things. The Sun
  • It's a mixture of blokeish culture and the perils of overmuch specialisation too young.
  • The poor bloke has taken leave of his senses. The Sun
  • We’ve got quite a large XBL group to game with now with me, Hav, and Naut hooking up and then I’ve got the blokes from the gaming website as well. Cheeseburger Gothic » God bless you, big insurance company.
  • The blokes took it all far too seriously and before long it got very competitive.
  • Byas is a down-to-earth bloke, as much at home on the family farm as he is in the cricket spotlight.
  • One-liners were bouncing around my head, ripostes to every single barb, especially those from the fat bloke.
  • With good-looking blokes oozing charm it certainly seems the place for a holiday romance. The Sun
  • The bloke sanctioned the use of a fake blood capsule to gain a tactical advantage and then tried to cover it up. Times, Sunday Times
  • From his love life to his brushes with death, this is a chance to see another side to the bloke behind Brexit. The Sun
  • I did this interview for a U.K. TV Show on Channel 4 a while back and they had this other bloke that would buy stuff like Jordan 1 originals with holes in the soles.
  • Going on about Polish parties that think poovery is wrong (how dare they) or some Czech bloke who thinks global warming is a load of bollocks (sounds a sensible person to me) and some Danish MEP who thinks Islam is bent on World Domination. LABOUR MELTDOWN SPECIAL
  • When most people think about Australian national identity, the images they remember are overwhelmingly blokey - drovers, surfies, lifesavers, Anzac soldiers.
  • There was some bloke on the phone waffling about an airline ticket.
  • I was dossing around in London and someone at the hostel mentioned this bloke who had just come over from the States and could really play the guitar.
  • And some of the locals are beginning to get excited about their own beaut blokes' weekend.
  • Not only do I think he was one of the greatest musicians to appear on planet earth, I think he was a really nice bloke.
  • This bloke is a flat-earther and climate change denier.
  • The actress might yet meet a bloke who's man enough to cope. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was much helped by a nice bloke who kept coming up to me and telling me how great the music was, and asking me to dance.
  • Now, I'm no fan of people chewing gum (especially with open mouths - if I wanted to see the contents of your mouth, trust me, I'd become a dentist) but even I'm not quite as bilious about the activity as this bloke.
  • My friend went on a first date with this tight-arse bloke and he insisted on her buying all the drinks.
  • He was a grand bloke.
  • I had an envy of the cosiness, the unfailing support that these blokes were supposed to enjoy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everybody thinks he is a jolly good bloke. Times, Sunday Times
  • From outside-we see this scrawny bloke in the frame of the doorway, in his grey underpants.
  • It seems there's a perception that it's a girlie programme, unsuitable for a strapping bloke with a shaven head.
  • Neighbours saw a 44 year old bloke trooping about with a guitar; police were called and now the bloke is in a local hospital under the mental health act.
  • He seems such a nice bloke, however, that I left worried he was just being polite.
  • Fresh fish, new potatoes and mince are also turnons because women think blokes buying them must be healthy and rich. The Sun
  • How dast the bloke go gallivanting about the media as if Congress were nothing but a bit of rumpy-pumpies? Emanuel to Kennedy/America: Support Your Party Blindly
  • She only makes it to the terminal thanks to two blokes in a red pickup truck who give her a lift.
  • But in the flush of youth the male barnet is one of the few ways in which a bloke can express his individuality. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have to say that he was a thoroughly nice bloke, genuinely modest and unassuming.
  • I rarely meet any of my neighbours, which is the way I like it, but I did meet both of my old beside- and above-neighbours and they were jolly decent blokes.
  • `She said she couldn't stand the thought of having to be all girly or all blokey. GOING OUT
  • Great bloke … once after parade, he nodded to the shift sarge (remember them?) ‘dismissed’ we all stood and made ready to move on … Make the lie big, make it simple and keep saying it. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Another one to note for the blokes is the Nordstrom Men's Half Yearly Sale, which starts this Friday, June 19. YouLookFab
  • It's just the place to buy a helium-filled Dalmatian, while listening to old blokes with beards making a noise akin to a donkey being garrotted with cheese wire.
  • But, more to the point, do we really want the old blokes of the future to have cheeks as soft as babies' bottoms; to have foreheads as smooth as velvet and, overall, to appear as rugged as a sand dune?
  • This is not a season for experimental fiction, such as the book by that Canadian bloke in which each chapter uses only one vowel. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can be a blokey bloke without losing your trust and love for people.
  • He sounds rather more ignorant and ill-informed than the average bloke in the snug; distressing.
  • He could look ungainly, whereas now he is a big and fit bloke. Times, Sunday Times
  • A heavy social drinker is a good bloke, one of the lads.
  • And he was, is, a very honest, very direct bloke and I had a lot of time for him.
  • About ten years ago I was working at Metro Screen and this big boofy bloke came in and wanted someone to cut his show reel.
  • The bloke represents continuity and stability and as close as you get to unconditional love without being family. Times, Sunday Times
  • But blokes need to meet up to maintain friendships. The Sun
  • It also gave me the ability to get some important training, and work with big beefy blokes who are the embodiment of Aussie mateship.
  • I strolled into the control room from the studio, and noticed a large fat bloke with a shaven head, wearing a decrepit old tan mac.
  • This wasn't done and they hit the poor old bloke. The Sun
  • I heard once, from a bloke in an extremely loud bar, that the reason these places turn up the music is because it gets your adrenalin going, and that makes you thirsty and so you drink more.
  • In that one instant my previous typical young bloke sense of immortality disappeared forever.
  • The following year the nice bloke took the world by storm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Next, a bloke crouching on the floor, screaming and vomiting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lightweight blokart is a micro landsailer, ideal for racing up the beach or for gently tootling along in a light breeze with children.
  • Conclusion Self - made syringing probe is a simple, safe, useful and effective procedure for treatment of infantile nasolacrimal duct - blok.
  • He was just a nice bloke. The Sun
  • The bloke was living a bit of a fantasy life.
  • He inhabits one of those effulgent personalities that transcends whatever it is he is supposed to be doing, along with an ebullient fan base and a well-promoted ordinary blokiness that charms men and mums alike.
  • You don't need to worry about having a couple of big blokes thumping your door and giving you a hard time.
  • I don't know too much about him, but he seemed like an important man and a good bloke.
  • In the course of correspondence with an Aussie bloke, I was asked about my experiences in caring for emus.
  • During some of the more mellow bits (i.e. before we really started caning it) the bloke at the front drifted back and had a chat.
  • Nail varnish is used by six per cent of blokes, and eyeliner or mascara by five per cent. The Sun
  • A bloke in eyeliner with a faraway look? Times, Sunday Times
  • The first day of the convention was Friday, and I went along to the Dallas Brooks Centre, which amusingly, being a Masonic centre, had lots of pictures of blokes in aprons around the place.
  • You suspect that they probably had a good old gossip about how the blokes botched up the Brexit referendum. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was sitting at the bar, having a couple of quiet ones with a bloke I know only distantly, when a voice behind me said ‘Lend us five bucks.’
  • Given that Mark Steel's comedy routine consists of reciting the editorials from last week's Socialist Worker in a "blokey" voice, I wonder what he'll do for material in the future. Archive 2008-02-01
  • The sheer stupidity of the bloke is beyond belief. The Sun
  • The photographer scattered cotton reels on our billowing skirts and we pretended to weave some kilts for our wild Scottish blokes out there in the hills.
  • You have to admire the bloke, he could make the Titanic sound like a triumph of marine engineering. roger slade Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Amazingly feminist and real about the women's feelings, can it really have been written by a bloke?
  • That's not to say that she doesn't recognise journalism shares with politics a blokey culture, nor that she is insensitive to power relations.
  • We blokes are not quite as hopeless at communicating as we're constantly told.
  • The old bloke is 84 and one of the most belligerent and funniest people I've ever met.
  • In this country, the bloke′ll only start if he′s tasty enough, and even then, he won′t do you in because he knows if he does and he does you bad, he′ll go to prison.
  • Yes, my use of the name Dave is definitely something to do with me wanting to be an ordinary bloke.
  • Even if the majority of the industry treat the concept as a joke, with huge helpings of cynicism added in, the average bloke on the street still believes in it.
  • The problem was that I was a bit boofy, you know. I'm sort of blokey and I like to spend the weekends in front of the telly watching the footy.
  • The blokes do, at least, have the decency to vanish at the end of each show. The Sun
  • ‘No ice,’ concluded a lengthy report written by a bloke in, for no discernible reason, Ancient Hittite cuneiform.
  • But off the field he is a really good bloke as well. Times, Sunday Times
  • The thread from these commentators was that a big boofy bloke, let alone a former political leader, couldn't chuck it in.
  • He's a weird bloke.
  • Next, a bloke crouching on the floor, screaming and vomiting. Times, Sunday Times
  • I once sold a year's use of a Jaguar at one of these dos for more than the car was worth, simply because two blokes in the room were each determined to prove that they were considerably richer than the other.
  • My friend went on a first date with this tight-arse bloke and he insisted on her buying all the drinks.
  • Well, two of my local councillors showed up - both dapper chappies, a younger bloke with a furrowed brow and an older gentleman with the finest quiff I have ever seen on a man over 60.
  • Only blissful ignorance or a warped sense of humour could have seen the bloke returned three times. Times, Sunday Times
  • In an office where I was the only bloke with about 12 women, the creepy would-be-lothario sandwich fella used to try and lure the laydeez with his 'sun-kissed tomatoes' Where did flame raisins come from?
  • Pete and Frank are two Aussies blokes who championed the endangered bilby, and four years ago, began a campaign to create a sanctuary.
  • He could look ungainly, whereas now he is a big and fit bloke. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stick it in a safe, sit a bloke next to the safe, fill up the cashpoint machine as and when. The Sun
  • It did rather lose its marbles towards the end and had turned malicious after one particularly thorough seeing to by a bloke who didn't know how to switch it on and powered it up at least nine times in a way that the manual expressly forbade.
  • You learn humility pretty quickly, he says, when you're on your own in Bradford on a Friday night and five big blokes on firewater want to beat the hell out of you.
  • Down by the college flats near Darwin, I saw an old and slightly raddled bloke in a dog collar and full priestly garb.
  • Cliff and I hardly know anything about this bloke.
  • It's 1981: the world has fallen under the spell of music performed by effete blokes in frilly shirts and trowled-on make-up.
  • Ik val altijd als een blok voor interessante Britse, Schotse, Ierse, Celtic of andere 'eilandse' engelse accenten. Request to all my girlfriends
  • Robson is an amicable bloke with a marvellous CV and his bitterness at being shown the door was as obvious as it was understandable.
  • This bumptious bloke is either a nonentity or is likely to be a nuisance - never heard of his name among the boss's acquaintances.
  • Bill Nicholson was a brilliant manager and a cracking bloke and he was a North Yorkshireman.
  • I wondered, as I body-popped beside him, what the DJ thought of this middle-aged bloke in a sensible woolly jumper and pressed trousers, pogoing like a demented rhino.
  • As I was one of only two blokes in the Ilkley store, I got lumbered with a lot of stockroom work - spending one memorable hot August dealing with deliveries of Christmas trees, cards, and decorations.
  • In this peculiar twist on the social order, the nauseatingly spoilt sloanes of E4's reality soap Made in Chelsea are more like the chavtastic birds and blokes of ITV's The Only Way is Essex than they are like Mr and Mrs Loudon. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Being a passionate bloke, Anderson has a lust for the game like few others.
  • But they're very masculinist, they're very blokey, they do appeal to a certain kind of image of modernist, alpha male sort of image.
  • Why would a group of grown men want to pay for some random bloke they don't know to be on their stag do just because he's small?
  • I couldn't see a bloke like Cliff spending more hours a day with her than he had to.
  • It doesn't matter if we all think the Premier's a nice bloke if he's doing a terrible job.
  • Then, while pootling along at about 12 mph at the top of Madingley Rise, I got passed by a bloke I recognised from the office (don't know his name).
  • The reply from the lassies came from a bloke, naturally, and you could tell his heart wasn't in it by the look of disbelief accompanying his recitation of male idiosyncrasies.
  • A graphic art whizz had done it for him, but he had made the mistake of giving the red-top a blokey, jokey quote to accompany it.
  • The internet is cool at the moment: modern, youth oriented, and totally beyond the average bloke on the street.
  • But there are lotions, potions and gizmos designed to keep blokes looking young too. The Sun
  • As well as blokes who allow men into their colons, blacks, chinks and 'geet dorty bords' eager to taste soldier's penii. Army Rumour Service
  • The south-east's property shortage could be solved overnight if London's single blokes were forced to take a live-in concubine (or rent boy, if they're that way inclined). A Giant Leap For Personkind ?
  • Whether two blokes can get married. The Sun
  • Not bad for a bloke who claims to suffer from vertigo. The Sun
  • Anyway, as I was on the way to work this morning, he was receiving calls from his listeners about various topics - and one lovely bloke rang up with the following doozy of a comment.
  • he's a good bloke
  • A bloke in a kilt playing the bagpipes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both the brother and his partner are nice enough blokes so I'm sure we can work something out.
  • As your bloke will have worked out the power comes when the kite is down near the horizon. Cheeseburger Gothic » The Ladies Blue Room. Or something.
  • To be fair to the plod, they only 'quizzed' the bloke, they didn't arrest, caution, search his office or send him of to a Socialist Brothers Reprogramming Community. Army Rumour Service
  • A jilted man takes a trip to Hawaii, only to find his ex and her new bloke are staying at the same resort. The Sun
  • I have known Paul for a long time and think he is a belting bloke.
  • Because he is a nice bloke and the hatred I need before a match cannot be manufactured. The Sun
  • So, he's - hey! - a good bloke, but so what?
  • He's always been a pretty conservative bloke so I was surprised to see him become a devotee of piercings. The Sun
  • Although the video did have a lot of ‘bloke appeal’, with the singer and her dancers grinding and gyrating from start to finish, I got the impression that it was all her idea.
  • One bloke who was wearing nifty black and blue shoes had a trick where he dropped down onto one hand.
  • Elsewhere there was a journalist tagging along for the ride and there was an uber-bloke who called himself Godfather because of his power trippery. TV Scoop
  • Outside, the paint had a nice mirror finish and the car looked confident, with a low, hunched stance and sharp creases but, again, a bit blokey.
  • It was all over in seconds, and it turned out this bloke had argued with his girlfriend, and had gone driving off in a huff, stopping in our little lane to consider what he was going to do next.

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