How To Use Blok In A Sentence
- A couple of blokes tried to glass me in the face with a pint tumbler.
- I'm a 25-year-old single bloke who plays international cricket and tours the world.
- If a bloke's a waiter, it ain't fair to bung him down as a ` waster ". STAGE FRIGHT
- Tell me, exactly what happens when the first C130 full of blokes cops a Manpad up it's jacksie and crash lands in flames? Army Rumour Service
- You got a big hefty looking bloke who looked like he could handle himself in a barney, put him and a bunch of like mates out on the streets at all hours of the day and night as a visible presence.
- It was the first time I had met the pleasant bloke, though he had registered four years back.
- He is an ordinary bloke who is not too bothered about his clothes.
- No sign of Dobson and his goon, but one bloke was stock-still on the pavement, keeping his eyes on us even when jostled. THE TARTAN RINGERS
- But the one who's most captured the admiration of everyone is a local bloke.
- On a typical day, blokes spend 14 minutes getting ready. The Sun