How To Use blastoderm In A Sentence
- Normally occurring embryonic cell death is not present in wild-type blastoderm stage embryos.
- Pole cells cease dividing after the formation of the cellular blastoderm.
- Consistent with these findings, Sxl-Pe is not activated in germ cells of blastoderm embryos.
- Schardin, we did a fate map for the larval cuticle using laser ablations of Drosophila blastoderm cells. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard - Autobiography
- This white mark will be perfectly round if the egg is fertile (called a blastoderm). TreeHugger
- When the membranes surrounding the peripheral nuclei fuse to form the 6000 cells of the cellular blastoderm, they enclose 175-225 polyploid yolk nuclei within a large syncytial yolk cell.
- When the egg is laid, the blastoderm contains several hundred cells.
- Both studies suggested that segmental units might be established as three to four cell wide stripes at the blastoderm stage. Eric F. Wieschaus - Autobiography
- It was also shown that what is called delamination -- the rise of the two primary germinal layers by the folding of the surface of the blastoderm (for instance, in the Geryonidae and other medusae) -- was a secondary formation, due to cenogenetic variations from the original invagination of the blastula. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
- In contrast to the restricted clones produced by irradiation of larvae, such clones extended between the wing and leg of the adult fly, indicating that the blastoderm cell that gave rise to the clone could not yet have been determined with respect to either disc. Eric F. Wieschaus - Autobiography