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  1. a mass of undifferentiated cells from which an organ or body part develops

How To Use blastema In A Sentence

  • Instead, a bump of cells called a blastema forms at the injured area. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • The blastemal cells are derived locally from the mesenchymal tissues of the stump, close to the site of amputation.
  • Here we found in normal human fetal kidneys (8 to 38 weeks of gestation) that CD24 expression was upregulated and restricted to the early epithelial aggregates of the metanephric blastema and to the committed proliferating tubular epithelia of the S-shape bodies. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The smears were moderately cellular and included an admixture of the characteristic small ovoid blastemal elements and scattered spindled mesenchymal tumor cells.
  • In planarian regeneration, they could be instrumental to transforming the homogeneous blastema and postblastema fields into discrete patterned regions corresponding to the lost elements.
  • “Entwickelungsgeschichte” out of a nebular blastema. Essays
  • [72] Ei poinun he sarx he despotike, to kuriakon plasma, ho xenos anthropos, ho ouranios, to neon blastema, to apo tes xenes hodinos anthesan houtos lambanei to pneuma hagion, etc. Pneumatologia
  • In salamanders, the blood vessels contract quickly and limit bleeding when a limb is cut. Skin cells quickly cover the wound and form what is called a blastema.
  • This mass of undifferentiated cells is known as a blastema. Ancient Resilience
  • Until, however, the cellular nature of the body had been demonstrated, it seemed necessary in some instances to postulate a blastema or exudation to account for certain new formations. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
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