[ UK /bləmˈɒnʒ/ ]
[ UK /bləmˈɒnʒ/ ]
- sweet almond-flavored milk pudding thickened with gelatin or cornstarch; usually molded
How To Use blancmange In A Sentence
- Estans pressez entre deux asiettes, prenez du beurre bien frais, avec persil et siboule, et les fricassez; aprés celas mettez-les mitonner, et lors qu’ils seront bien cuits, vous y pouvez mettre de la cresme, ou du blancmanger, et servez. Savoring The Past
- Caudel ferry, coloured with saffron, might be solid enough to slice, and was sometimes served in a dish in alternate quarters with blancmange to make a yellow and white pattern.
- Quickly he switched his head back to the Old Bailey, with Charles Laughton looking like a crafty white blancmange. PROSPECT HILL
- It was the day of her wedding and she had been shaking like a blancmange since the moment she woke up.
- It scared and disgusted her the way every male she met suddenly started ogling the blancmange under her blouse.
- Santorini is about as stable as the proverbial blancmange.
- And it is weird to get off a boring old commuter train to be faced on the platform with a vast embonpoint, half swathed in shiny scarlet shantung silk, half exposed, like being attacked by a giant blancmange with strawberries. Simon Hoggart's week: Olympic chiefs have built a Brigadoon for the rich
- I had a sudden appetite for jelly and blancmange, you see.
- The sprightliness instantly evaporated, and Wendy's whole face went as wobbly as a blancmange. PROSPECT HILL
- There was also banana jelly, iced buns and blancmange.