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  1. similar to and found with black rockweed
  2. a common rockweed used in preparing kelp and as manure

How To Use bladderwrack In A Sentence

  • He found the soapy mucus within the vesicles of the Bladderwrack an excellent resolvent, and most useful in dispersing scrofulous swellings. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Products containing guarana, garcinia, and bladderwrack are being touted as effective, although there isn't any scientific evidence that they'll help shed pounds.
  • seaweed to lay on her lips and bladderwrack to cover her thighs. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • The bladderwrack extract naturally reduces appetite, helping slimmers to lose weight gradually.
  • You can walk over rough slabs, cannon-ball boulders, limpets and bladderwrack to delight in the over-the-waves-views all the way to the white cliffs of Flamborough Head.
  • Apart from the obvious physical attributes - the Cuillin mountains, empty beaches, wildlife, views of gunmetal seas over bladderwracked rocks - the island does not wear its heart on its sleeve.
  • Sage, sarsaparilla, bladderwrack - but what is devil's claw, boneset or boldo? Times, Sunday Times
  • An analysis of the Bladderwrack has shown it to contain an empyreumatic oil, sulphur, earthy salts, some iron, and iodine freely. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • seaweed to lay on her lips and bladderwrack to cover her thighs. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • The smash and grab antics of sea trout as they snatch your fly and tear away into the bladderwrack is a heart stopping experience most trout anglers would give their eye teeth for.
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