- fruit or seed of the cowpea plant
- eaten fresh as shell beans or dried
- sprawling Old World annual cultivated especially in southern United States for food and forage and green manure
How To Use black-eyed pea In A Sentence
- They are more similar to dried beans than either crowder or black-eyed peas, and make a clear liquor when cooked.
- We agreed that the standout dish, in terms of pure flavour, was the black-eyed peas masala, made with cream and fresh cilantro.
- Coriandrum sativum cowpea (asparagus bean, black-eyed pea, yard-long bean), Vigna unguiculata cucumber, Cucumis sativus cucurbits, Cucurbitaceae family cumin, Cuminum cyminum crucifers, Cruciferae family date palm. 14. Saving seeds for planting
- For this salad, which was inspired by a version served at Blackberry Farm, he prefers crowder, zipper cream, and lady peas for their great flavor, and shuns store-bought black-eyed peas. One Big Table
- Many parts of the United States celebrate the new year by eating black-eyed peas.
- Black-eyed peas are a good low-fat complement to oily legumes such as soybeans and peanuts.
- England fans in Otley tucked into a traditional Nigerian breakfast of spicy black-eyed pea fritters (akara) and friend bananas at Korks Wine Bar and Brasserie.
- Sorghum, millet, maize, cowpeas, and black-eyed peas are the main subsistence crops.
- Add the black-eyed peas, coconut oil, coconut milk, and curry leaves.
- But we forgot all about it when a stack of gougères filled with melted Gruyère and smoked ham arrived, followed by a gourmet pulled-pork tortilla spiked with cumin and black-eyed peas.