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black-eyed pea

  1. fruit or seed of the cowpea plant
  2. eaten fresh as shell beans or dried
  3. sprawling Old World annual cultivated especially in southern United States for food and forage and green manure

How To Use black-eyed pea In A Sentence

  • They are more similar to dried beans than either crowder or black-eyed peas, and make a clear liquor when cooked.
  • We agreed that the standout dish, in terms of pure flavour, was the black-eyed peas masala, made with cream and fresh cilantro.
  • Coriandrum sativum cowpea (asparagus bean, black-eyed pea, yard-long bean), Vigna unguiculata cucumber, Cucumis sativus cucurbits, Cucurbitaceae family cumin, Cuminum cyminum crucifers, Cruciferae family date palm. 14. Saving seeds for planting
  • For this salad, which was inspired by a version served at Blackberry Farm, he prefers crowder, zipper cream, and lady peas for their great flavor, and shuns store-bought black-eyed peas. One Big Table
  • Many parts of the United States celebrate the new year by eating black-eyed peas.
  • Black-eyed peas are a good low-fat complement to oily legumes such as soybeans and peanuts.
  • England fans in Otley tucked into a traditional Nigerian breakfast of spicy black-eyed pea fritters (akara) and friend bananas at Korks Wine Bar and Brasserie.
  • Sorghum, millet, maize, cowpeas, and black-eyed peas are the main subsistence crops.
  • Add the black-eyed peas, coconut oil, coconut milk, and curry leaves.
  • But we forgot all about it when a stack of gougères filled with melted Gruyère and smoked ham arrived, followed by a gourmet pulled-pork tortilla spiked with cumin and black-eyed peas.
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