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black vulture

  1. American vulture smaller than the turkey buzzard
  2. of southern Eurasia and northern Africa

How To Use black vulture In A Sentence

  • Black Vultures crashed and whistled through the trees, and a pair of Wood Ducks winged silently overhead.
  • There are also Siberian ibex Capra ibex sibirica, and musk deer Moschus moschiferus (VU), Pallas's cat (manul) Otocolobus manul, Mongolian (bobak) marmot Marmota sibirica, Altai snow-cock Tetraogallus altaiacus, bearded and black vultures Gypaetus barbatus and Aegypius monarchus. Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
  • The turkey and black vultures at the park are well-fed and then scared into bringing up their food to supply the chicks.
  • Stone carving of a Black Vulture (_Catharista urubu_), Copan, Stela Animal Figures in the Maya Codices
  • We were glad of this occupation during the tedious business of smoking the bears’ meat, and availed ourselves of the leisure time by also preparing for stuffing the condor and the turkey buzzard, urubu or black vulture — for I could not determine to which species the smaller bird belonged. Swiss Family Robinson
  • The black stork, black vulture, and endangered Spanish imperial eagle, of which only 130 pairs remain worldwide, are among the 42 species of birds that depend on the cork woodlands.
  • KING VULTURE (_Sarcorhamphus papa_), BLACK VULTURE (_Catharista urubu_) 1. Animal Figures in the Maya Codices
  • A few years ago, in the early morning mist at a municipal garbage dump near Tamazula, two hours drive south of Lake Chapala, there were so many black vultures spreading their wings and breakfasting that a group of Canadian ecotourists in my charge stood and stared in a mixture of wonderment and fear. Did you know? Mexico's vultures have very different eating habits.
  • The woodpeckers, black vultures, the other parrots, like the maracanas, and even snakes liked to use tree cavities as well. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • The turkey and black vultures at the park are well-fed and then scared into bringing up their food to supply the chicks.
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