How To Use black duck In A Sentence
- Examples of dabbling ducks are the mallards, cinnamon teals, shovellers, green and blue-winged teals, pintails, black ducks, baldpates and gadwalls.
- The cormorant is a large black duck which feeds on fish; I perceive no difference between it Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806
- American Black Ducks are historically found in forested wetlands, tidewater areas, and coastal marshes of eastern North America.
- Black Duck Pond reflects hues of dawn in Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge on Assateague Island, Virginia.
- In the hand The drake mallard is the most readily recognized duck, but the hen can be easily confused with the black duck, gadwall, and mottled duck. Field Guide: Know Your Waterfowl
- Black Ducks dabble for food, tipping their bodies up and dunking their heads to forage under water.
- Black Duck Pond reflects hues of dawn in Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge on Assateague Island, Virginia.
- Black Duck Software extends the Rational Software Deployment Platform with solutions to help companies govern how their software assets are created, managed, and licensed.
- Females with unpatterned dark bills were considered American Black Ducks.
- Particular importance is attached to black duck, mallard, gadwall, bluewinged teal, wood duck, bobwhite quail, ringnecked pheasant, American woodcock, mourning dove and recently reintroduced turkey, because of their importance as game birds and their occurrence as nesting species in the wetlands and upland fringe. Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve