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  1. creeping plant having curving flowers thought to resemble fetuses; native to Europe; naturalized Great Britain and eastern North America

How To Use birthwort In A Sentence

  • The female common birdwing lays single eggs, which she attaches to the surface of the Indian birthwort leaves.
  • The three groups of paleoherbs are Aristolochiales (birthwort, Dutchman's pipe), Piperales (pepper vine, lizard's tails), and Nymphaeales (lotus, waterlilies).
  • Member of the genus Aristolochia are also called birthworts and are occasionally encountered in herbal preparations as a remedy for various ailments as well as to ease the pain of childbirth.
  • Certainly, Europeans were familiar with Dutchmans pipes or birthworts - Aristolochia clematitis was employed as an ‘aid’ to women in labor until the late 1800s.
  • The ancient Greek herbalists thought that plants belonging to this genus facilitated childbirth, hence the common name, birthwort.
  • Many of the plant relicts are members of old families: heathers, orchids, honeysuckles, birthworts, and lillies.
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