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  1. use of biological principles in explaining human especially social behavior

How To Use biologism In A Sentence

  • Ferber's brief description of the African American woman, Princess, who performs domestic work for Fannie, reinforces both racial biologism and environmental determinism.
  • In a nod to biologism, she makes a comparison to animal noises: ‘could a common sparrow take the meadow lark's song?’
  • One can be a good Darwinian without reducing our cultural leaves to their biological roots: confusing the former with the latter is not biology but biologism, not Darwinism but Darwinosis.
  • He accuses me of a 'dogmatic biologism'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Does the use of ‘Geist’ Spirit counter biologism, racism and naturalism, or is it a ‘spiritualisation’ of biological racism?
  • Historicism, scientism, psychologism, biologism, in general the confident use of the scientific vocabularies in the spiritual realm, has created… a spiritual disorder.
  • According to Menninghaus, Darwinian theory, which like biologism is undergoing a renaissance, states that beauty solely serves biological selection.
  • This underlying biologism allows them to preserve traditional concepts of gender.
  • One must be familiar with Lacan's movement from Freud's biologism to concerns with language in order to understand ‘the mirroring stage,’ the ‘real,’ ‘the imaginary,’ and ‘the symbolic’ that have very special meanings for this opus.
  • Nietzsches philosophy of the body or bodily existence must not however be, and that's the crucial point here, be mistaken for a form of naturalism, biologism and body organism ontology.
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