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biological warfare

  1. the use of bacteria or viruses or toxins to destroy men and animals or food

How To Use biological warfare In A Sentence

  • He knew then that the mystery of Titron was only partly explained by the secret biological warfare establishment.
  • The ease with which he could jump from a crisis of British farming to the spectre of biological warfare highlighted the salience of fear as a political resource today.
  • Alien bodies were then taken to Porton Down biological warfare centre for analysis, it was claimed, prompting the comparisons with Roswell, the 1947 incident in which, conspiracy theorists claimed, the US military recovered an alien spacecraft in New Mexico? the story that gave birth to 60 years of ufology, movies and all. UFO files from National Archive allow believers to revisit 'Welsh Roswell'
  • Many biological warfare agents cause illness that could be mistaken for common diseases such as influenza.
  • And why is the government spending money weaponizing biological agents that are a danger to the public and are banned under the 1972 Biological Warfare Convention?
  • The product was developed as an offshoot of the biological warfare programme.
  • I'm not an expert and I can't say for sure, but I think the UN weapons inspectors took a partial view of biological warfare.
  • He knew then that the mystery of Titron was only partly explained by the secret biological warfare establishment.
  • The ease with which he could jump from a crisis of British farming to the spectre of biological warfare highlighted the salience of fear as a political resource today.
  • The biological warfare caused the soldiers to drop like dead flies.
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