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[ UK /bˈa‍ɪndwiːd/ ]
  1. any of several vines of the genera Convolvulus and Calystegia having a twining habit

How To Use bindweed In A Sentence

  • Nettles and tangles of bindweed, pelt-snagging goosegrass and bedstraw alike were avoided, while he gazed with pleasure on the eager growth of scattered rowan and hawthorn saplings.
  • And please don't talk to me about ‘well bindweed is okay but creeping buttercup is a little rascal’, because we're not on first name terms, the weeds and I.
  • Docken, like dandelion, nettle, ground elder, bindweed and couch-grass belongs to that troublesome group of wild flowers called perennial weeds.
  • Docken, like dandelion, nettle, ground elder, bindweed and couch-grass belongs to that troublesome group of wild flowers called perennial weeds.
  • Perennial weeds such as horsetail and bindweed need more attention because the roots should be removed to stand any chance of eradicating them.
  • A factory farm stood silent and abandoned, hedges of elders dripped berries and were decorated with white trumpets of bindweed.
  • On the way from the airport to the hotel I spotted hundreds of sky-blue flowers (about the size of bindweed flowers) on ground-hugging plants - seemingly wild - on the side of the highway.
  • Even the salvias and euphorbias are suffering, and I see bindweed.
  • I had a wonderful time, saw, pyramid orchids, spotted orchid, St. John's wort, kidney vetch, tufted vetch (I think), bladder campions (hadn't seen any for a long time) meadowsweet, bird's foot trefoil, hare's tail clover, silverweed and tormentils, sea bindweed, field poppies, greater knapweed, centaury, and what I think may be a kind of mullein.
  • The white flower and heart-shaped leaves among the grapes are "bindweed" (le liseron). Courbature - French Word-A-Day
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