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How To Use bin Laden In A Sentence

  • Osama bin Laden is said to be a Wahhabi Muslim
  • U.S. intelligence officials think that bin Laden and Zawahiri remain in hiding in Pakistan's rugged and semiautonomous tribal belt where the CIA continues to hunt them. Panetta outlines plan for bin Laden's detention if al-Qaeda leader is captured
  • Abu Jandal, a Yemeni who became one of his bodyguards, described his first meeting with bin Laden in 1997 as “beautiful” and said he came to look on him “as a father.” The Longest War
  • Nobody wanted to face the three-hour flight back to Kuwait with packages undelivered — it made the flight longer and burned fuel like crazy; and to face the crew that had worked like dogs to ready the aircraft, load the bombs, and paint love notes to Osama bin Laden and Mullah Mohammed Omar on the ordnance was a full-bore bummer. The Kabul-ki Dance
  • In May, as you know, the bin Laden group issued a so-called fatwah against the United States, indicating that they had targeted the United States for a systematic campaign of terror. Press Briefing By Albright And Berger
  • And finally, President Obama gave the orders to Navy seal Team Six, an elite unit formerly denounced as "Cheney's death squad," that resulted in the long-awaited killing of Osama bin Laden.
  • That’s like saying that osama bin laden is not responsible for the movement he created. Wonk Room » Alleged Minuteman Killer Co-Hosted Anti-Immigration Event Featuring GOP Presidential Candidates
  • And male-male anal rape in general (think about cartoons after 9/11 that featured American soldiers anally raping Osama Bin Laden, etc.). Mamas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Monsters | Her Bad Mother
  • The cockiest thing George did was say that he wanted to get Osama bin Laden “dead or alive.” Spoken from the Heart
  • A member of the militant Egyptian group al-Jihad, bin Laden's former chief of security, and before that one of his bodyguards, al-Adel is believed by intelligence officials to have assumed the role of al-Qaeda's military commander — making him No. 3 in the organization. Pharaohs-in-Waiting
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