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big stick

  1. a display of force or power
    speak softly but carry a big stick
    speak softly but carry a big stick

How To Use big stick In A Sentence

  • However, the big sticking point is what's known as cabotage - foreign carriers flying flights between two U.S. cities.
  • An "ideal" BMI sufferer putting on a few pounds of muscle by doing some judicious exercise might well stave off death for a bit longer; simply gorging on cakes probably won't help. recent calls for a BMI tax are now further exposed as foolishness, and the "fat people" that he rashly proposes to attack with a stick (any time, Coren - better make it a big stick*) have the consolation of knowing that they'll probably outlive him. The Register
  • Speak softly and carry a big stick
  • It was ironic, as one American newspaper wrote, that "the wielder of the 'big stick' should be crowned as America's great pacificator. The Nobel Peace Prize: From Negotiations to Human Rights
  • The mad man laid about him with a big stick.
  • Speak softly and carry a big stick
  • This is the big stick treatment for violent criminals which is traditionally associated with an extreme Right-wing attitude.
  • Mahony and, sure as shooting, my conservative Catholic readers start pining for crackdowns, big sticks, and papal micromanagement of the American Church.
  • Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far. Theodore Roosevelt 
  • Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld reversed the wise Rooseveltian doctrine, "Speak softly and carry a big stick".
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