How To Use Big deal In A Sentence
I'm a bleeder, someone just has to speak to me sharply and I'm gushing pints, so no blood means hopefully no big deal.
Kazzer was a big deal before anybody even knew who he was - in the months preceding the release of his first CD, Pedal to the Metal, he was already on a Canada-wide tour to promote his brand of good-time rock & hip-hop.
As far as demonstrations go, it was no big deal and, with no reports of the well-practised Belgian police water cannons in action, it was a pretty tame affair.
Damned either way
I felt the pressure on me, winning was such a big deal for the whole family.
All the other extenders are noiseless, which is a big deal for some people. because they do PHP5, MySQL5, PostgreSQL 8, cPanel, Ruby on Rails, and SSH / Shell.
Ed Bott's Windows Expertise

The sport of curling is a big deal here - Scotland won a gold medal at the last Olympics.
This silence is no big deal to her, because she knows she will phone when she feels like it and I will be there.
Mr Quinn, whose businesses include insurance and investment, is no stranger to big deals.
I said I didn't think it would be a big deal, everyone has that fine downy, near-invisible hair.
No big deal. I'll ask John to play.
The only thing I don't like about it is that the custom POI's are not "imbedded" into the factory POI's, so searching for them requires a few more "clicks", but no big deal.
Epinions Recent Content for Home
It keeps my complexion flawless - it's not a big deal and takes five minutes.
Times, Sunday Times
And an even bottomer line ... although I don't make a big deal about it ... out of the 400 or so homes in our subdivision ...
Unclebob Diary Entry
He makes a big deal about how this structural relationship between the parties and the constituencies is a fundamental difference between Rs and Ds. Maybe.
Matthew Yglesias » Why Two Parties?
I'm pretty shy and not that aggressive, so this is kind of a big deal to me, even if others might see it as a mere bagatelle.
The technician fumbles with my privates like it's no big deal.
It wouldn't be such a big deal if Huckabee didn't have one of the highest clemency numbers and one of his previous clemencies resulted in a murder.
HuckPAC coordinator steps down, citing clemency decision
Big deals remain patchy and clients continue to put pressure on firms to reduce fees.
Times, Sunday Times
Their cowardly producers make a big deal out of courting our support and money, but they never deliver the goods.
A series of big deals in London earned him the title in 1991 of Scotland's top corporate lawyer.
Big deals involve business and pleasure.
Times, Sunday Times
If an investigative committee happens to be struck when the facts speak too loudly to be silenced, it's no big deal.
They were compassionate, punctual which is a big deal to me, professional and articulate.
Hollye Harrington Jacobs: After the Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Now What?
Fraternities and sororities are a pretty big deal here.
Juno" 's story of a teenager's pregnancy had an over-all affectlessness to it-you couldn't tell whether you were supposed to think that the pregnancy was no big deal or whether its being no big deal was a comment on the kind of culture that leads to kids getting pregnant.
The New Yorker
Kids in Britain assume that homosexuality and bisexuality go on and it's not a big deal.
But it still wouldn't be appropriate to make a big deal of the fact that I have a famous father.
He is a tremendous big deal now!
It's no big deal and no weight should be attached to it.
I made my own money, transcribing notes for Jeremy's growing translation business, and I paid for my tickets, so what was the big deal?
Kagg squirrelled the report away in his top drawer and made a big deal of locking it.
Another thing is when I skin my knee or fall, they make a big deal about it.
Management have been making noises about another big deal recently and two duly arrived yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
Ducking altar boy practice was a big deal to someone who hung a crucifix on the wall, prayed the rosary, and considered Father James Cronin, the longtime pastor of my church, a saint.
No big deal? well ... thing is if the subtitle module is ticked I get an extremely annoying "doop" noise every two seconds. (the noise you get on XP if a program fails to open) so i think subtitles should be not be ticked as default.
AfterDawn: Software updates
We're getting a wage increase of 40 a year, before tax. Big deal!
Once again, the Palin camp is trying to avoid responsibility – this time by saying that breaking the law is no big deal, because everybody (apparently, a million everybodies) does it.
Palin's PAC forced to correct FEC filing
Something happens out in the ritzy suburbs, all of a sudden it's a big deal.
It didn't seem like a very big deal at the time, and in fact I had all but forgotten about it until I woke up this morning with a pronounced limp.
We had a big deal as to whether or not we should steal some.
On his belated arrest in 1961, the Austrian-born euthanasiast and flautist Georg Renno, deputy director of the SS gassing institution at Hartheim, declared that “Turning the tap on was no big deal.”
Kalooki Nights
Because he was from a small school like Southern University, nobody made a big deal about it.
For a while I wondered why I had insomnia and then I remembered this thing I've been pretending isn't such a big deal is a big deal and I'm not handling it very well.
Well, the big deal is that suburbia is rapidly invading areas that were once considered more natural than man-made.
So they live in a mansion Big deal!
Yes, Don Boudreaux, the man who makes a big deal of the fact that there have been big changes in the quality of automobiles ove the last 20-40 years and claims the cpi understate inflation because of this.
Bastiat in Fairfax?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
So it's quite a big deal as, Hokkaido has in effect been a reserve for native fish and this is now threatened.
Aside from having people issues and a bit of a problem with alcohol no big deal, the bumblebee was a pretty chill dude.
Helicopter Show
On the face of it, Diageo's decision to change its Cardhu single malt into a vatted or pure malt seems no big deal.
In real life, the battle that ensued at Agincourt became known for the dominance of English longbows; common tellings hold that the longbowmen were massively outnumbered by the French, and that their victory was consequently a pretty big deal.
Tudors / Elizabeth Writer Aims at Agincourt | /Film
We fed everyone loads of barbecue and cake, no big deal.
Mr. DUGGINS: Well, I think they're talking a stair-step process, and the big deal was the fact that they want to build the heavy-lift launch rocket that would be, you know, managed and designed out here in Alabama.
What Are The Challenges Of 'Trailblazing Mars'?
Since I’m boring you with my afib chronicles, I should give you an update: I’m still in fibrillation but feeling much better thanks to being on a beta blocker, Toprol, which slows my heart rate and makes stairs once again no big deal.
The Afib Chronicle « BuzzMachine
After that amount of time just going away a weekend together would be a pretty big deal.
The Sun
The girl is in a rage because she has overheard him saying that his involvement with her in no big deal.
So, for a wolverine, living to ninety or a hundred or more would not be a big deal.
To act as if it's no big deal is to ignore the organizational nightmare involved in creating a large-scale event such as this.
Housework in the 1950s was also a big deal, and I say that not with the slatternly view that not all dirt is a bad thing, but rather in admiration.
Cesar Rodriguez do u understand me when you are called the animator of our times by john lasseter ...its a big deal
Studio Ghibli Announce Next Film, Plus Two More In The Works From Hayao Miyazaki Himself | /Film
There are no personal bonuses for pulling in a big deal or winning lucrative litigation.
Times, Sunday Times
The amnio is SO not a big deal if you have a competent doctor and we can talk more about this if you want.
What I Don’t Know Can Hurt Me | Her Bad Mother
Well, Ashley, it may be no big deal to you, but we say you've scored big for womankind.
They understood what a big deal it was to him, and completely want to make him feel connected and loved.
The bartender told us Lawson claimed his grandfather was some kind of big deal on the reservation.
If you appeared to be a clean-cut youngster, or your parent gave permission, buying a gun was not a big deal.
Some forums in other countries have expressed horror at how I 'mutilate' my eyelids to make them appear to be double eyelids, but it's really not a big deal.
Not So Little Girl In A Reverie
It's no big deal but in the new software.
The Sun
It's a big deal here, in a county where politics means everything.
Winning your first match on the tour is a big deal.
The Sun
I suppose to a 12-year-old kid, missing the bus is a pretty big deal.
He argues that enough time has elapsed since the last wave of big deals to ease investor concerns that they destroy value.
Times, Sunday Times
It wouldn't be such a big deal if it happened just every once in a while, but this has been going on for some time… and you're feeling cruddy about it.
You are recalling your ginned-up mischaracterization of it. paxson wrote: But it's not such a big deal now that all of the video tape evidence contradicts their claims. paxson wrote: You can call me a liar, paxson wrote: but the American public knows that these claims were made and now they have been debunked as Alinsky style disinforation tactics.
Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
You have to remember that it used to be a big deal to make a long-distance call.
Times, Sunday Times
Speaking of sensors, Motorola is making a big deal out of its new camera that can be activated through two quick flips of the wrist.
If an investigative committee happens to be struck when the facts speak too loudly to be silenced, it's no big deal.
Sales People are always trying to forecast a little less so they can carry forward some big deals and overchieve their targets and earn major commissions (so called sandbagging) - it is an annual game between sales and management.
Quick & Dirty!?
While his film songs drive some admirers nuts, that genre is no big deal for him.
The beleaguered industry concluded three big deals after a buyout drought of nearly two years.
Times, Sunday Times
In the US having a Mexican plated car is no big deal: you can keep it there for a year, no permit, no nothing: just have to insure, which is easy to do. jl1
Mexican Driving A Canadian Plated Car
I wanted to note that Lazarus, this World Food Prize fellowship is a big deal.
4-H Clubs Conduct Nationwide Science Experiments
No big deal. I'll ask John to play.
Border porousness and security is already a big deal in the border states and the farther away we get from 9/11, the less national attention there is on the issues.
There Ain't No Getting Over It
When I was a kid, going to the county fair was a big deal and every one of them had a shooting gallery.
If the 3rd amendment were repealed (probably no big deal since quartering is no longer an issue), would that necessarily affect the right to abortion?
Winning your first match on the tour is a big deal.
The Sun
Spreading misinformation about vaccines (even if you're just criticizing vax schedules) might not seem like a big deal, but it is a very big, life-and-death deal.
If you're a surfcaster or inshore-saltwater angler, this is a very big deal for a fairly reasonable price.
Going Bail-less
Assuming that my grasp of the patent is accurate and considering the likelihood of Kind Code being optional, I really don't see what the big deal is here.
Accessibility, Accessibility, Accessibility
I know I made a big deal of opening the board out, but as the game progresses, certain squares can become unusable.
Some Thoughts, Part Eight – Interactivity « The Graveyard
The peril was pointedly illustrated when, during Obama's signing of his historic health-care reform legislation, a microphone picked up Biden telling him the passage was a big deal, with expletive undeleted.
Jules Witcover: Obama's Sidekick Joe Biden: Understanding The Vice President
The big deal for kids this year is to dress as spacemen.
I acted like it wasn't a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart.
TOOBIN: Well, I mean, I think we throw around the term bombshell, but this was really a big deal, what happened yesterday in this trial, because you had Jackson's accuser admitting on the witness stand that twice he had been asked by a school dean about whether there had been any misbehavior by Michael Jackson toward him and twice he denied that anything went wrong.
CNN Transcript Mar 15, 2005
An 8 percent effect may not seem like a big deal, but even a tiny decrease in shooting percentages can change the course of a season.
I know a lot of people made a big deal out of Jones in the national media, but believe me, he dogged it a lot and didn't seem real eager when he had the chance to run routes and line up at tight end.
Either way, they are a rare event round here lately, so that makes them a big deal.
After all, it was probably just a stuck microswitch, no big deal.
The usual suspects have lined up to poo-poo Bush's unprecedented mid-term firings as common; The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, The Washington Times and even NBC's David Gregory have called the bulk discharge of USAs no big deal or at least have questioned its import.
Another Redirection
Of course she fell after a few seconds, but going from lying on your stomach to standing on ice unsupported is a big deal.
» Skating Lesson
So, when Tiger Woods puts his chip shot into the hole from a difficult spot in a sand trap I get no vicarious thrill or sense of accomplishment. Big deal...birdie, birdie, birdie.
No big deal. I'll ask John to play.
The game sold more than a million copies (a big deal at the time), and it got the full, blousy remake treatment back in 2004.
Modern pirates call for classic games
The ethnical cleaning post WWII is no big deal anymore because the displaced Germans are by large dead today, and if not rather well off, which cant be said about Palestina.
Matthew Yglesias » Goldberg: The Middle East Is Complicated and It’s All the Arabs’ Fault
The big deal with the insurgency is they have to keep doing things that can get them killed.
Matthew Yglesias » Shocking
Investors don't generally like talk of acquisitions so soon after a big deal.
And this, coming from a Jeffersonian, is a big deal. —
Being John Adams - Freakonomics Blog -
It's no big deal . Everybody forgets things sometimes.
I know I'm probably making a big deal out of nothing, but I'm worried about you.
But, child artistes are hardly able to maintain the big deal arising during their childhood as the features of the cute darling changes over into that of the grown-up adult.
At the same time, those people who spend a lot of time studying democracy are not big deal either, because we cannot use a headful of democratic blueprint with some articles and clauses and expect it to be brought into existence.
However, when McCain made a big deal of her rejection of the money for the project, which he called a pork-barrel project, Palin came under much criticism by Democrats and even a few Republicans, including Mike Elerding, who helped Palin in her running for governor in 2006.
The Real News: Palin was for 'Bridge to Nowhere'
If you were, it's no big deal and you could have a perfectly happy life with the right partner.
It's just a game. If you lose, big deal.
Yes | No | Report from alee wrote 1 year 8 weeks ago people get peppered all the time, no big deal.
Vermont Grouse Hunter Gets Aggravated Assault
We're getting a wage increase of 40 a year, before tax. Big deal!
That may not seem like a big deal, but for me it was a triumph.
‘It's usually not a big deal,’ said Les Berven, an FAA pilot who was co-piloting the flight.
Don't make this into a big deal
All process sandpapering and making hole took about half of hour, so it is not such a big deal.
Chopsticks, chopsticks!
Winning your first match on the tour is a big deal.
The Sun
I was tense on Friday night because my nana is returning from her month of respite this week, and I am dreading it, and when I tried talking to Llew about it, he wasn’t interested, didn’t want to know, and asked me what the hell my problem was because he couldn’t see the big deal.
Women’s History Month « Tales from the Reading Room
Purchase and possession (and carry) at 18 – 20 by the otherwise law-abiding is and should be no big deal; 21 is, in the end, as arbitrary (and asinine) an age limit for legal purchase as it is for alcohol.
The Volokh Conspiracy » How Would an 18-to-20-Year-Old Go About Buying a Handgun?
But with all of the food you guys provide us here, it's really no big deal to skip a meal or two.
No big deal. I'll ask John to play.
I don't make a big deal out of them calling me by my first name, but it's just kind of exasperating since if I was an older looking man like the other professor I highly doubt they would call me by my first name or assume I was a TA.
Emails to undergrads
After that amount of time just going away a weekend together would be a pretty big deal.
The Sun
It was a bit of a drag not getting a lift back, as the yard was out in the sticks on an old farm-site, but he was being well paid and a two-mile walk back into Hemel Hempstead was no big deal.
But they do not make a big deal of their mixed-race marriage.
Times, Sunday Times
The media didn't have that much to say about it, so why is the media making such a big deal about Palin stepping down?
Palin ally: 'Life is not happy for her' right now
(Asked on NBC after the race if that streak had "gnawed" at him, Pletcher answered, "not as much as everybody else who made a big deal out of it" — but by then we'd been hooked on his saga.)
Kentucky Derby show has winners across board
The liner notes make a big deal of the fact that some of the music of the finale follows dodecaphonic practice.
C'mon c'mon! at un tungkol sa mura big deal na ba ngayon un po saka kung magmumura tayo pipiliin natin un lugar minura ka ba Paul sa skul or sa church? gets nyo po ba yun gus2 ko maintindihan mo sori po ah and kahit ang taong kagalang galang hindi po maiiwasan ay nagkakamali din. kahit ako nagmumura po ako
Archive 2007-09-01
The big deal is they are uptown girls together: both spoilt and immature, sure, but also frightened and vulnerable and missing their respective dads.
This was a big deal for our new recruits on their first bushwalk.
Winning your first match on the tour is a big deal.
The Sun
It's no big deal to them, the grizzled old mentalist asserted.
The Sun
So, no big deal, Carlow defeated the all-Ireland champions in the same competition a few seasons back, and clobbered Dublin too.
Because it's not a big deal whether I get a decent job or whether I spend my life in the servitude of dimwitted prats, getting people coffee and answering phones.
I mean, sure, I'd like a guy to bum around this wacky planet with, but it's no big deal.
she's a big deal in local politics
That does not sound a big deal, but the resulting financial ructions would be felt globally.
Times, Sunday Times
Buzzword compliance is a big deal in traditional media.
Mainstream Corporations – You Do Not Get to Blog « Lorelle on WordPress
‘It's a big deal,’ says Bushido, stroking his stubbly chin.
Neither of us are paid for the work we do, but that's no big deal.
Failing to cover such an important community event would not be a big deal if a local radio station was on air.
Wow, you snagged a big pike, big deal, next time try to catch it the old-fashioned way, with a hooked-lip resulting from a strike to a nicely presented lure!
Best Fish Mount Contest
So is Steele saying that if a lily-white democratic national official hosted a party at a strip club and ran a tab of $ 2K, no one would make a big deal of it?
Think Progress » After Condemning Democrats For Using The ‘Race Card’ When In ‘Trouble,’ Steele Uses Race As Excuse
The companies that claim this will kill innovation are making a big deal out of nothing.
It was no big deal loading the program, and I diddled around with it for an hour or so.
Problems are no big deal if you handle them the right way.
The big deal is my ability to continue to get email, so swapping telephone calls for email is a no-brainer.
Dad used to make a big deal about getting the fireworks, while Chris and I made a bonfire.
Also that means you are one of our early adopters, which is a really big deal in my book.
Slash7 with Amy Hoy - Home
The look, of course, was no big deal, but the preposterous wheelspinning start as the lights went green certainly was.
I remember President Obama repeatedly and completely misprounoucing the word corpsmen when he spoke to U.S. military as “corpse men” and no one made a big deal about it.
Sarah Palin stands by made-up word 'refudiate,' compares self to Shakespeare |
Unless there is some biasness going on with democrats who voted for Hilary Clinton, for the life of me i do not understand what is the big deal here.
CNN Poll: McCain and Obama locked in a dead heat
I felt the pressure on me, winning was such a big deal for the whole family.
That is a really big deal for him as a former president, who loves to globetrot and be in the public eye, to give in on.
CNN Transcript Nov 19, 2008
I felt the pressure on me, winning was such a big deal for the whole family.
We purposely didn't make a big deal of the twenty-fifth because we think every year is important.
You'll have to ask the experts, but as I understand it, it is a general permission or liberalization for the Tridentine Mass to be offered anywhere by any priest without an indult - in other words, the old Mass is more or less restored and is on equal footing with the Novus Ordo - not that it needs restoration, but some progressive Church people wanted it suppressed and would not permit it in their diocese, and so on - it's a big deal.
Archive 2006-12-10
It's just a game. If you lose, big deal.
The clarinet was a big deal much earlier in New Orleans Jazz, where it played a mostly obbligato role (see also the page on heterophony).
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
‘I don't want to make a big deal out of this,’ she says with a characteristic mixture of grace and frankness.
The pregame is the big deal at Manny's HD in Moonachie, where the HD refers to the 18 high-definition screens.
So, for a wolverine, living to ninety or a hundred or more would not be a big deal.
We're getting a wage increase of 40 a year, before tax. Big deal!
The horses' reaction to all this was on the order of a yawn - no big deal.
So what's the big deal with the pint-size pop star?
Times, Sunday Times
While some may argue that it's no big deal for people to know you're not at home, since you're not saying where your home is, PleaseRobMe points out that other friends might be trying to "colonize" your home via Foursquare.
ARN News
We have to requalify tomorrow and that means the best we can start is 31st overall, which is no big deal because it's a 24-hour race and we'll have plenty of time to move up.
He handled Palin deftly (which is to say amiably and without making a big deal of the fact that she wasn't actually answering the questions), and exhibited a clear grasp of what he was out there to do.
Charging RINO
So having the insurance pick up part of the tab is a big deal.
Other than your favorite foods, what was the hardest thing to give up when you moved to Mexico?
There were big deals just beyond me, zooming in then out then in again in a mad giddy rush while I let a guy rope down from the scaffolding I'd constructed as a kind of house.
Management have been making noises about another big deal recently and two duly arrived yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
For fans, it helps to explain why a win by a No. 1 seed over an unranked challenger is no big deal, while underdog victors like the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team are so electrifying.
- when i can do something really, really fancy ... i mean: really fancy - you know top level and all, while i just jot it out of my hipps, as we like to say in switzerland. get all the ah's and oh's while it was really no big deal.
Archive 2008-09-01
His book, Languages of the brain: Experimental paradoxes and principles in neuropsychology (Prentice-Hall, 1971), was a big deal.
Archive 2007-05-01
Deciding that it was either now or never, I shrugged my shoulders in a careless manner, as if it were no big deal.
Well, the people who make a big deal about it have never seen it firsthand, it's still glamourized in their heads.
This was a big deal that people could have computers, but the personal computer was mainly for fun.
Management have been making noises about another big deal recently and two duly arrived yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
The more people talk about the debate over expensing stock options, the less of a big deal it appears to be.
Yeah, I know it is no big deal to you techies, but for non-geek me, it is an achievement.
Many of our readers have said this talent leakage is not such a big deal, as it allows people a chance of upward mobility.
And Another Google Senior Executive Shake-up
For the millionaires and junketeers of Congress this would be no big deal.
They're making a big deal about it.
I felt the pressure on me, winning was such a big deal for the whole family.
He argues that enough time has elapsed since the last wave of big deals to ease investor concerns that they destroy value.
Times, Sunday Times
This feel-good platform of self-understanding is a big deal to Michelle, and she's terrific at swinging conversation around to it.
This is unusual because I have it set to log in automatically, but no big deal, I know the password.
Months Later Valve Has Still Not Reset My Steam Password - The Consumerist
Wearing jeans and bomber jacket with no make-up, she wasn't trying to be a big deal at all.
The Bragato Awards make a big deal about awarding the winegrower, not the wine maker, with the gongs the wines win, but in this case it is not a grower, but a nursery, Riversun, that collected the trophy.
And for such an important institution in our society, this is a big deal.
Those of an unkind disposition might argue that mangling a non-first-class attack is not an especially big deal.
It keeps my complexion flawless - it's not a big deal and takes five minutes.
Times, Sunday Times
As it turns out, recalculation could be a pretty big deal.
Globe and Mail
So the fact that I ended up extremely dirty at the conclusion of the event was no big deal to me.
I felt the pressure on me, winning was such a big deal for the whole family.