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Big Bend

  1. a triangular area in southwestern Texas on the Mexican border; formed by a bend in the Rio Grande

How To Use Big Bend In A Sentence

  • And we -- it does extent all the way up toward Jacksonville, all the way down into West Palm Beach, all the way over to Fort Myers, and northward, almost kind of budging into the pan -- the Big Bend area, almost into the Panhandle, but not quite just yet. CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2004
  • Surviving populations at Big Bend, which live in a single, protected pool, descend from three gambusias rescued from the declining population in 1956.
  • Riel also secured the consent of Colonel Black, the commanding officer at Fort Assinniboine, to allow the Metis to overwinter at the Big Bend of the Milk River.
  • Although pieces of eggshells were collected by Standhardt from the Late Cretaceous deposits in Big Bend, no complete eggs or nests have been found in the area.
  • He worked on ceratopsid dinosaurs, which was something I was very interested in working on, and worked in Big Bend. Field Work Favorites
  • Once, grasses in the Big Bend region of Texas were said to have been tall enough to brush the bellies of horses.
  • The Rattlesnake Creek subbasin has been selected as a pilot project target area because of the significant water issues being addressed by the State of Kansas, the Big Bend Groundwater Management District No. 5, and the Rattlesnake / Quivera Partnership. High Plains Journal
  • I suspect a visit to the nearest cookshop is in order 'cos I've just noticed the thing (can't think of the right word) I use to get eggs out of the frying pan has a great big bend in it. Kitchen Confidential
  • I have been fishing, hiking, and hunting for 15 years in the SW corner of SC around Big Bend right outside of Walhalla and right over the line from your neck of the woods, and have only seen one hog. This is probably a more regional question than most; but is there a place in NW GA with good hog hunting?
  • Absolutely worst, though, is the catclaw that grows in the draws and flats out around Big Bend. Lazz Loads: The Short Magnums
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