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How To Use Beluga In A Sentence

  • Unlike other porpoises and dolphins, belugas are quite leisurely.
  • And from belugas to blowfish, the world's largest aquarium has it all.
  • While the cod, pollack and haddock may have all but disappeared, you stand a good chance of spotting porpoises, minke whales and even the odd beluga.
  • Chinese boy, suffering from infantile autism, looks at a beluga whale in Changfeng Park in Shanghai December 21, 2005.
  • The study places the Eastern Arctic bowhead whale, Western arctic bowhead whale and the Eastern Hudson Bay beluga whale on the list of species facing imminent extinction.
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  • Dolphins and porpoises are examples of odontocetes, as are belugas, narwhals, killer whales, sperm whales, and beaked whales.
  • His colleagues have been debating whether the carcass belongs to a bearded seal, a walrus or a beluga whale.
  • Hors d' oeuvres included soup of mussel and saffron, salmon gravalax with oyster beignets and citrus dressing or salad of baby gems with tiger prawns and beluga caviar.
  • There's your basic brown variety, Pullman's specialty, but also chic French green lentils (lentils du puy), teensy beansy Indian red lentils and exotic black beluga lentils. Ellen Kanner: Meatless Monday: America's Got Lentils
  • This learned history of the Far North probes the lives of narwhals, belugas, polar bears, humans, and other life forms that have eked out a living in this dazzling, difficult land.
  • We were relieved not to have had to use our borrowed anti-polar bear rifle, but disappointed not to see any bears, walruses, narwhal or beluga.
  • The Antarctic lacks small resident toothed whales like the beluga and the narwhal of the Arctic.
  • The tusked narwhal, white beluga whales and elusive bowhead whale all live off the northern part of this island.
  • The beluga sturgeon is one of the most long-lived of all vertebrate species.
  • Several dead beluga whales washed ashore recently in Alaska after dozens were temporarily stranded on mud flats during low tide.
  • The blue whale, the beluga and the walrus all have this protective layer of fat which serves as insulation.
  • The beluga or white whale is a medium-sized odontocete, widely distributed throughout Arctic waters.
  • The tusked narwhal, white beluga whales and elusive bowhead whale all live off the northern part of this island.
  • Aquatic mammals that live in the waters off the coast include walrus, ringed seals, bearded seals, beluga, narwhal, and various other whales.
  • While the cod, pollack and haddock may have all but disappeared, you stand a good chance of spotting porpoises, minke whales and even the odd beluga.
  • Imagine commencing with seafood and saffron cappuccino, followed by creamy mashed potatoes and beluga caviar?
  • These mammals include beluga whales, narwhals, and ring seals.
  • Some of the species found here include the walrus, polar bear, beluga, narwhal, bearded seals, harp seal, harbour seal, ringed seal, bowhead whale, ivory gull, and some migratory birds.
  • A couple of guards in distinctive black uniforms squat nearby, watching the fierce battle for at least 40 kilos of precious beluga caviar, hidden in the fishes' bodies and worth thousands of dollars on the world market.
  • And from belugas to blowfish, the world's largest aquarium has it all.
  • For more than ten years, UConn animal bioacoustics researcher Peter Scheifele has collected sounds from a threatened group of beluga whales in Canada's St. Lawrence River estuary.
  • The American designer threw open the doors of his new pad on Saturday night, welcoming 400 of his greatest friends with $500,000 of the best beluga caviar and Champagne.
  • Three dark mounds sit on my plate, glistening moistly: a fat teaspoon each of beluga, osetra and sevruga caviar.
  • The second largest habitat was designed to copy the natural environment of beluga whales.
  • He should be out eating quail egg sandwiches, drinking extra large balloons of brandy and snorting beluga caviar off the bonnet of a Lamborghini.
  • A beluga whale swims in a tank at the Vancouver Aquarium.
  • Dolphins and porpoises are examples of odontocetes, as are belugas, narwhals, killer whales, sperm whales, and beaked whales.
  • I watched Eskimo villagers pull a beluga whale to shore and ate fresh muktuk. Recipe: Pork and Sage Bites (Χοιρινό και Φασκόμηλο Μεζές)
  • Occasionally they even pluck a walrus, beluga whale, or narwhal from the watery depths below the pack ice.
  • In 1998, beluga and all other previously unlisted sturgeons and paddlefish were included in CITES Appendix II.
  • The beluga, whose vocalizations have earned it the moniker ‘canary of the sea,’ is more than a muktuk meal.
  • You can walk through a tropical jungle and admire parrots, poison tree frogs and sloths in the trees and piranhas in the water beneath, or watch beluga whales and sea otters through the windows of large tanks in the Canadian Arctic display.
  • Putin had arrived for the dive a day after clipping a satellite transmitter onto a Beluga whale called on Chkalov island in Russia's far east.
  • From restaurants to root vegetables and from burgers to beluga caviar, if it's edible, this show has an opinion about it.
  • Caviar in tins and jars range from salmon's red (ripe and briny) at 99 roubles for a 113-gram can to the luscious, silvery-grey beluga at 500 roubles.
  • Sex ratios could differ between the historical and modern beluga harvests because the modern hunters' preference for larger animals tends to bias their selection towards males.
  • Most beluga sturgeon were historically found in the Caspian Sea.
  • A beluga whale at Vancouver's aquarium.
  • Last year, Trites was surprised to see beluga muktuk on the menu in an Iqaluit restaurant.
  • The tusked narwhal, white beluga whales and elusive bowhead whale all live off the northern part of this island.
  • Ash believed “Baby Beluga” anesthetized children to the horrors of whaling. How to Flirt with A Naked Werewolf
  • For on offer was smoked salmon and beluga caviar, then a choice of lobster salad, risotto, prime beef fillet or pan-fried sea bass.
  • Adult beluga sturgeon are mainly piscivores, swimming at middle depths and preying mostly on pelagic fish species.
  • While under water themselves, the pair had some memorable fun with a playful beluga whale.
  • This learned history of the Far North probes the lives of narwhals, belugas, polar bears, humans, and other life forms that have eked out a living in this dazzling, difficult land.
  • The sad fate of the St Lawrence belugas epitomises the problems faced by small cetaceans on an increasingly polluted planet.
  • The blackboard items change regularly and on our evening included monkfish, turbot, crocodile satays and beluga caviar!
  • As are many whale populations, belugas in this area are declining, despite regulations to protect them.
  • These 39 species include the eastern and western Arctic bowhead whale and beluga whale populations in Ungava Bay, southeast Baffin Island-Cumberland Sound, and eastern Hudson Bay.
  • The fish he needs are the sturgeon - the beluga and the sevruga.
  • Sources for these belugas may include the Nelson River, southern Hudson Bay, northern Hudson Bay, James Bay, and EHB.
  • Over the next two hours we feast on goose-liver pate, Beluga caviar, smoked salmon, chicken and sherry consommé, lamb cutlets, goat's cheese and walnut souffle.
  • There are also caribou, wolves, walruses, polar bears and beluga whales.
  • Occasionally they even pluck a walrus, beluga whale, or narwhal from the watery depths below the pack ice.
  • Continuing on with our public service tutorial on Jewish foodstuffs, "Hamentaschen" are fillo-dough pastries filled with the finest Beluga caviar, best served chilled with toast points and a dallop of sour cream. Grappling With Change: A Farewell to Summer and a Return to Arms
  • In the heyday of the Hapsburgs, Viennese noblemen, for want of other diversion, amused themselves by firing cannonballs into the annual armadas of migrating beluga sturgeon that swam up the Danube to spawn.
  • You whisk the eggs strenuously with a lot of milk and you put the result in a very hot, buttered frying pan and in a minute or less you plonk them on some toast, preferably with some beluga caviar.
  • Once in Anchorage, Native people generally continue their ways of hunting, gathering, sharing, and eating ‘Native food,’ including beluga muktuk.
  • Weary fishermen stand waist deep in chilly water and strain every muscle, fighting to subdue the gigantic beluga, great white sturgeon, which they have netted in the muddy Ural river.
  • In 1998, beluga and all other previously unlisted sturgeons and paddlefish were included in CITES Appendix II.
  • But only Russian mafiosi can get hold of opulent, charcoal-grey, mild and civilized Beluga eggs nowadays. for the rest of us, paddlefish may look like a tarry smear, but in a blind tasting, they make many folks think they are eating sevruga, a prized Caspian sturgeon variety with small eggs and a buttery flavor. Like a Sturgeon
  • When Qallunaat introduced guns to Inuit, we only used them for the purpose of hunting wild game such as caribou, polar bears, seals, walruses, beluga and narwhal and everything that is edible.
  • Nicole led me to a corner table displaying two bottles of Louis Roederer Cristal champagne and a gargantuan tin of beluga caviar.
  • The tusked narwhal, white beluga whales and elusive bowhead whale all live off the northern part of this island.
  • A family was visiting Inuvik and were boating on the Mackenzie River last Wednesday with local relatives who were teaching them traditional Inuit ways about the Beluga whale harvest. Every Dark Cloud… « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Adopt a beluga whale. Factoid: Long ago sailors nicknamed these whales "sea canaries" for their birdlike songs.
  • Squid, along with octopus and bobtail squid (Rossia spp.), play an important role as prey in Arctic waters for species such as narwhal, beluga, seals, cod and Greenland halibut. Innovations-report
  • The beluga, the osetra and the sevuga sturgeons are the most highly prized for their roe. Times, Sunday Times
  • The largest is the Russian sturgeon, or beluga.
  • Unregulated overfishing, loss of spawning habitat, and poaching to supply the black market beluga caviar trade have contributed to a notable decrease in the wild beluga sturgeon population.
  • Beluga's cholesterol-packed eggs are the biggest and oiliest; not fishy, but still tasting, mysteriously, of the sea.
  • Female beluga can produce 12% of their body weight in caviar and beluga caviar can demand $200 / kg.
  • There are also caribou, wolves, walruses, polar bears and beluga whales.
  • The hamlet of about 930 residents will set out a traditional Inuit dinner for the prime minister where caribou soup and muktuk - a delicacy made from the skin of a beluga whale - will be served.
  • Adult beluga sturgeon are mainly piscivores, swimming at middle depths and preying mostly on pelagic fish species.
  • much of the beluga caviar existing in the world is found in the Soviet Union and Iran
  • Come face to face with polar bears, walruses, harbour seals and beluga whales.
  • A dive was defined as submergence below 8 m, and the surface was defined as above 9 m, following sampling schemes also used for narwhals and belugas.
  • Sachs Harbour has an abundance of snow geese and muskox, and these are exported to other communities, in return for caribou and beluga whale products. Climate change impacts on Canadian Western Arctic~ the Inuvialuit of Sachs Harbour
  • Better still, if you're only cooking for one or two, really go for it and top the pancakes with real beluga caviar.
  • These boats stay on the water, processing fish as they're caught and dumping the roe from each fish into basins marked ‘beluga’ ‘osetra’ and ‘sevruga’.
  • Not far from Malbaie, he saw the so-called "porpoises," or white whales, (beluga, French, _marsouin_) that still disport themselves in great numbers in these waters, come puffing to the surface and writhe their whole length into view like miniature sea-serpents. A Canadian Manor and Its Seigneurs The Story of a Hundred Years, 1761-1861
  • CITES's approval also comes at a time when the US government, the world's leading importer of beluga caviar, is considering an outright ban.
  • While the cod, pollack and haddock may have all but disappeared, you stand a good chance of spotting porpoises, minke whales and even the odd beluga.
  • Three dark mounds sit on my plate, glistening moistly: a fat teaspoon each of beluga, osetra and sevruga caviar.
  • Dolphins and porpoises are examples of odontocetes, as are belugas, narwhals, killer whales, sperm whales, and beaked whales.
  • Occasionally they even pluck a walrus, beluga whale, or narwhal from the watery depths below the pack ice.
  • Aquatic mammals that live in the waters off the coast include walrus, ringed seals, bearded seals, beluga, narwhal, and various other whales.
  • Inuit have hunted belugas whale for centuries, and follow their own principle of conservation, without government regulation.
  • Polar bears are seagoing hunters that roam vast areas of the Arctic, pursuing a movable feast of seals, narwhals, beluga whales, and walruses.
  • A little further south, in Cunningham Islet, a pod of Beluga whales blow and laze on the surface of the sea.
  • In addition to killing over 200 fin and minke whales, Greenlandic hunters also kill a large, but unknown, number of small whales each year, including belugas, narwhals, pilot whales and orcas.
  • They follow the breaking edge of the summer ice to hunt for seals, and are even known to attack beluga whales in the water.
  • We were relieved not to have had to use our borrowed anti-polar bear rifle, but disappointed not to see any bears, walruses, narwhal or beluga.
  • The Beluga caviar is apparently flown in from Iran five days ahead of her treatments at a beauty salon in South Kensington. Archive 2007-07-01
  • The United States is the largest importer of beluga caviar.
  • Marine mammals include narwhals, beluga whales, walrus, and ringed and bearded seals.
  • Come face to face with polar bears, walruses, harbour seals and beluga whales.
  • As the clock struck midnight, Ali was in Washington DC, dining on beluga caviar, lobster, and foie gras.
  • After an early buffet breakfast on Saturday morning, the family will spend the day at SeaWorld, home to killer whales, walruses, sea lions, beluga whales, sharks and Magellanic penguins.
  • Occasionally they even pluck a walrus, beluga whale, or narwhal from the watery depths below the pack ice.
  • The Antarctic lacks small resident toothed whales like the beluga and the narwhal of the Arctic.
  • Dolphins and porpoises are examples of odontocetes, as are belugas, narwhals, killer whales, sperm whales, and beaked whales.
  • But non-indigenous people also commercially harvest a variety of species at smaller scales, such as minke whales in Norwegian waters, belugas in the White Sea, and pilot whales (Globicephala melaena) in the Faroe Islands. Management and conservation of marine mammals and seabirds in the Arctic
  • Polar bears are seagoing hunters that roam vast areas of the Arctic, pursuing a movable feast of seals, narwhals, beluga whales, and walruses.
  • Marine mammals include narwhals, beluga whales, walrus, and ringed and bearded seals.
  • Polar bears are seagoing hunters that roam vast areas of the Arctic, pursuing a movable feast of seals, narwhals, beluga whales, and walruses.
  • You'll see pingos (giant earth cones with hearts of ice) and plenty of wildlife: beluga whales, caribou, polar bears, and musk oxen.
  • Female beluga sturgeon are considered the world's most valuable commercially harvested fish because they supply beluga caviar, one of the most highly prized delicacies in the world.
  • Some of the species found here include the walrus, polar bear, beluga, narwhal, bearded seals, harp seal, harbour seal, ringed seal, bowhead whale, ivory gull, and some migratory birds.
  • What Nairne calls a porpoise, is really the beluga, a small white whale. A Canadian Manor and Its Seigneurs The Story of a Hundred Years, 1761-1861
  • CITES's approval also comes at a time when the US government, the world's leading importer of beluga caviar, is considering an outright ban. Boing Boing: September 14, 2003 - September 20, 2003 Archives
  • Then in October 2004 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the beluga sturgeon as endangered.
  • Come face to face with polar bears, walruses, harbour seals and beluga whales.
  • Aquatic mammals that live in the waters off the coast include walrus, ringed seals, bearded seals, beluga, narwhal, and various other whales.
  • What's guaranteed to fend off foul weather with true zeal, however, is a mere side dish - a glistening ragout of beluga lentils and onion confit, more tranquilizing than brandy.
  • For a long time, until health regulators stopped the practice, the Alaska Native Medical Center in Anchorage served its patients wild foods, including moose and seal meat and beluga muktuk.
  • Marine mammals include narwhals, beluga whales, walrus, and ringed and bearded seals.
  • For two hours we carry on, me and dozens of belugas from different pods, including a handful of slate-colored calves.
  • Arctic waters are renowned for such marine mammals as bowhead and beluga whales and ringed, spotted and bearded seals.
  • The beluga sturgeon - the biggest species - has been known to grow up to five metres in length and weigh as much as a ton.

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