- a conical calcareous fossil tapering to a point at one end and with a conical cavity at the other end containing (when unbroken) a small chambered phragmocone from the shell of any of numerous extinct cephalopods of the family Belemnitidae
How To Use belemnite In A Sentence
- I need hardly translate the word belemnite 'for the benefit of the ladies,' as people used to do in the dark and unemancipated eighteenth century; but as our boys have left off learning Greek just as their sisters are beginning to act the 'Antigone' at private theatricals, I may perhaps be pardoned if I explain, 'for the benefit of the gentlemen,' that the word is practically equivalent to javelin-fossil. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
- They included the great marine reptiles such as ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs, but also smaller creatures such as ammonites and belemnites - the precursor's of today's squid.
- Urgonian facies are also characterized, negatively, by the absence of ammonites and belemnites.
- These turned out to be remains from the tentacles of extinct squid-like belemnites.
- Aligned S. glaessneri accumulations resemble the belemnite battlefields described and interpreted by Doyle and Macdonald, which are characterized by nearly monotypic concentrations of aligned belemnite rostra.
- The crinoids and the belemnites and the corals behaved similarly.
- Shakespeare's country their connection with thunder is well known, so that in all probability a belemnite is the original of the beautiful lines in 'Cymbeline': -- Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
- It is said truly that the Ammonite, Orthoceras, and Nautilus of these ancient rocks were of the tetrabranchiate division, and none of them so highly organised as the Belemnite and other dibranchiate cephalopods which afterwards appeared, and some of which now flourish in our seas. The Antiquity of Man
- Belemnite hooks are commonly found in the fossilized stomachs of marine reptiles that preyed upon them, such as ichthyosaurs.
- They included the great marine reptiles such as ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs, but also smaller creatures such as ammonites and belemnites - the precursor's of today's squid.