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  1. of or relating to behaviorism
    behavioristic psychology

How To Use behaviouristic In A Sentence

  • During this period, he became a leading figure in US linguistics, replacing a mechanistic and behaviouristic view of language with a mentalistic and generative approach.
  • This essentially behaviouristic account is exactly what the intuition behind the argument is meant to overthrow.
  • When I studied quadratics deeply - by writing a logo program to teach quadratics behaviouristically - I was able to teach them more effectively. Minsky's attempt to explain hard problem solving
  • Rather, as he pointed out in his reply to Midgley, he gives the word an explicitly behaviouristic definition.
  • Much of the early psychological theorizing was founded on behaviouristic principles.
  • Reward and punishment are fine as programming for the behaviouristic instinct animal/robots that we would be without free will.
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