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  1. tree or tall shrub with shiny leaves and umbels of fragrant creamy-white flowers; yields hard heavy reddish wood
  2. tree yielding hard heavy reddish wood
  3. any of several heavy hard reddish chiefly tropical woods of the families Casuarinaceae and Proteaceae; some used for cabinetwork
  4. a tropical hardwood tree yielding balata gum and heavy red timber
  5. any of several Australian trees of the genus Casuarina yielding heavy hard red wood used in cabinetwork

How To Use beefwood In A Sentence

  • Sally wattle, ironwood and beefwood dominate the very sparse canopy.
  • The beefwood tree, the leaves of which camels, when hard pressed, will eat, alone commands the summit of the undulations. Spinifex and Sand
  • White beefwood grows in the drier more exposed areas and is often found in regrowth.
  • Between those brushes the ground was open forest with good grass, casuarina or beefwood, and large timber: the hills as usual stony. Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales
  • Australian Pine, also known as ironwood or beefwood, is an exotic, evergreen species native to southern Asia and Australia.
  • W. steered a S.W. course, towards some low and wooded hills, passing a rocky island, and found that we had struck the mouth of a channel running to the W.S.W. It was about half-a-mile wide, was bounded to the right by some open flat ground, and to the left by a line of hills of about sixty or seventy feet in elevation, partly open and partly covered with beefwood. Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia — Volume 2
  • On June 2nd we crossed the last sand-ridge of the great northern desert, and before us spread the rolling gravel-covered undulations of sand, treeless except for an occasional beefwood or small clump of mulga, rolling away before us like a swelling ocean. Spinifex and Sand
  • The fine-leafed beefwood or forest wax tree, Grevillea coriacea (family Proteaceae), is a characteristic tree of the open woodland and grassland of central Cape York Peninsula.
  • Besides those gums, another Australasian tree, the thin-foliaged and unlovely, but quick-growing "beefwood," has been largely planted at Kimberley and some other places. Impressions of South Africa
  • We could, by their tracks, see where they had herded together in fear under a beefwood tree not one hundred yards from us. Spinifex and Sand
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