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[ UK /bˈɛdstɹɔː/ ]
[ US /ˈbɛdˌstɹɔ/ ]
  1. any of several plants of the genus Galium

How To Use bedstraw In A Sentence

  • Groundlayer species are typical mesic woodland plants such as bedstraws, large-leaved aster, golden saxifrage (in springs), baneberries, miterworts, spring beauty, Canada mayflower, wild geranium, and violets.
  • I followed the path beside ancient overgrown hedges, heavy with elder blossom and sheltering patches of lady's bedstraw and betony, down to the banks of the river Wear where tree planting began this spring in lower-lying fields. Country diary: Low Burnhall, Durham
  • Hogweed, pale pink valerian and festoons of bedstraw line a lane and frame distant views of Hawk's Tor, up on the edge of Bodmin Moor above the Lynher river. Country diary: North Hill, Cornwall
  • Magnificent displays of bluebells are out just now and the ground vegetation also has an abundance of foxgloves, heath bedstraw and wood sorrel.
  • Wildflowers: fire pink, several kinds of blue violets, pink and yellow lady's slippers, goldenrod, blue-stem goldenrod, blue asters, and bedstraws.
  • Heavy doses of nitrogen fertiliser will tip the competitive balance in favour of grasses, and soon purple wood crane's bill, blood-red greater burnet, frothy white pignut and meadowsweet, yellow lady's bedstraw, globe flower and blue speedwells will vanish, leaving an "improved" pasture – more productive, more profitable, but oh-so dull. Make hay meadow photos while the sun shines | Phil Gates
  • A long walk – followed, after my back started complaining, by a suspicious-looking hedgerow kerb-crawl – produced nothing except hedge bedstraw, which doesn't smell of anything nice at all. How to make żubrówka
  • Wildflowers: fire pink, several kinds of blue violets, pink and yellow lady's slippers, goldenrod, blue-stem goldenrod, blue asters, and bedstraws.
  • I have never seen so much lady's bedstraw, its sun-drenched scent redolent with the dreams of medieval bedrooms. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • Wild flowers present include wild basil (Clinopodium vulgare), agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria), hedge bedstraw (Galium mollugo) and wild teasel (Dipsacus fullonum).
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