How To Use becomingness In A Sentence
- Forty-one girls wore dresses they had made before representatives of the Waterbury Institute of Arts and Crafts, who judged them "not only on the sewing but on becomingness of the material, the color and the style. "Make It Yourself": Home Sewing, Gender, and Culture, 1890-1930
- There was the sound of many voices; small boys, scarcely out of pinafores, discussed with a surprising amount of knowledge the merits of the individual dogs and the capabilities of their drivers; little girls donned ribbons with a sportsman-like disregard of their "becomingness" to show a preference which might be based either on a personal fondness for a driver or owner, or a loving interest in some particular dog. Baldy of Nome
- Only see that it combines the graces of comfort and becomingness. A Woman Tenderfoot
- And she should not, if she values becomingness, attempt to follow every whim of Fashion.
- Fanny had not a word to say against its becomingness, and, excepting what remained of her scruples, was exceedingly pleased with an acquisition so very apropos. Mansfield Park
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- The mode of hairdressing has a great deal to do with the becomingness of hats.
- The idea of character denies my becomingness and emphasized my beingness.
- The term in question was first used by Zeno, and was explained by him, in accordance with its etymology, to mean what it came to one to do, so that as far as this goes, 'becomingness' would be the most appropriate translation. Guide to Stoicism
- Both of these, however, may be referred to the words which may happen to be sinful, either by reason of excess which belongs to "loquaciousness," or by reason of unbecomingness, which belongs to "scurrility. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province