/ˈbiətɹəs, ˈbiətɹɪs, ˈbitɹəs, ˈbitɹɪs/
- the woman who guided Dante through Paradise in the Divine Comedy
How To Use Beatrice In A Sentence
- Ever and anon there gleamed across the young mans mind a sense of wonder that he should be walking side by side with the being who had so wrought upon his imagination, whom he had idealized in such hues of terror, in whom he had positively witnessed such manifestations of dreadful attributes, that he should be conversing with Beatrice like a brother, and should find her so human and so maidenlike. Rappaccinis Daughter
- Beatrice was very pleased to reach her hundredth birthday and make her local paper.
- And in any case he hadn't the chance; an elderly uncle Beatrice hadn't seen in years appeared at her elbow and marched her off to have what he called a cosy little chat, and which lasted until it was time to toast the bridal pair. Hilltop Tryst
- Vercelli, Alessandria, Novara, and Tortona, and had amassed great riches, finding his end approach, and having no children, left his wife Beatrice heiress of his estates, and arranged with his friends that a marriage should be effected between her and Filippo. The History of Florence
- Long an artist colony the ceramist Beatrice Wood lived here, a spiritual retreat, and a hippie haven, the Ventura County hamlet started off in the 1870s with the name Nordhoff, in honor of travel writer Charles Nordhoff. Ojai Getaway Guide: The Best Of Ojai
- He jumped up, impulsively following Beatrice across the room.
- After their relationship is consummated, the corrupted Beatrice Joanna becomes aware of the contradiction between her outward persona and her secret life of sin.
- Images of bombed houses in Drove Road, Beatrice Street, Whitehouse Road and Ipswich Street graphically illustrate the carnage of such raids.
- Beatrice, who liked not to be left out of any discourse, interrupted Benedick with saying.
- Ben Battaglia is a dreamy, literary crushworthy guy in the Benedick role and I liked prickly, supersmart skater girl Geena, whose first name is actually Beatrice. Review: Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty