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bearded vulture

  1. the largest Eurasian bird of prey; having black feathers hanging around the bill

How To Use bearded vulture In A Sentence

  • Although bearded vultures were nearly eliminated from Europe and northern Africa, they continued to inhabit their range in Asia in good numbers.
  • The site has a rich marine fauna and is a key site for species such as osprey and bearded vultures. Scandola Nature Reserve & Capes Girolata and Porto, France
  • Although many citizens have taken a keen interest in the bearded vulture's recovery, old prejudices about the bird die hard.
  • One of four species of vulture found in Europe, bearded vultures earned their name from a small tuft of dark feathers below their beaks.
  • News of the vulture poisonings has coincided with the release of an alarming report on a suspected decline in numbers of South Africa's rare bearded vulture, also known as lammergeyer.
  • Bearded vultures are the only living birds known to access bone marrow, which they do by dashing bones onto rocks from great heights.
  • The sites are natural bearded vulture habitat: high, rocky cliffs where the birds nest and roost, above open valleys populated with wild grazing animals such as chamois, red deer or ibexes.
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