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How To Use Beads In A Sentence

  • From the early 1620s, coastal Indians supplied wampum (sacred shell beads, polished and strung in strands, belts, or sashes) to Dutch traders who exchanged it with inland natives for beaver pelts.
  • Embellished with cascades of semi-precious stones, crystal beads, dabka, and vivid skeins of fine silk thread, the focus here is on detailing and embroidery.
  • Ancient parfleche and quillwork designs are reinterpreted in beadwork, a craft that arose in the post-Contact era, when glass beads became available beaded moccasins, right, $125 and up; baby mocs shown in additional photos at bottom, $35-$80; Melvin Miner beaded rattle, below, $70. Stephanie Woodard: Adventure Shopping Alert: Sale on Fine Lakota Crafts
  • They did not have a written language; instead they used a cord with beads on it, called "quipu", used to record government business. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • In tests, they found that neatly ordered arrays of beads caught more mist than random, disordered ones did.
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  • Irgm1 accumulated around the latex beads phagosomes (seen as refringent spheres) while the loss of the nucleotide-binding site completely abolished the phagosomal accumulation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • With that, she took the plunge into the Thames and was soon among her fellow athletes, bobbing along like beads cast into the water.
  • In order to improve product craft, pandora denounce is gigantic endowment from Italy introduced the first set of gold in Asia electroforming machine equipment, the advanced production cheap pandora equipment, the pandora gold beads electroforming furnishing articles products on the market now, can solve the defect that furnishing articles hardness, surface hardness than traditional products increased more than three times.
  • Back then, in the olden times, in England there were beadsmen.
  • His big hand wiped the small beads of sweat that had accumulated on his brow.
  • Wealthy women might have a string of brightly coloured beads linking the two brooches across the chest.
  • My home on Sunday became a place of carefree fun, little wet boys running to and fro, glistening beads of moisture running down their soft nubile chests.
  • Hanuman snapped his finger and began spinning red beads around the wires of the abacus. THE BROKEN GOD
  • These were either fixed into metal settings or drilled along the prism axis and strung as beads.
  • Layering jewelry can be mystifying, which is why this single piece composed of rhinestones, faux pearls, beads, and chains is so genius.
  • We can deduce the processes that were employed by examining the remains of discarded or lost, part worked or broken beads, for wear or tooling marks.
  • He looked even worse than before, only this time he had beads of sweat dripping down his sallow skin and his nostrils were flared in his over-large nose.
  • Habitat wind township and village roads panacea , Micronesia, as beads Network, to facilitate passenger and freight.
  • Same Sky, the trade-not-aid initiative that I founded in 2008 employs women artisans in Zambia and Rwanda and trains them to crochet beautiful jewelry made with handblown glass beads. Francine LeFrak: Can We Change the World by the Way We Shop?
  • He strode on along the right-hand fork; the sweat stood in beads on his neck and trickled about his ankles.
  • The time-release solid scent beads are dispensed much like a salt-shaker.
  • While sternwards whirled unstrung—pale beads of foam, Morning at Sea in the Tropics
  • With spills and mishandling, masses of these tiny beads end up in the sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • The capsule can be opened and the beads sprinkled on food for youth who have problems swallowing tablets or capsules.
  • Constantine shimmied until beads of perspiration gathered on his shiny forehead.
  • I ran a kids riding camp this summer and they kids were IN LOVE with pearler beads – who knows why, but they are cheap and one of the parents can iron them while you enjoy a cocktail. They Say It’s Her Birthday | Her Bad Mother
  • He placed the azoth on his bureau, put Hyacinth's needler and his beads beside it, and removed his trousers. Calde of the Long Sun
  • A few hundred miles to the West, in the Gold Coast region, is the home of the famous "aggry" beads. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921
  • So let there be that self-moving thing, a sweet girl mentioned by innocence in an off moment because of her skin, because of the way rain beads up on it. Fabulous birds
  • Beads are woven lengthwise and breadthwise into the human story.
  • Meet a great innovation – now the lines on the game field intercross and make a nice labyrinth for the beads to roll in. Beadz – New Random Good Game
  • After that, there was only the sound of clicking abacus beads and the rustle of papers.
  • At regular intervals along these walls occur little towers, for their defence, reminding one of beads strung on a rosary; the great watch-tower at the gate, with its projecting machicolation, forming the pendent cross, -- the whole serving to guard the town within from the dangers of war, even as the rosary protects the city of Mansoul from the attacks of Sin and Death -- though, sooth to say, since the invention of gunpowder and the Reformation, both the one and the other appear to have lost much of their former efficacy. Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
  • They are these tiny little plastic beads (think a little bigger than the head of a pin, seriously) that kids put onto tiny pin sized pegs to make patterns. They Say It’s Her Birthday | Her Bad Mother
  • The Italian millefiori technique for glass beads became the basis for the polymer ‘canes’ or picture beads.
  • I can only imagine his knapsack is full of dildos and anal beads and ticklers and handcuffs and shit. INDIANA JONES DOMINATRIX PICTURES
  • Beads of moisture perspired through the porous walls of the clay jug.
  • And she'd walked off, her rosary beads clattering together all the way down the corridor. IN REAL LIFE
  • Remains of a hut settlement have been found, as well as Bronze Age artefacts, cremated human remains, bones, teeth, beads, pendants, pottery, jewellery, a passage-tomb cemetery and two ruined dolmens.
  • Her closed eyes were smeared with a gold makeup across the lids, and a double loop of pink, possibly coral beads fell loosely around her neck.
  • During the fourth year the child learns to cut with scissors and to thread beads, develops a mature pencil grasp, and learns to draw.
  • Set stainless steel beads in position and apply scratch coat render at a thickness of 6/8mm.
  • Beads were used as barter in the early days of settlement.
  • Immediately after painting the glue, she sprinkled on gold micro beads.
  • The structure was grown using about 100,000 beads of the connective protein collagen, seeded with cells from a human liver cancer culture and tipped into a body-shaped mould. Monday
  • These beads are also strung into pendants, necklaces, bracelets or attached to clothing or furnishings and finger rings.
  • The community is willing to support things like container deposits, banning lightweight plastic bags and the removal of plastic micro beads from soaps and shampoos.
  • My palms started to feel clammy as beads of sweat collected on my forehead.
  • Each splutter sprayed scarlet beads over her ghost-white frame, and over Raven when Nelly snatched at her shoulders in an attempt to steady herself.
  • The children in the following example were using a collection of beads, and their teacher decided to initiate an activity.
  • Still, there must be no haggling; in ecclesiastical language 'ten' means ten beads; no doubt ... but I remember very well that after he pronounced the word rosary, the father expressed himself thus: 'you will say ten,' that means ten rosaries, for otherwise he would have specified ten ... of a rosary. En Route
  • Pandora had never seen a girl elf or a young elf and wondered if they also had long white beads.
  • The tree has seeds with holes, which have been used by visitors to make ‘tasbih,’ a string of 100 beads to recite laudations to God.
  • Her forehead had small beads of sweat on it that glistened in the lamp light.
  • Shop We have necklaces made with agate beads are colorful.
  • The Romans also made a mechanical version, with beads sliding in slots, called an abacus. HERE’S LOOKING AT EUCLID
  • Ready!" attacked in his turn, striking hard and as swiftly as he could, but _crack, crack, crack_, wherever he struck, there was the defensive sapling; and at last, with his arm and shoulder aching, the boy lowered his point and stood panting, with his brow moist with beads of perspiration. The Young Castellan A Tale of the English Civil War
  • Moreover, Bartol and company managed to visualize the flow of water around a boxfish by placing neutrally buoyant beads in the water and filming the beads as they swept past plastic models of the fish.
  • Baubles can be painted, stencilled, sprayed, wrapped or decorated with fabric, ribbons, glitter, pearls and beads.
  • They commemorate the currency of cowrie shells and beads, while suggesting the practice of a geomancy divined in the patterning of objects.
  • They seemed to hunt by scent, ignoring nests with faux frass in the form of small black glass beads.
  • Ditch the summer's clunky ethnic beads for lady-like pearls, vintage jewellery, an old-fashioned handbag, leather gloves and a flash of stocking.
  • A big head that is comprised of large bubbles, coupled with beads of bubbles rising through the beer, is evidence of high levels of carbonation.
  • Rain trickled incessantly down each man's face and glistened in dusty beads upon foreheads, clothing at last gave way to complete saturation, and water, collecting in pools until over ankle deep, oozed slushily in and out of the eyelet holes. Norman Ten Hundred A Record of the 1st (Service) Bn. Royal Guernsey Light Infantry
  • For the beaded shade, all you need are a couple spools of 20-gauge wire (we used tinned copper) and a bag of cool 5mm beads.
  • Tires that have a folding, or Kevlar, bead are lighter and more nimble than those that have steel beads.
  • He felt in his pocket, and found his target: a strand of rosary beads his mother had given him before he had gone to serve in the Guard three months before.
  • The answer is in the minute details of the leaf structure at the surface which beads water and directs it off the leaf, containing a load of dust and other particles.
  • They may sew more than 1,000 miniature beads onto one outfit. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the car hits the top of the bridge, tiny beads of sweat form on his forehead.
  • They can erase the traces of human settlement with such vigour that, often, nothing remains of a civilisation except a few potsherds, coins and glass beads.
  • The library staff gleefully found the answers to the words that end in gry: hungry, angry (OK, those were easy), aggry (a type of ancient, variegated glass beads), meagry (having Librarian Heroes - Des Moines Register Article
  • A magnet then holds the beads/nucleic acids on the side of the tip while remaining material is ejected. The Scientist
  • Habitat wind township and village roads panacea , Micronesia, as beads Network, to facilitate passenger and freight.
  • The video also shows Gaga dressed in a latex nuns' outfit, suggestively swallowing a set of rosary beads, and appears to include references to Madonna's famous videos for Like A Prayer and Vogue.
  • Emblematical of the season are gold and silver, prayer-book markers, and rosaries with beads of precious metals or garnets.
  • I knocked over the bowl with all the beads in it and spent fifteen minutes grovelling on my hands and knees on the living room carpet painstakingly picking them up again.
  • Her forehead was swelling like an anthill, with beads of blood flowing out of it instead of insects. Chocolate & Vicodin
  • This is not practical for the beads on the vertical edges of the drawers.
  • MPs had called for action against the tiny beads, which are flushed into the ocean and damage marine life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The line of beads followed the line of the original lightning bolt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Local craft production included the manufacture of glass and stone beads, and extensive tin, bronze, and gold working.
  • The baguette is still very popular, with variations in beads, denim and felt appliqué - the possibilities are endless.
  • She rummaged around, hoping for inspiration, discarding brooches and beads and belts.
  • The traditional kundan work has also been embellished with semi-precious and precious stones and beads such as tourmalines, tanzanites, opals, aquamarine and peridots.
  • By mixing wet and dry beads in a tumbler, and developing a theory for interacting beads, they found the precise conditions that lead to mixing or separation.
  • These will rapidly solidify to form small beads of glass, a type of solid with a disorderly molecular arrangement.
  • Beads of sweat broke out on low, sloping brows.
  • The leaders stand silent for a while near the veranda, then one of them whispers a few words in broken "biche la mar," describing what he wants to buy -- knives, cartridges, powder, tobacco, pipes, matches, calico, beads. Two Years with the Natives in the Western Pacific
  • Be it the bold and intricate beadwork from the Maasai Mara or the handcrafted sea glass beads from Ghana's Cape Coast, when such jewelry is unfailingly noticed, I quickly direct the conversation to the independent African businesswomen who have made and sold me these pieces over the past years. Kate Otto: My Bracelet Makes a Businesswoman (VIDEO)
  • Workers in gold and ivory, in gems and talismans, in brass and fine linen and purple had done the marvels which those courtier adventurers brought with them over the sea, and to these, from year to year, had been added the treasure of private chests -- necklaces and coronals and hair-loops, bottles and vases of glass coloured with metallic oxides, and patterned aggry-beads, now sometimes found in ancient tombs on the Ashantee coasts. Romance Island
  • On the green nearby, there were many stalls, selling all sorts of religious objects: rosary beads, scapulars, and prayer books.
  • Do something else - replace the habit of holding a cigarette with something else, like a pen or beads. The Sun
  • Each subsequent flag she played more with materials, adding hand-made worry-dolls to the suns, or little mirrors into a sort of plaid pattern, or encrusting the edges so thick with multicolored beads that you want to put the whole thing in your mouth. Galleon trade edition
  • The golden sisirum and the delicately-wrought nabla, the strings of which had long ago been broken, testified to her taste for music, while the broken spindle in the corner, and some unfinished nets of glass beads shewed that she had been fond of woman's usual work. An Egyptian Princess — Volume 10
  • After the microbeads scandal, plastic isn't something beauty brands are keen to discuss. Times, Sunday Times
  • A devout Catholic and mother of seven, she was holding her beloved rosary beads when the end came.
  • Three gold torcs jewellery which could be worn as an amulet or a child's necklace bronze bracelets and an assortment of amber beads, were discovered by the brothers while walking along a Co Mayo beach.
  • New glass techniques included avventurina (metal flecks embedded in glass for a sparkly look) and calcedonio (illusion of semiprecious stones), raised decorations on glass, and millefiori beads. Glasses Wars | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The deformation of the substratum due to the activity of the cell is measured using an optical flow-based algorithm that matches patterns of beads between the unstrained and strained fluorescent images.
  • For two large, sedan chairs," he said, "four small sedan chairs and four carriages, are needed in all so many large and small tassels, each tassel requiring so many catties of beads and thread. Hung Lou Meng, Book I Or, the Dream of the Red Chamber, a Chinese Novel in Two Books
  • In this process, water passes through a media bed, usually sulfonated polystyrene beads.
  • About the neck were long wampum necklaces with _dentalium, unionida, and auricula, _ interspersed with beads. An Introduction to the mortuary customs of the North American Indians
  • She undressed and ran a hot bath, careful to pour the right amount of bath beads into the whirlpool bath.
  • Now, count five beads and you have a pentapeptide. Times, Sunday Times
  • The flaring ends of the dress were skirted in moiré and beads of black lace edged the plunging neckline and flaring cuffs.
  • The priest fidgeted nervously with his black rosary beads.
  • And there were beads and blankets and scarlet cloths, such as I got in trade from the people who lived to the east, and who got them in trade from the people who lived still beyond in the east. An Odyssey of the North
  • She is dressed in a tight-fitting black velvet bodice. square-cut at the neck and partly filled in with a gay handkerchief, coloured rose-pink, blue, and golden, like the alpen-rose, the gentian, and the mountain dandelion; alabaster beads, pale as edelweiss, are round her throat; her stiffened. white linen sleeves finish at the elbow; and her full well-worn skirt is of gentian blue. Plays : Second Series
  • Having slain those Kurus -- our kinsmen, that is, our friends and well-wishers, -- we shall have to sink in hell, beads (hanging) downwards. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 Books 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
  • Her two sisters' maid dresses are not as troublesome as hers due to the fact that theirs are plain and hers is full of decorations such as beads, ribbons and bows.
  • The beads were carved from solid ivory.
  • Use a couple of small ones as worry beads, jiggling them around in the palm of your hand.
  • Creativity goes beyond paint and canvas, tap shoes, travel, beads and string, needle and thread.
  • Using beads, sequins and hand woven superfine cotton saris in fluorescent colours that Kanchan had taken with her from India, the two began work together almost immediately.
  • Taking a single shower using gel containing microbeads can result in 100,000 being washed down the drain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thermistor beads are also often used as the sensitive elements of resistance thermometers.
  • Visit my Etsy shop for some fun, new lampwork beads that I've just listed. 12 Tricks
  • Out of the steamer-trunk she pulled a heavy black silk moire skirt, and a high-necked, long-sleeved black silk shirtwaist trimmed in black silk embroidery and jet beads. Red dust
  • By day she draped herself in strands of multi-coloured beads, while by night diamond cuffs climbed the length of her arms.
  • Collect together sequins, tiny glass beads, tiny shells, bits of lace and braid and ribbon.
  • From the fingers in which he'd claimed he could already feel the Art quickening beads of power oozed like ectoplasm, bursting in the air. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Many of us use exfoliating soaps with micro beads.
  • As I hung over the water, the steam rose gently from the tub, misting my face with warm, dewy beads.
  • Li S, Waters R (1996) Nucleotide level detection of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers using oligonucleotides and magnetic beads to facilitate labelling of DNA fragments incised at the dimers and chemical sequencing reference ladders. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The ceiling is vaulted with wooden-cavetto and decorated with beads and cymas.
  • This was nothing more nor less than strings of beads wrought out of clams, periwinkles, and other shell-fish, and called seawant or wampum. Knickerbocker's History of New York, Complete
  • The application of sufficient pressure to unlock the locking chain from the other chains can be increased using other locking techniques such as melting or glueing the beads together.
  • In any event, whether the letter came to him or not, the King took pity on his ‘poor ancient servant and beadsman,’ permitting him to be released after only four days in the Tower.
  • Additionally, I love combining the pewter with other metal foils such as copper and brass foil, as well as using metal paints and glass beads.
  • When Ian had moved into the room, the mould-peppered walls had been decorated with lurid orange-flowered wallpaper, redolent of stack heels, flares, beads and caftans.
  • Check them out for interesting beads and glasswork, Indian dresses and fresh, hand-rolled incense.
  • While her green, gold, and red metallic body costume with its short skirt emphasizes her luxuriant sensuality, her waist beads indicate that she is marriageable and morally desirable.
  • Traditional Huichol art forms were handed down from generation to generation, but they have changed in stylistic expression with the introduction of new materials, such as glass beads, metal, and commercial dyes. Huichol art, a matter of survival: Part Two
  • It's a kind of bolero jacket with beads all over it," Ms. McCord told the Daily Transom about the jacket that she bought at an estate sale about a decade ago. For Sale: Chloe Sevigny's Refrigerator, Kelly Killoren Bensimon's Sneakers, Chuck Schumer's Tie
  • I have always regarded specular hematite as a micaceous or platy form that would be very difficult to fashion into beads.
  • “For two large, sedan chairs,” he said, “four small sedan chairs and four carriages, are needed in all so many large and small tassels, each tassel requiring so many catties of beads and thread.” Hung Lou Meng
  • Ni’amah replied, “An old woman of such and such a mien, clad in woollen raiment and carrying a rosary of beads numbered by thousands.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • As to Madame de S **, I am by no means bound to be her beadsman -- she was always more civil to me in person than during my absence. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 5 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • Its slight irregularity could be either intentional or an accident due to the hard-edged woman's discomfort with the beads of meaning.
  • On returning to Ujiji after a rather protracted sojourn at Uvira, occasioned by Kannina's not completing his work so quickly as had been anticipated, we found our stock of beads and cloth, which had been left in charge of the Ras-cafila, Sheikh Said, and under the protection of the Beluches and our Wanyamuézi porters, reduced to so low an ebb that everybody felt anxious about our future movements. What Led to the Discovery of the Source of the Nile
  • To play the game, there are a variety of options, tamarind seeds, cowrie shells, beads, even small stones as affordability waxes and wanes.
  • With his piercing eyes, his eloquent and hypnotic manner of speaking, his neck and wrists covered in Santa Muerte scapulars and Santería-like beads, the self-anointed priest had developed an enthusiastic following in the northern suburbs of the city. Down and Delirious in Mexico City
  • Phagocytosis of the RTHDF fibroblasts was studied using carboxylate-modified polystyrene fluorescent latex beads with a diameter of 1.0 µm (Sigma-Aldrich) as described by Ganassin et al. [63]. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • There are necklaces of gold papyrus blooms, rosettes, and argonauts, and polished amethyst, carnelian, and sardonyx beads. Minoans in Manhattan
  • Scala Sancta, laid out the prescribed sum on relics, beads, scapulars, medals, and what-not, and, in short, fulfilled all the articles of my uncle's vow. Sir John Constantine Memoirs of His Adventures At Home and Abroad and Particularly in the Island of Corsica: Beginning with the Year 1756
  • Strings of haliotis and pachydesma shell beads encircled their necks, and around their waists were belts heavily loaded with the same material. An Introduction to the mortuary customs of the North American Indians
  • REC's so-called fluidized bed reactor process grows beads of polysilicon from pressurized gas and tiny liquidized seeds of semi-purified material. -- Top News
  • _Antiquary_, the ingenious and abstruse Mr. Jonathan Oldbuck, and the old beadsman Edie Ochiltree, and that preternatural figure of old Edith The Spirit of the Age Contemporary Portraits
  • bugle beads all aglitter
  • While Tisci focused on black and oyster, Lacroix used a vast array of colors and along with the rich details of beads, laces, corsets, flounces and satin.
  • While some of the items in this burial are sumptuary, such as the beads and bone flute, the article described these items, including the small pot, as being placed with the infant rather than the adult female.
  • From here he could already see the tiny beads of sweat beginning to accumulate across her brow and collar bone, making her soft golden honey skin glisten in the light.
  • Then there are long strands of beads and weird exotic flowers in deep colours to wind around trees, banisters, mantelpieces and even table napkins.
  • She wore a bright pink dress with matching fascinator, black high heels and a jacket embellished with silver, pink and yellow beads.
  • Ultra-fine jojoba beads whisk them away, while soothing panthenol calms and hydrates. $36, Scrubbing Off Indian Summer
  • Both proteins are disposed as strings of beads arranged along long pitch longitudinal helices, but the strings of beads for the two proteins are on separate stripes of membrane.
  • This attractive necklace is made from re-cycled TV screen beads, they are a lovely soft grey colour and sparkle like chandelier lustres.
  • Mosaics can be made from any of a number of materials, from the traditional tessera and glass, to mundane materials such as stones and beads, to the unexpected bottle caps, nuts and bolts, and industrial cast-offs.
  • Otoo took a flying leap ashore, dug both hands into the trade goods, and scattered tobacco, beads, tomahawks, knives, and calicoes in all directions. THE HEATHEN
  • Beads of water cling to its screen, necklaces unstrung.
  • One man was holding a long string of rosary beads in his trembling hands.
  • Everywhere people carry the prayer beads of the Greek Orthodox Church.
  • Across the street, an imaginative assortment of silver bijoux, beads and candles awaits you at Punto Magico.
  • Feel free to check out my lampwork beads in my Etsy shop and see whether you can figure out where I used them. My Favorite Tools
  • Collect together sequins, tiny glass beads, tiny shells, bits of lace and braid and ribbon.
  • Beads of gelatin throughout, because it got too cold, not stiff enough cream, sugar not caramelized enough, sugar too caramelized aka: burnt… she has scars from that night. Chopped vegetable, watermelon and feta salad | smitten kitchen
  • They have turned their recent research into microplastics in the Great Lakes into a platform for advocacy, pressuring companies to stop using the plastic beads altogether.
  • There are hints of a similar pattern at Wallingford where graves with amber beads were also more likely to have brooches.
  • Matching beads on my boobs with the chin bead as an accessory. Drawing A Line In The Sand @ Attack of the Redneck Mommy
  • Giorgio Armani has harmonized beads and sequins to create a shiny jewel of a wrap-around top.
  • Still, the flock of visitors, not just the Kuta crowd with its uniform of tie-dyes and beads, keeps coming back.
  • Three beads of wampum separating the two purple rows symbolize peace, friendship and respect.
  • At Mauna Island (now called Tutuila) some successful bargaining was done with glass beads in exchange for pork and fruits. Laperouse
  • Many anglers like to use several highly coloured plastic beads just in front of the bait as an added attraction.
  • The remainder of his costume consisted of a black cloth roundabout, threadbare and dirty; a pair of black casimere pantaloons, very tight about the legs and burst open in several places; and a pair of moccasins on his feet, adorned with beads and patches of red flannel. The Land of Thor
  • Researchers at the Rogosin Institute are taking tumor cells from mice, encapsulating them in beads made from a seaweed-derived sugar called agarose, and implanting them in the abdomen of cancer patients. Novel Effort To Fight Cancer With Cancer Cells
  • He beheld Essie in her pretty gipsy hat and holland dress, with all her bird-like daintiness, kneeling on the moss far below him, threading the scarlet beads on bents of grass, with the little ones round her.
  • Beads and daisy chains are feminine touches, while rickracks, fringes, and narrow ribbons have universal appeal.
  • The side chapels were deserted, save for an elderly aristo woman who knelt on an embroidered hassock, chanting her rosary as she strung the beads along the string.
  • Then he knelt by a bush of gorse, told his beads, and earnestly entreated direction and aid for himself, and protection for his sister; and when the sun grew so low as to make it time for a wanderer to seek harbour, he stained and daggled his gown in the mire and water of a peat-moss, so as to destroy its Oxford gloss, took a book in his hand, and walked towards the monastery, reciting Latin verses in the sing-song tone then universally followed. The Caged Lion
  • The tosylactivated beads form covalent bonds with any available primary amino or sulfhydryl groups.
  • She had finally chosen a black skirt and a white wrap blouse and black beads.
  • Using round-nose pliers, unbend the wire handle ends inside the box and feed on large beads with large holes.
  • Fabricators can use one holder with a variety of special forming inserts - anything from countersinks and continuous beads to formed embosses for logos and branding. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • This isn't reality TV!" they splutter, settling in for 60 solid minutes watching a woman fake-tanned the shade of a third-degree burn glueing diamante craft beads on to her vagina. Grace Dent's TV OD
  • The birds bent the tree branches from which they hung, pendulous ornaments, their amber eyes like glass beads. Bone Hinge
  • She camped it up about her "marvy-poo" beads and dress, and I sat transfixed, destined to join legions who enjoy following the foibles of the well-to-do. Michael Henry Adams: Book Review: Admiring Rich Peoples Houses?
  • A one-piece slimline gown featuring lace over delustered satin sparkling with bugle beads, sequins and seed beads.
  • Straw hat with wooden beads, £65, Fred Bare.
  • The sadhu was a heavy man too, with long white hair tied up in a knot and many beads around his neck. Undefined
  • He lives amidst a dizzying array of objects: church fixtures, toys, beads, bottle caps, dolls' heads, icons, candles and dominoes.
  • a treble row of red beads
  • It's a kind of bolero jacket with beads all over it," Ms. McCord told the Daily Transom about the jacket that she bought at an estate sale about a decade ago. Home | The New York Observer
  • The decoration fashioned in beads, paint, and quillwork served to summarize the common values of the wearers - generosity, honor, and bravery.
  • Acini di pepe, also called pastina, is Italian for peppercorns, and they look like tiny beads. - RSS
  • About her shoulders was a shawl that seemed at first an ashy gray, but upon closer inspection was revealed to be interwoven with silvery threads and beads, rippling with a watery sheen as she moved.
  • I found a pink raw silk jacket with covered buttons, a soft leopard vest and a cream wool shell covered with opalescent sequins and beads.
  • It was a small frog, made of blown glass beads, and decorated in exotic gold paints and garnished in rich, lovely colored fabrics.
  • She believes in shimmer in bridal wear and embellishes the line with bugle beads, gold thread, sequins, embroidery, weave and print to create an almost futuristic look.

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