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  • This is most likely to be due to variation in Fe distribution within and adsorbed by plant tissues, and it was particularly evident in the root samples.
  • This increase may partly be due to the changeover to metric.
  • This may be due to the cheetah's prolonged courtship behavior, which requires extensive territory.
  • Paul came home this evening and said "You're horny ... and mardy ... you must be due on," which of course is absolutely right. March 28th, 2008
  • The purgative activity of RH appears to be due to rhein and the sennoside components.
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  • But, for such an attribute, the difference could also be due to the greater psychological affinity between Is.
  • To this it may be due that Miss Arabella had reached the age of five and twenty not merely unmarried but unwooed. Captain Blood
  • It has emerged victims and their families may be due tens of millions of pounds in compensation. The Sun
  • The origin of these exotic features remains a mystery but may be due to something simple, such as the uneven upwelling of ice sheets.
  • When he returns, the new firm will be due to launch and he'll be out looking for the bigger deals that have hitherto eluded him.
  • Although this particular result may be due to the limited sampling of avian taxa, the presence of a deinonychosaurian key feature (a hyperextendible second toe) and the absence of two avian key features a triradiate palatine (3) and a fully reversed first toe in Archaeopteryx challenges the monophyly of Aves as currently recognized. New Archaeopteryx fossil provides further insight into bird, dinosaur evolution - The Panda's Thumb
  • He said that the binding was so “stereospecific” it had to be an opiate, like morphine, but because the binding was so weak he suspected that it might be due to the presence of a morphine contaminant in the sample. Alcohol and The Addictive Brain
  • Although scyphozoan sequences are lacking in the HOX1, HOX2, HOX9-14A and CDX groups (figure 1), these absences could be due to non exhaustive sampling from PCR surveys, a full genome sequence being currently lacking for this cnidarian lineage PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Many of these symptoms may be due to another condition, such as piles or even rectal or bowel cancer, so it is important to see your GP as soon as possible.
  • The display problems might be due to a shortage of disk space.
  • You have done all the right things, so it could be due to a resistant strain of the yeast that causes thrush. The Sun
  • This susceptibility might not be due merely to ethnic genetic differences.
  • Some of the physical incidents in haunts, including interference with electrical equipment and movement of objects with ferrite components, may also be due to anomalous electromagnetic conditions.
  • A possible reason for the failure of previous studies to consistently obtain similar results may well be due to sampling bias.
  • Their apparent preponderance may be due to the fact that they have been the most commonly used corticosteroids.
  • This may be due to the inferior quality of the centrifuges or because there are faulty components that have been introduced. Times, Sunday Times
  • This could be due to a lack of communication on how the breakout group was intended to be conducted.
  • This may be due to excess vascularization in the tumor tissues caused by PDT exposure.
  • The display problems might be due to a shortage of disk space.
  • In fact, if posterity decides to remember any of these extravaganzas, it will probably be due more to clever packaging and mixing of media than to any innate musical quality.
  • It has emerged victims and their families may be due tens of millions of pounds in compensation. The Sun
  • Fazisi was not as competitive, maybe due to the Soviet crew not being used to such advanced technology.
  • The high rate of evolution in ancestral repeats may be due partly to higher levels of hypermutable CpG dinucleotides.
  • Both types of capsids have the same diameter; consequently the change in migration must be due to an increase in overall charge to more basic.
  • One of the reasons for this lack of interest may be due to the often static and fixed conception of names: many onomastic studies do not allow for name changes.
  • His doctor pooh-poohs the idea this may be due to any of the drugs he's taking.
  • The cause of white drupes in blackberries is unknown; some think it may be due to stink bug damage during bloom, sun scald around harvest or another unknown physiological disorder.
  • Other studies suggest that if air quality has not become worse, it could be due to stricter emission control norms right from the manufacturing stage, more use of unleaded petrol and low-sulphur diesel.
  • Researchers say the continuing loss is most likely to be due to rising sea surface temperatures. Times, Sunday Times
  • It may be due to some slight puff of wind or a tremor of the earth.
  • The link may be due to the fact that risk-taking, possession- grabbing and sexual conquest could all be linked in our ancient evolutionary brains.
  • This may be due to a large bolus of concentrated solute reaching the myocardium.
  • For Particulars and Universals alike it is established that to the first of those known as the Fates, to Clotho the Spinner, must be due the unity and as it were interweaving of all that exists: Lachesis presides over the Lots: to Atropos must necessarily belong the conduct of mundane events. The Six Enneads.
  • Louise has a variable level of understanding which would appear to be due to a receptive dysphasia.
  • The scan showed areas of increased uptake in the lower spine, felt to be due to degenerative joint disease.
  • Abortion may be due to pathological changes in the ovum, the uterus, or its adnexa one or both -- to the physical or nervous condition of the woman, to diseases either inherited or acquired (syphilis, tuberculosis, rheumatism); to any infectious, contagious, or inflammatory disease; to shock, injury, or accident. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • This could be due to a parent being ill, (this sometimes happens after the parent gets better), marriage problems, fighting or parents separating.
  • Except as otherwise provided in this act, taxes levied under Part II of this act shall be due and payable to the treasurer and re - ceiver-general within thirty days after the date of the notice provided for in section twenty-three, but not before the twentieth day of October, and in the collection of taxes under said Part II, he shall have all the remedies provided in Acts, 1920. — Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • Studies suggest that sputum smears persistently positive despite negative culture results may in some patients be due to nonviable or atypical mycobacteria.
  • She advises mothers-to-be due to have a caesarean to thoroughly discuss the pros and cons with their doctor. Babies Born One Week Early Are at Higher Risk for Serious Health Problems | Impact Lab
  • This could be due to either extenuating circumstances or more time required to become fully acculturated to the shelter.
  • The fish and chip corner shop has disappeared, but its demise may not be due to the tandoori craze, but rather to an aversion to greasy food in a health-conscious society.
  • The significant time gap between orogenic deformation and thermal metamorphism implies that metamorphism in many other orogens may not necessarily be due to compressive tectonics.
  • It should not be overlooked that this could be due to the feelings of fear, shame, embarrassment or anger that the victims may still feel during or even after the event.
  • Partly it may be due to its production of the so-called enterocins, a family of bacteriocins, which are antimicrobial peptides produced by some bacterial strains.
  • However, differences in recall could be due to variations in the memorability of the associations to neutral and emotional words.
  • Studies have demonstrated passion flower's use as a sedative and mild analgesic. Passion flower's beneficial effects are believed to be due to its flavonoid and harman alkaloid content.
  • The authors indicate therefore that excesses of prostatic cancer in industrial workforces are unlikely to be due to external radiation.
  • Researchers say the continuing loss is most likely to be due to rising sea surface temperatures. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was considered to be due to the limited involvement of the officers and the clerical assistant in certain parts of the analysis.
  • It could be argued, however, that the lack of embryonic or larval phenotypes could be due to a long-lasting perdurance of maternal deposits during oogenesis.
  • Unlike the skin of whales and manatees, shark skin doesn't pick up algae or barnacles. This seems to be due to little scales called "dermal denticles.
  • E. coli antigens were detected in ulcerous tissue and were suspected to be due to secondary infection in these lesions.
  • This can be due to a reduction in light interception as leaf expansion is reduced or as leaves senesce, and to reductions in C fixation per unit leaf area as stomates close or as photo-oxidation damages the photosynthetic mechanism.
  • Even with the gamepad controller, the gameplay was still more difficult than it should be due to camera issues.
  • Thus differences in pay and prestige between occupational groups may be due to differences in their power rather than their functional importance.
  • Many of the best physicians of the day consider true or membranous croup to be due to this diphtheritic membranous disease thus located in the larynx or trachea. Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
  • This may be due to the fact that while their external appearance is mechanical, their processing units are primarily organic.
  • This may be due to the fact that the western mind has been infused with a strong sense of individuality, whereas the eastern philosophies, and the language as well, tend to be more collective.
  • Could it be due to the day he failed to answer the bell to the drug testers when upstairs at his small home in Twickenham? The Sun
  • These findings suggest that the hemagglutinating activity may be due to different proteins or that other constituents of these fluids may interfere with this activity.
  • This was considered to be due to the limited involvement of the officers and the clerical assistant in certain parts of the analysis.
  • This could be due to the fact that dormitory residents tend to interact more with each other than do off campus students who may spend less time on campus.
  • The clean-shaven trend may be due to the fact that many people tend to correlate an unshaven face with sloppiness.
  • Since MMPs are zinc-dependent endopeptidases, we speculated that the reduction of BP7033Br ALK effect could be due to a reduction of available phosphonic acid groups able to chelate zinc and consequently inhibit MMPs. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The greater return rate in ponds with small zooplankton is likely to be due to allometric differences between large-bodied and small-bodied grazers.
  • The problem may be due to poor workmanship.
  • All oils and fats contain more or less free acidity; but excess of acidity, though it may be due to the decomposition of the glyceride, and does not always denote rancidity, is undesirable in soap-making material. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • They look to be due a pause for breath. Times, Sunday Times
  • _ -- These may originate in a diverticulum of a vein that has become isolated, or in a cavernous angioma; or they may be due to hæmorrhage taking place into a branchial or thyreo-glossal cyst. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Punishment will be due those criminals.
  • Laryngeal symptoms (hoarseness, croupiness, etcetera) may be due to digital or instrumental efforts at the removal of a foreign body that never was present. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • The difference between those and these findings may be due the disparate methodologies used.
  • Hyperpigmentation in the buccal cavity may be due to racial origin or caused by dental amalgam, drugs, using tobacco or betel, naevi, or, rarely, melanoma
  • This may be due to the complete absence of functional Ea and/or non-polymorphism of the Ea gene product.
  • The cause is unknown but it is thought to be due to an imbalance of the chemical dopamine in the brain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Could this be due to the animal fat which is one of its chemical constituents? Times, Sunday Times
  • These could be due to the fact that most of the non-endemic species within this group have adapted to ruderal areas, while none of the endemics occupies this kind of habitat.
  • Just as sure as women don't know the pain of removing excess hair and never get any hair growing on their faces, my singledom can only be due to the fact that I either do or don't have a furry phiz.
  • It points out that this may be due to the extra services now available within communities for tackling drugs and alcohol misuse or to the fact that some callers contact the helpline when the telephone is unmanned and don't leave a message.
  • Disease was often thought to be due to moral failings, and specifically, excesses: too much anger, jealousy, gluttony, or sex, either in an individual, or in the population.
  • Penalty interest will be due for the period the debts are rescheduled.
  • This seemed to be due to overdosing on bad batches of a drug known as spice.
  • Mussel-poisoning was formerly supposed to be due to the copper in them derived from ships 'bottoms, but it is more probably the result of the formation of a toxine during life, and not after decomposition has set in. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • Protrusion of tissue through the anus may be due to hemorrhoids, mucosal prolapse, polyps or other lesions.
  • It may be due to something straightforward such as snoring at night, but it's worth having a chat about it with your doc.
  • The French botanists, following Dunal and Moquin, attribute an increase in the number of whorls in the corolla, and other parts of the flower, to a process which they call chorisis, and they consider the augmentation to be due to the splitting of one petal, for instance, into several; -- somewhat in the same manner as one may separate successive layers of talc one from the other. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • [CSA] _No slave or other_ person held to service or labor _in any State or Territory of the Confederate States_, under the laws thereof, escaping _or lawfully carried_ into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor; but shall be delivered up on claim of the party _to whom such slave belongs, or_ to whom such service or labor may be due. The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government
  • Dr Preece and his team said the unexplained hot spots in an area of the brain behind the left ear could be due to two causes.
  • It has been known for some time that Mediterranean oregano oil is a powerful antimicrobial, which is said to be due to the high content of a compound called carvacol. Innovations-report
  • My experiments upon the action of defines show, however, that it is essential to the identification of carbon monoxide that the formation of carbon dioxide by the action of the palladium chloride be proved by means of lime water or other indicator, as otherwise the reduction of the palladium salt may be due to a member of the olefine group. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • The change in the figures appeared to be due to things like administrative convenience.
  • It could be due to all the Johnny Cash songs I have heard since childhood but I tend to associate the railway with romance and adventure.
  • It is thought to be due to the same virus which in pigs is called swinepox and in horses ` ` grease. '' The Scientific Monthly, October-December 1915
  • This can be due to increasing confining pressure (mechanical compaction), tectonic stress in impervious sediments or hydrothermal activity.
  • This eroded appearance might be due to a period of exposure before burial; alternatively, it might have been produced by passage through the alimentary tract of some predator or scavenger.
  • While gastric ulcers in horses are common, their presence may be due in part to the use of phenylbutazone.
  • Again, this may be due to concomitant compression or wound bandaging mitigating the cooling effect and preventing adequate metabolic reduction.
  • We assume that the present findings may be due to a secondary effect of stimulant drug treatment.
  • It is thought to be due to the same virus which in pigs is called swinepox and in horses "grease. Popular Science Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec, 1915 — Volume 86
  • This could be due to a misguided belief that the swine flu jab will protect against winter flu**. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • Those involved in Lets and time banks argue that no taxation should be due on the services traded.
  • I suspect that your problem is more likely to be due to an impaired sense of smell rather than your taste buds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The relatively large divergence between these results could, on the one hand, be due to differences either in the growth conditions or in the fruit maturation state.
  • A negative P wave in lead I may be due to incorrect recording of the electrocardiogram (that is, with transposition of the left and right arm electrodes), dextrocardia, or abnormal atrial rhythms. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • That is, reported differences in perceived stress may be due to differences in subjective perceptions or in differences in the amount of objective stressors.
  • ` ` This occurrence of short limbs with polydactylism seems to prove conclusively that the condition may be due to a modification of development of a totally different nature from rickets. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Most back strains that occur with “moving boxes” are likely to be due to spasm of overstretched or torn back muscles, or possible compression and herniation of an intervertebral disk. The Crooked Man
  • The authors indicate therefore that excesses of prostatic cancer in industrial workforces are unlikely to be due to external radiation.
  • This could be due to a defective damp-proof course or condensation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem may be due to poor workmanship.
  • These data suggest that the progressive leaf dieback starting from the stem base, as observed when the inflorescence of sunflower reached maturity, might be due to time-dependent loss of hydraulic conductance.
  • Part of the reason lines may be due to the aspect of rhyming and rhythm.
  • It can be due to other infections, such as candida, which are not usually sexually transmitted.
  • The latter is known to be due to the fact that hypocalcemia prolongs the duration of phase two of the action potential of cardiac muscle.
  • The prominence of the primary rods is a function of the thinner shell wall and may be due to an ecological factor, as mentioned above.
  • _Suppurative parotitis_ may be due to direct spread of infection from the mouth along the parotid duct, or to extension of suppurative processes from the temporo-mandibular joint, the jaw, or a lymph gland. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Could this be due to the animal fat which is one of its chemical constituents? Times, Sunday Times
  • Time and again when our two leads should be duetting it sounds more like their voices are clashing discordantly. Michael Giltz: Theater: NYMF #2 -- Friends, Hipsters & Pigeons
  • Councils -- e.g. Chalcedon -- seem to be due to very successful tachygraphy. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • Red lesions may also be due to desquamative gingivitis, erythroplasia, haemangiomas, orofacial granulomatosis, Crohn's disease, sarcoidosis, Wegener's granulomatosis, and neoplasms such as carcinoma and Kaposi's sarcoma.
  • The origin of the layers is hypothesized to be due to either growth-related oscillatory zoning or exsolution after growth.
  • Could it be due to something lacking during the growing period?
  • It may be due to an overgrowth and inward pressure, etc., or from filth accumulating and hardening between the claws, producing inflammation and softening or ulceration of the skin in the interdigital space (between the claws). The Veterinarian
  • Obviously no orientational dependence is expected from spherical beads, which is confirmed by our experiments (the residual fluctuations are likely to be due to imperfections in the bead and/or the measurement system).
  • The premature growth arrest of breast and skin epithelial cells grown on plastic substrates may be due to an inadequate culture environment.
  • This may be due to the constant reminiscing of certain horrendous historical events.
  • This may also be due to the apathy, bordering on torpor, concerning most elements of conventional politics and theories of power.
  • Cause of failure on engine No.1 and its windmilling prop was later estimated to be due to a master rod bearing breakdown while problems with No.4 resulted from a failure in the impeller drive gear train.
  • The study says that this may be due to exposure to environmental pollutants and chemicals. Times, Sunday Times
  • It occurred to us that the septic vibrio might be an obligatory anaerobe and that the sterility of our inoculated culture fluids might be due to the destruction of the septic vibrio by the atmospheric oxygen dissolved in the fluids. The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
  • The back-passage trombonist combined with the diesel droner almost drown out the incessant beeping from the IV machines announcing their various problems, which can be due to a lack of fluids but sometimes it seems, they're just suffering plain boredom like their patients. CRN Australia - News -
  • An increase in abdominal gas may be due to three complications.
  • This may be due to the inferior quality of the centrifuges or because there are faulty components that have been introduced. Times, Sunday Times
  • _Laryngeal stenosis in the newborn_ may be due to various anomalies of the larynx or trachea, or to traumatism of these structures during delivery. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • The disappointment in the cases may be due to a misconception about the office and authority of the President.
  • The flexors were apparently all right, and the bending back seemed to be due to contraction of the ligaments of the joint and the sheath of the perforans. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • The artworks were a delight to view which could be due to the colourful assemblage and hang of the show.
  • The change in the figures appeared to be due to things like administrative convenience.
  • This may be due to genetic factors, but usually drugs including alcohol result in the low urate renal clearance.
  • Their first pieces of work would be due in on Wednesday or Thursday of first week.
  • However, it is usually at one of the first few bins in the histograms, where it may be due to failure of detection of very brief events.
  • It must be due to a sudden outbreak of ingratitude and lack of common sense.
  • This may be due partly to the minor crop status of both crops in this region, but other Cruciferae, such as canola (Brassica napus L. or Brassica campestris L.), are also candidates for this type of strip intercrop system with sunflower. 1. Green manure crops in irrigated and rainfed lowland rice-based cropping systems in south Asia.
  • Lesions in the testis can be due to tuberculosis, syphilis, or malignancy and require urgent ultrasound examination.
  • All focus at present is on water, may it be due to termination of water accords or failure of monsoon or scattered, scanty rain, scarce power to operate tubewells.
  • It is seen less in women and this is thought to be due to cultural and societal pressures for women to define themselves via their appearance. Times, Sunday Times
  • After she had been told that this could be due to cold sore virus infection, the lesions were swabbed and sent for culture in viral transport medium.
  • So if the term sticks, it may be due for a re-definition, linking it not to high prices but to high anxiety. Buzzword: Buyers' strike
  • Apparently if one's pupil is irregularly shaped it could be due to simply just a genetic variation (which is normal) or more serious things such as iritis, multiple sclerosis, coloboma, previous cataract surgery, and/or neurosyphilis. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • So if the information was obtained lawfully, the question has to be whether the leak damaged Apple financially, in which case one could expect them to be due reparation.
  • The behaviour is highly unlikely to be due to an inability to tell the difference between a penguin and a seal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The display problems might be due to a shortage of disk space.
  • A favorite ignoratio elenchi of Will and his climate-denier crowd is the following: the Earth's climate has changed in the past due to natural causes; and so the current warming trend in climate must be due to natural causes. Bill Chameides: Red Herring Alert: Planet Earth Does Not Need a Care Package
  • It was presumed to be due to a virus, and as Australia's only recognized virologist, material from guinea pigs was sent down to him. 8 On histological examination of tissues from an infected mouse he noticed a "vague herringbone pattern" which recalled what he had seen in psittacosis and had read about for rickettsiae, and using Castaneda's stain he had no doubt that the organism was a rickettsia. The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
  • In part this may be due to increased public awareness and expansion of mariculture or sea-farming, leading to a higher level of observation.
  • This could be due to the fact that the square was a essentially a static form, signifying calm and rest, while the entrance gateway needed to have some dynamism.
  • For seeing the sovereign demandeth by force of a former law, and not by virtue of his power, he declareth thereby that he requireth no more than shall appear to be due by that law. Leviathan
  • So if the term sticks, it may be due for a re-definition, linking it not to high prices but to high anxiety. — Buzzword: Buyers' strike
  • Although colic is not thought to be due to pain, a baby with colic may look uncomfortable or appear to be in pain.
  • This might not necessarily be a real appearance for it is conceivable that such traces of colour might be due to the telescopes employed not having been truly achromatic, that is, not sufficiently corrected for colour; but making every allowance for this possible source of mistake there yet remains proof that the colour which has often been seen has been real. The Story of Eclipses
  • Geitonogamy can be due to self-pollination between flowers on the same branch, different flowering branches of the same plant, or different ramets of the same clonal genet.
  • It could be due to blockage of the genital tract at different levels or due to failure of the testes to produce sperms because of the intrinsic problem with the testes.
  • Writer's cramp is the commonest form of focal hand dystonia and is thought to be due to basal ganglia dysfunction.
  • Researchers say the continuing loss is most likely to be due to rising sea surface temperatures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Could this be due to the animal fat which is one of its chemical constituents? Times, Sunday Times
  • This decrease could be due either to self-quenching of the probe within the monolayer, or to repartitioning of the probe into the disks.
  • A demand was then made by the so-called blockading powers that the sums ascertained to be due to their citizens by such mixed commissions should be accorded payment in full before anything was paid upon the claims of any of the so-called peace powers. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • In the case of synthetic chemicals apparently causing asthma, the effect may be due to irritation rather than an allergic reaction.
  • The increase is assumed to be due to boat owners making the most of the opportunity for water-skiing and wakeboarding before the 10 mph speed limit is introduced.
  • The association between TB incidence and history of TB we observed is thus unlikely to be due to misdiagnoses or misclassifications.
  • These findings may be due to the video and text not adequately differentiating the topics of disintegration and dissolution.
  • This may be due to effective treatments or the self limiting nature of the illnesses.
  • This may be due to active consumption of glyoxylate during incubation of the samples.
  • The report details the reasons the practice is mind-blowingly stupid in addition to being inhumane: namely, the state of someone's vagina does not reveal much about their sexual experience, since "an" old tear "of the hymen or variation of the" size "of the hymenal orifice can be due to reasons unrelated to sex. AWID RSS Feed
  • While less deference may be due now that the formal authority's impuissance has been exposed, this is not the time to mock, point fingers, or rest on our laurels. Karthika Sasikumar: The Fractures That Breed Danger
  • Coltsfoot combines an expectorant action with a soothing, healing quality thought to be due to its high mucilage content.
  • But, for such an attribute, the difference could also be due to the greater psychological affinity between Is.
  • Also, a large part of the expensiveness will be due to the use of material that will make it easy to keep the bathroom clean and in order. The House Beautiful
  • The results could simply be due to chance.
  • Punishment will be due those criminals.
  • The authors indicate therefore that excesses of prostatic cancer in industrial workforces are unlikely to be due to external radiation.
  • Earaches could also be due to tooth problems, an ear canal injury (from a cotton swab), earwax, or something stuck in the ear.
  • If the screen freezes or you experience system lockups it might be due to the video card.
  • The are also screaming that Medicare is going to go bankrupt because of the government, but leave out the itty bitty detail that it will primarily be due to Medicare Part D which was championed by the Republicans. RNC to unveil new health care video
  • Nothing is known about his background or his education, except that he is traditionally taken to have been a student of Aristocles of Messene, though that name may be due to some misunderstanding and his teacher might have been Aristoteles of Mytilene. Alexander of Aphrodisias
  • Lemon and Reis's awful "artfulness" may be due to their misreading "деланье" as Sher thinks they misread it, or it may be due to their completely missing the meaning of the clause and substituting something bland and kind-of plausible. TRANSLATING SHKLOVSKY.
  • This last fault may, however, be due to repainting, which is so thick that it is useless to speak of the present colour. Luca Signorelli
  • Could this be due to the animal fat which is one of its chemical constituents? Times, Sunday Times
  • As Anna Soper said in her article about Toronto attracting criticism from many commenters, some infringements of the traffic laws by cyclists must be due to the lack of enforcement of the rules designed to protect them. How can safety at advanced stop zones be improved for cyclists? | Joren Knibbe
  • Some of this sensitivity may be due in part to the use of cellulose triacetate filters in this study because they do not entirely filter out the shortwave UV-B.
  • The problem may be due to poor workmanship.
  • Because monozygotic twins presumably have identical genes, any dermatoglyphic differences between them must be due to differences in prenatal environmental experiences.
  • This can also be due to a bit of fumbling while lifting the print from the surface where it's found as well as environmental factors.
  • Sukow suggested that the coloration may be due to aggregates of acicular crystals of copper minerals scattered or concentrated throughout the datolite nodule.

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