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battle line

  1. the line along which warring troops meet

How To Use battle line In A Sentence

  • As you can see, there are no answers here, and the battle lines drawn by both parties are still being fought today.
  • For now it's business as usual, and summer battle lines have the "intrepid" Democrat-led Congress and a few nervous Republican defectors facing off with the Bush administration on the FY 2008 DOD budget. Plan Iraq - Permanent Occupation
  • The battle line wavered and broke.
  • Drums were not used by the Roman army but European soldiers were reintroduced to them in the Crusades, when the presence of kettledrums and other percussion instruments was noted in the Saracen battle line.
  • If he turns around and comes back, the Battle Line will fix him.
  • They advanced over the hillcrest right into the battle line. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our soldiers have entrenched themselves behind the battle lines.
  • Armed a club and a shield these mercenaries help fill in gaps in your battle line.
  • The competition starts, before the Team Taishan battle line, presses seeks the opportunity positively.
  • Behind the battle line, the lieutenant of the youth's company had stopped a man who had fled after the first volley of bullets.
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