- bottom-dweller of warm western Atlantic coastal waters having a flattened scaleless body that crawls about on fleshy pectoral and pelvic fins
How To Use batfish In A Sentence
- Large and small nudibranchs are everywhere, and batfish, barracuda, sweetlips and large groupers would follow us around.
- We also saw jacks, trevally, dogtooth tuna, bumphead parrotfish, huge schools of batfish and barracuda, sting rays and mantas. Dive Time
- We also saw jacks, trevally, dogtooth tuna, bumphead parrotfish, huge schools of batfish and barracuda, sting rays and mantas. Dive Time
- Shoals of batfish follow the turtles - you never see turtle excrement fouling the reef!
- Rudloe has launched Operation Noah's Ark, using his four-acre facility an hour south of Tallahassee to preserve more than 350 different specimens – everything from sharks to starfish, shrimp and batfish – in an environment that includes a grassland and duplicates high and low tides. 'Operation Noah's Ark' Tries To Rescue Gulf Sealife
- A baby Indian triggerfish is mothered along by a group of dusky batfish; beyond them, large rocks host parrotfish and wrasse, then drop off abruptly, bottoming at around 50m.
- Lots of big fish, eels, some nudibranches, batfish, and even devil rays. Diving on Manta Reef
- When a small fish is tempted and approaches, the batfish opens its mouth and quickly sucks in the unsuspecting victim.
- I was bored with photographing co-operative green turtles, so I turned to barracuda, batfish, groupers and a lone zebra lionfish.
- One of them, a pancake batfish, is a new species that he helped discover. Scientists: Dispersants Compounded Oil Spill