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How To Use Bata In A Sentence

  • The northernmost point of land, the islet of Y’Ami in the Batan Islands, is separated from Taiwan by the Bashi Channel (c. 50 mi/80 km wide). Philippines
  • Whether a family link provides that connection is debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • I remember spending as much time reading the contents of the books in Deus Ex and Fable, and reading the pads in Doom 3, as I ever spent actually trying to beat combatants. Some Thoughts, Part Seven – Games « The Graveyard
  • If he survived being arrested that is, which given the circs is debatable. Kingsnorth, Battlecat and A Distinct Lack Of Leadership. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The Sabbatarian principle touched not only British religion but many social and economic practices as well.
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  • That is, a flying disk that will "locate defiladed combatants in complex urban terrain" and annihilate them using a bunker-buster warhead. Pentagon to Cities: Drop Dead
  • In short, if the US government said the person was a civilian -- not a member of a foreign army or an irregular, but some nebulous sort of 'combatant' entitled to no more rights than a civilian -- it is estopped from claiming otherwise now. Nation Mag Claims ICE has Network of Secret Detention Faciilities -- in the USA
  • The kanda batata shaak (onion potato vegetable) was practically a daily feature and was occasionally replaced by reengan batata kanda shaak.
  • Their disillusionment is often due in no small part to the deception and coercion employed by local commanders and combatants.
  • Whether a family link provides that connection is debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The two combatants charged at each other with weapons drawn and fought like savage beasts.
  • We haven ` t felt it necessary to turn a lot of people into enemy combatants, as we have in this conflict, which is -- and I understand that after 9/11, there was a great desire to -- and I think right now, we should be -- kind of calibrate our responses because I think some of ... CNN Transcript Jul 7, 2005
  • Veterans Affairs that, as a paratrooper and artilleryman, he exchanged fire with enemy combatants and was engaged in an incident of friendly fire. William Devereaux
  • The exit polls, other postelection surveys and an array of combatants from both sides are full of gobbets of tasty fare.
  • Considering that he is debatably the cutest polar bear ever although one could make a solid argument for Knut we thought we ought to share these newest images of adorableness. Siku, Polar Bear Cub, Raised At Scandinavian Wildlife Park (PHOTOS)
  • Fists fly as Eagles sink Sharks THEIR bitter rivalry was born out of the code's most brutal grand final 37 years ago and last night beachboy combatants Cronulla and Manly wound back the clock as the fists flew again in the Sea Eagles '18-4 trial match win. | Top Stories
  • Sebuah truk sampah yang mungkin secara tidak sengaja menghantam jembatan concrete yang menyangga jembatan yang sedang di bangun membuat jembatan itu hampir ambruk. JEMBATAN HAMPIR ROBOH
  • And everyone in the room knows--*knows* that if there *are* no questions, this Bataan Death March can end and you can all go home. Katie's business trip, day 2
  • So unless a cease-fire is secured, the combatants on both sides will hold sway.
  • It is debatable how far the certificate affected the film's box office takings.
  • Both essays question-beggingly describe the 375 detainees still being held at Guantanamo as “enemy combatants.” It’s a Wonder It’s Not Michelin-Rated
  • After a miss like that, it is highly debatable he did. The Sun
  • Whether a family link provides that connection is debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hair ornaments are not generally worn, but nearly every Negrito, male and female, especially in southern Zambales and Bataan, possesses one or more of the so-called combs of bamboo. Negritos of Zambales
  • Mr Darling should not compound the original error by pursuing a legally debatable claim that would bring a small country to its knees. Times, Sunday Times
  • These guys were clever, canny combatants, and they had good media advisors!
  • & Highways ha Aurora, Nueva Ecija, Zambales ngan Cavite; microfinancing para ha mga mag-arasawa ngan immediate family members hiton PUV drivers, conductors han Transportation and Communication Secretary Leandro Mendoza pati na an MRT-LRT nga mga rota; an mga paghingayad han kakalsadahan han bug-os nga probinsiya hiton Batangas han kanan Economic Planning Secretary Ralph Recto; Undefined
  • At times the fire on both sides was nearly quenched by the showers, and the bedrenched combatants could do little but gaze at each other through a gray veil of mist and rain. Montcalm and Wolfe
  • Sabbatarianism appeared within the bounds of the association at an early date and Seventh-day Baptist churches were formed (1705 onward). Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • All the combatant nations introduced newer designs which incorporated where possible the lessons of the earlier war years.
  • So, I'm still processing the news of the discovery of hard evidence of an enormous lake that existed in the Martian Shalbatana Vallis region some 3.4 billion years ago, when I get word of an exciting new herbivorous Chinese ceratosaur, Limusaurus inextricabilis. "This flood will swallow all you've left behind."
  • Designation as an enemy combatant is a classic example. Balkinization
  • But her petiteness was incongruous with her combatant stride, and when she got close enough for him to read her expression, his hopes for this meeting turning out to be good for him were instantly dashed. Tough Customer
  • Postremo illud affectus omnes atque ipsum appetitum rebellione infecit; haec renovata sanctitas in ordinem cogit perturbatas affectiones, et ipsam rebellem concupiscentiam dominio spoliat, et quasi sub jugum mittit. Pneumatologia
  • Submarines also engaged enemy combatant ships and auxiliary vessels, pursuing combat operations in assumed or reconnoitered combat designation areas of enemy task forces and on their deployment routes.
  • Knowingly or not, these critics are mangling the facts to prove a debatable point and in the process damaging their own cause.
  • Sabbatarianism, with the Lord's Day Alliance, a Canadian invention, in the van; then the gradual tightening of the laws against sexual irregularity, with the unenforceable New York Adultery Act as a typical product; and lastly, the general ploughing up and emotional discussion of sexual matters, with compulsory instruction in "sex hygiene" as its mildest manifestation and the mediaeval fury of the vice crusade as its worst. A Book of Prefaces
  • It's debatable whether the studio recording actually contains the f-word, given the incoherent roar Jim Morrison emits at the song's climax, but there's no ambiguity to the Oedipus context in this live version. Eric Williams: F***ing up the Charts: on F-Words and Music
  • Bataillon said the ban amounted to punishment and is "legislation that identifies persons by a single trait and then denies them protection across the board, resulting in disqualification of a class of persons from the right to seek specific protections from the law. 05/13/2005
  • At the time of going to Press last night, the two combatants were duelling in a tie breaker to decide who advances to the quarter-finals.
  • Bataille (anthropologist, philosopher and pornographer, a doyen of recent postmodern aestheticism and anti-rationalism) was perhaps the most powerful articulator of Kojève's pessimism in the face of the ‘death of man’.
  • In the end it's debatable at whose expense the lulz really were. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consequently, other atomic weights calculated by reference to oxygen also remained debatable.
  • Not a tatsoi, mizuna, red chard or batavia leaf in sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is debatable but let's praise their courage. The Sun
  • The elements he chooses to quantify are highly debatable. The Times Literary Supplement
  • OKE: Sierra Leone is short of the resources needed to fully rehabilitate all of the ex-child combatants. CNN Transcript Aug 27, 2005
  • He also quoted National Institutes of Health bioethicist F.G. Miller, who argued in the Journal of Medical Ethics that ethical proscription against killing by doctors is "debatable.
  • But deciding that people from that country should be subjected to heightened scrutiny at our domestic checkpoints … that seems to fall into the arena of debatably reasonable policy. Matthew Yglesias » Profiling Lite
  • _celibataire_ of the same name, from whom he had some expectations, but who died shortly after this esclandre, and did not name the Vicomte in his will. The Parisians — Volume 03
  • the continued existence of an abatable nuisance is not authorized under the law
  • The two combatants once again faced each other, taking a couple of sidesteps, swords at the ready for the next exchange.
  • 1 HERE is always this advantage in contending with illubtrious adversaries, that the combatant is equally im - mortalized by conquest or defeat. Lives of eminent characters
  • The original, which was made of jade, is found in the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. Other charming replicas spread along the walkways include the chaneques and yolbatanes, or playful elves, in which the local indigenous community still believes. Veracruz, Mexico: a feast for the senses
  • A District report in August 2009 said that the water flow was low but that whether the extensive damage to the home and its artifacts could have been prevented is "debatable" because the blaze was so intense and fast. D.C. police identify students involved with drug lab
  • Also, we would probably score a moral victory over the terrorists, since we show that we will not stoop to their levels and treat prisoners of war as “enemy combatants”, wich is what they want so they can use it for their propaganda. Think Progress » Brown victory party featured flag calling for a ‘second’ revolution, tea party-inspired civil war.
  • It is easy to imagine the fear and rage and grief of the combatants, harder to see it in the cool press briefings of the leaders who make war and the often mute suffering of the populations who must endure and support it.
  • The parts are of course separable and debatable.
  • CONTRERAS: The dresses on display are all variations on a traditional style worn by rumba dancers called bata Cubana. Celia Cruz: Her Life and Music
  • M. Cuvier suspects that I may have mistaken for it the animal called by naturalists the dugong, and vulgarly the sea-cow, which will be hereafter mentioned; and it would indeed be a grievous error to mistake for a beast with four legs, a fish with two pectoral fins serving the purposes of feet; but, independently of the authority I have stated, the kuda ayer, or river-horse, is familiarly known to the natives, as is also the duyong (from which M.layan word the dugong of naturalists has been corrupted); and I have only to add that, in a register given by the Philosophical Society of Batavia in the first The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • To make French bâtards or anadama, breads of rye or spelt, fougasse with olives and semolina, they need flour, and for flour, they need wheat. One Big Table
  • Girl Guides are agitating and demonstrating with their parents' blessing, although it's debatable what use their stick-whittling skills will be once they're kittled into a four-hour stand-off by police. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The blow separated the two combatants, but it had another, more unexpected outcome.
  • She wears a sleeveless patterned overall over her clothes at all times, which I think Vitriolica would refer to as a bata; a headscarf is knotted around her wispy grey hair. Swallow
  • Romans of the imperial age practiced torture against enemy combatants on an imposing scale of unrestraint. David Bromwich: Follow the Evidence
  • Ben oui mon gros lardon demande beaucoup d'attention parce qu'il est excessivement sociable et tout et tout et comme il est celibataire il s'emmerde un peu beaucoup! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • That is another debatable point seeing he inherited the players most pivotal to Champions League success. The Sun
  • But last night the Hammers won and took a big stumble towards safety with help from a debatable first-half penalty and a sending off. The Sun
  • Confusingly, the Spanish for the sweet potato is batata and the Italian patata.
  • And the kyng seyng wele that thei wolde not suffre hym to passe withouten bataile, seid to his title mayny, 'Sires and felawes, the yonder men letten us of oure wey; and if thei wol com to us, let every man preve hymself a good man this day, and avaunt banere in the best tyme of the yere.' A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Written in the Fifteenth Century, and for the First Time Printed from MSS. in the British Museum
  • In fact, it's often debatable whether it counts as food at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • The red rover of that region will disappear as a combatant in the same way, and before the same weapon, as his brother nomad of Algeria, the earliest victim of the conoidal bullet. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • Puritan jurisprudence, 113; sabbatarian extravagance provokes reaction, 371. A History of American Christianity
  • Dia yang sebelum ini pernah mencetuskan kontroversi berhubung gambar separuh bogelnya di Internet ditahan bersama rakannya yang turut mengaku mengambil dadah jenis syabu, dalam operasi yang disertai anggota Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan (AADK) Selangor dan Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) Negeri Sembilan. Teater
  • In summary, unlawful combatants have long been recognized as a category of combatants.
  • It is debatable whether an exhibition such as this should show the splendours of a collection or, more historically, also reveal the lapses of the collector's taste.
  • Gerald consented to the filming, hoping it would help others, though to what extent viewers will tune in out of mere morbidness is debatable. Tonight's TV highlights: Celebrity Ghost Stories UK | Dave's One Night Stand | The Chicago Code | Inside The Human Body | The Shadow Line | Psychoville 2
  • The evangelical revival made sabbatarianism fashionable, so that on a Victorian Sunday there was no sport or pleasure, not even reading of serious secular literature.
  • I have elsewhere spoken of a past sabbatarian strictness, and I have lately received an account of a strictness in observing the national fast-day, or day appointed for preparation in celebrating Holy Communion, which has in some measure passed away. Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character
  • The Secretary of Defense approves, but combatant commanders work directly for the president.
  • Nelson, like the rest of his Shakers team-mates, was seething at the decision to chalk off his late header because of a debatable offside.
  • They had an extra man, had scored from a debatable penalty and yet had barely troubled the home side after taking the lead. The Sun
  • Regarding Voyage Charter Party, there are various of contract forms in the practice, such as GENCON, ASBATANKVOY, AUSTRAL, etc.
  • Drill sgt Jones, and Torres. 1st cannon training batallion ft sill ok b btry bravo plt. A Soldier's Story: Recruit is 'changing before our eyes'
  • The The Christian herald is also a combatant, in which respect he is distinguished from the herald at the games. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • We are specially struck with the reference to theft; while no less noteworthy is the absence of that sabbatarianism, which is the "moral" of the nursery tale. Moon Lore
  • Council excepting innocent non-combatants and their official protector from confiscation or amercement. The Crusade of the Excelsior
  • Then our combatant commanders needed more, so we transitioned to a surge tempo.
  • From a Japanese standpoint, she would take to task the gaijin ladies in Japan who refused to comply with traditions with a condescending attitude, at the same time chastising Japanese obatarian who despaired of the big-nosed foreigners.
  • Pour emp阠her ce malheur on placera la plus grande quantit� de ribaudequins vers les angles du corps de bataille, et l’on t鈉hera de se tenir serr� de mani鑢e � ne point se laisser entamer. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • If we proposed to kill a mass murderer, an enemy combatant/terrorist, or even a dumb animal by depriving them of food and water, we would be condemned as inhumane.
  • The animal called the cayman, at Batabano, died on the way, and was not brought to us, so that we could make no comparison of the two species. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Many such debatable questions raised by the anatomy of these creatures still await universally agreed answers.
  • I have an instance of a very grim assertion of extreme sabbatarian zeal. Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character
  • That they see such norms as so ‘obvious’ and non-debatable is the epitomy of colonial arrogance. Global Voices in English » Syria: Snag Hits Blogging Contest
  • Such unit cohesion in turn creates strong incentives to continue fighting when engaged in combat, because the combatant ultimately will fight in order to not let the other members of his unit down.
  • I speak of people such as Susanna and Catherine of Paliacatt, who were sent into exile from Batavia to serve life imprisonment on ANC Daily News Briefing
  • My aim is to provoke a debate on a sacrosanct subject that has remained undebatable for far too long.
  • But then again luck plays a part in any finals campaign and who knows what lady luck will bring for any of the four combatants left in the competition.
  • Inspector Edgardo Bernardo, police chief in Pilar town in Bataan, said many of the dolphins were found in shallow water and some had come ashore, including three in a bad condition due to wounds.
  • Pecrevi etiam imperiom:. qood qoamqoan» videbatar iUpL aetati hosofificam » tamen erafc M. Tvllii Ciceronis Opera qvae svpersvnt omnia secvndvm optimae novissimasqve editiones ...
  • US and UK officials have insisted that no official record of civilian casualties exists but the logs record 66,081 non-combatant deaths out of a total of 109,000 fatalities. WikiLeaks' Iraq War Logs: US Troops Abused Prisoners Years After Abu Ghraib
  • Captured combatants must be treated humanely.
  • The men were taken prisoner and taken to a Dutch army barracks in Batavia, the capital city of Java.
  • The term generally accepted accounting principles is somewhat debatable in the field of financial accounting.
  • The monument was orientated to mark sunrise at the midsummer solstice (and sunset at the midwinter solstice), but whether it has further astronomical significance is debatable.
  • The historian of the contest terms it "the Waterloo among book-battles," whereto "many a knight came far and wide from his retirement, and many an unfledged combatant left his father's castle to partake of the glory of such a contest. The Book-Hunter A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author
  • ‘About 100 families in the kampong voluntarily prepare the meals,’ said Abdul Hamid, a resident of Kampung Luar Batang.
  • Bâtard's body twitched with the shock, threshed the ground spasmodically for a moment, and went suddenly limp. BÂTARD
  • Anstataux konstante batali inter si, elsxiri la patrujon unuj al la aliaj, perforte altrudi al si reciproke siajn lingvojn kaj morojn, ili vivos inter si pace kaj frate, en plena interkonsento ili laboros sur la tero, sur kiu ili vivas, kaj kontraux tiuj krudaj fortoj de la naturo, kiuj ilin cxiujn egale atakas. The Esperanto Teacher A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians
  • Page 175 -- battaille amended to bataille -- "... the centre _corps de bataille_ ... The Story of the Barbary Corsairs
  • But remember, there are civilians and non-combatants down there.
  • Drew dropped into an en garde stance and beckoned for the other combatant - a big man who was nearly three times Drew's size in height and girth - to come on.
  • It is debatable whether he ever envisaged trailer operation in its accepted sense, with trailers being detached at off-peak times.
  • Leaving aside the debatable claim that a child may be traumatised by being blooded, hunting harms no-one.
  • On closer inspection one would find that the leaves of Lophozia barbata are four-lobed and succubous.
  • Long-distance weapons required soldiers to disperse, and combatants in both world wars found it increasingly difficult to maintain an offensive sprit.
  • However, the question of the validity of soft dollars was not a debatable matter until recently.
  • The combatant commanders have private aircraft to transport them and members of their staffs to distant destinations and elaborate communications systems to ensure that they are never out of touch.
  • It was a ferocious battle with both combatants suffering various blows from each other's poles.
  • Industry revenue from music sales is certainly down, but whether the internet is entirely to blame is debatable.
  • Joint checks were sealed off the shelf without a license, using signs and QS Pueraria lobata failure powder packets 1093.
  • The civil war that followed claimed far more civilians than combatants; by some estimates the death toll exceeds 200,000.
  • Four criteria must be met to qualify a person as a lawful combatant.
  • Every combatant commander in the Army keeps a keen eye out for tools that provide real-time situational awareness.
  • M to day after haveing disposed of their roots and berries for a fiew fishing hooks and Some other Small articles. we are infestd. with Sworms of flees already in our new habatations; the presumption is therefore Strong that we Shall not devest our Selves of this intolerably troublesom vermin dureing our residence here. The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • Though these people are not a direct threat to the combatant, their relationship with enemy combatants is seemingly pernicious.
  • Human-rights organizations have charged his forces with widespread rape, massacres in churches, mutilation, torture, cannibalism and forced conscription of child combatants.
  • In terms of dubbing, the quality of the English dub is debatable and comes down to a matter of preference.
  • Why any coach gives such a hostage to fortune or voluntarily offers the opposition unsought additional motivation is forever debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Proportionality refers to the level and extent of force used by combatants in the discharge of their duties.
  • Two enemy combatants were also killed in the fight.
  • Since such a war is more destructive to the civilian population than to the combatants, the militias have little incentive to opt for a peace that does not favor their corporate agenda.
  • So let me offer a single and celibatarian phrase a Amours De Voyage
  • They were also planning and preparing reception areas for disarming and housing combatants from a variety of armed factions that must demobilise in terms of a set of peace and ceasefire agreements.
  • Elle se flatte même parfois en écrivant Maryline, genre de bâtard franglais lui procurant un petit supplément d'âme cosmopolite, sans doute. You gotta have guts
  • But it is debatable whether this could be explicated in any meaningful way.
  • Members of these units are legal combatants and undertake legitimate military tasks.
  • Since such a war is more destructive to the civilian population than to the combatants, the militias have little incentive to opt for a peace that does not favor their corporate agenda.
  • As a result, disarming the combatants will be difficult.
  • But the number of forced marriages which it deterred was highly debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like most country football clubs, deep in the sometimes foreboding bush of Australia, the combatants play hard on and off the field.
  • The U.S. government is to stop using the term "illegal enemy combatants," a label contrived by the Bush administration to justify detaining people indefinitely without ever bringing them before a court or even granting them prisoner-of-war status. Embassy
  • But the answer must remain debatable. Politics, Planning and the State
  • It is also highly debatable whether worker ownership is in the worker's own financial interest. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • How much of this is based on migration of workers from other states is debatable.
  • En Almansa se levantó un monumento en memoria de la batalla y se creó todo un regimiento con el nombre de la misma ciudad para conmemorar el triunfo borbónico. Archive 2008-05-11
  • Woody plants show three ecological strategies: deciduous woody in summer: Thamnoseris lacerata var. lobata (Asteraceae-Cichoroideae), the only tree on the island. bushy woody, evergreen, microphyllous (small leafed): Frankenia vidalii (Frankeniaceae) and Atriplex chapinii (Chenopodiaceae). woody, bushy, with succulent leaves: Suaeda nesophila (Chenopodiaceae) and Maireana brevifolia (Chenopodiaceae). San Félix-San Ambrosio Islands temperate forests
  • Mercury's effectiveness in arresting the progress of syphilis is debatable, but clearly it had terrible side effects.
  • It is not without reason that the formal rules of boxing, judo, fencing and even dueling require that the combatants salute each other before the engagement.
  • Mexico, and I had come -- come out to New Mexico and kept seeing the word Bataan: Bataan Memorial Drive, Memorial Library. Ghost Soldiers: The Forgotten Epic Story of World War II's Most Dramatic Mission
  • But the number of forced marriages which it deterred was highly debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The combatants were circling each other warily, and waiting for the next move.
  • A diagnoseable, combatable one. witchypoo on August 28, 2009 Looking Up
  • There's also a stonking good sword fight, in which furniture gets overturned, weapons are scooped up on the fly and the combatants find themselves thrusting and parrying while perched precariously up in the rafters.
  • We take all reports of non-combatant casualties very seriously and investigate these claims with the assistance of our Afghan forces counterparts," said Lt.Col. Rick Helmer, U.S. Forces Afghanistan spokesperson. Proceed With Caution | ATTACKERMAN
  • Volunteer boatbuilder Henry Thuys tests if the new rudder of the Batavia long boat is responding smoothly.
  • For, as Bataille says, ‘it takes an iron nerve to perceive the connection between the promise of life implicit in eroticism and the sensuous aspect of death’.
  • The first penalty was debatable just a minute before half-time. The Sun
  • The second phase consisted of a timed withdrawal along five defensive lines south to the Bataan Peninsula.
  • The quest for quality is continuing, but the best means of achieving it are debatable.
  • Umm Hassane strongly recommends that you serve batata wa bayd with salad. Day of Honey
  • It's debatable whether or not the reforms have improved conditions.
  • And this is a much more debatable proposition.
  • Thus in the military training itself he gave up the practice with bow and javelin, leaving his men to perfect themselves in the use of sabre, shield, and corslet, accustoming them from the very first to the thought that they must close with the enemy, or confess themselves worthless as fellow-combatants; a harsh conclusion for those who knew that they were only protected in order to fight on behalf of their protectors. Cyropaedia
  • Our situation in Bataan, away from Japanese headquarters, gave us Sasaki
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Labyrinth of Life, enjoyed the perplexities and quarrels of the scene, and exacerbated the already furious combatants by their poignant infantile satire. Burlesques
  • Numerous trees, including valley oaks Quercus lobata, redwoods and loquat trees, provide shade and visual delight.
  • Opinions began to alter during the wars of the mid-18th century and military riflemen appeared in most combatant nations' armies, albeit in small numbers.
  • Mr. Kawabata wrote the novel while staying in a small ryokan in Yuzawa Town, Niigata Prefecture (which now proudly refers to itself as ‘snow country’), in 1947.
  • Anti-Mason inspired social policies favored by Whigs, such as liquor and sabbatarian legislation, funding of educational and reformatory institutions, and to some extent the antislavery impulse of the party's northern wing.
  • Of special interest to us here is the myth that the creativity deity Obatala molded the archetypal human image (ere eniyan) from divine clay.
  • They are thought to have claimed millions in legal aid while representing foreign prisoners and combatants. Times, Sunday Times
  • The manner in which Sabbatarians emphasize the phrase “My Sabbath,” and “My holy day,” is well calculated to mislead the unsuspecting, but those who are schooled in biblical literature will regard it as mere _rant_, _cheap theology_, _mere display_! The Christian Foundation, Or, Scientific and Religious Journal, May, 1880
  • In 1629, the Dutch ship Batavia foundered off the coast of Western Australia.
  • By dint of its popularity and enduring performance legs, Grease has clawed an undebatable home for itself in the musical theatre canon.
  • The Geraldton Yacht Club has floated plans to move its premises to the Batavia Coast Marina.
  • Por ellos Vnan en algunas partes espeçialmente en las serranias en muriendoseles padre, o madre o pariente haçer de palo Vn ydolo pequeño y guardallo y asi ay casa, qe tiene çiento o ducientos de aquellos ydolos y a estos tambien llaman anitos porque diçen qe en muriendose Van a seruir al batala y asi les haçen sacrifiçios, ofreçiendoles Cosas de Comer y vino y joyas de oro Rogandole sea su ynterçesor con el batala, ques El que tienen Por dios -- The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1582-1583 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • In duels with the sword, the seconds mark the standing spot of each combatant, leaving a distance of two feet between the points of their weapons.
  • The home guard was in good shape then; the old one remains debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is debatable but let's praise their courage. The Sun
  • The missionaries call them osso carnicero, to distinguish them from the osso palmero or tamanoir (Myrmecophaga jubata), and from the osso hormigero, or anteater (tamandua). Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • They manned anti-aircraft guns and filled noncombatant roles.
  • Not a tatsoi, mizuna, red chard or batavia leaf in sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it's all thanks to one exuberant, idealistic man -- Doug Taylor, executive pastry chef at the Batali-Bastianich Hospitality Group's three Las Vegas restaurants: B & B, Carnevino, and Enoteca San Marco. Kerry Trueman: Meet Mario Batali's Las Vegas Visionary
  • As articulated in their respective long-term shipbuilding plans, the Navy and the Coast Guard intend to purchase a total of 83 small combatants. Director's Blog » Blog Archive » Modernization of Coast Guard Cutters and Naval Surface Combatants
  • Political combatants now routinely impugn the very moral fiber of their opponents.
  • (who set out on his voyages to the colony at St. Thomas, in the Gulf of Guinea) speaks of this plant, and states that it is called "batata" by the aboriginals of St. Domingo. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Lord Ashley was a well-known philanthropist, and his consistent support and patronage of many religious and charitable societies had naturally given him popularity among the Protestant clergy of all denominations, -- a popularity heightened in the case of the Evangelical and Calvinistic ministers by his Lordship's strict Sabbatarianism and his belief in cold dinners on The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 71, September, 1863
  • i think rick perry is a domestic terrorist. i also think he should be declared an enemy combatant, water boarded …. errr i mean “enhanced interrogated” on national television as an example. Think Progress » At Beck event, Perry says anti-Obama conservatives are an ‘army’ that can ‘take their country back.’
  • After all, it rarely addresses the full costs of those conflicts to U.S. troops (including their redeployment to war zones, even when already traumatized), let alone to foreign non-combatants in faraway Muslim lands. William J. Astore: The New American Isolationism: The Cost of Turning Away From War's Horrific Realities
  • The choppers were poor speed-combatants, but they were deadly dogfighters.
  • Once one becomes a soldier, the only way to stop being a soldier (and an enemy combatant) is to die or else be discharged from military service honorably or dishonorably. The Volokh Conspiracy » Opinio Juris Discussions of Targeting of US Citizen
  • Tanto que na manifestação, os repórteres seguiram atrás do próprio batalhão da polícia, como a segunda fila de combate em um campo de guerra. Global Voices in English » Brazil: The country’s largest university becomes a battlefield
  • Cruisers, destroyers, and frigates are collectively referred to as surface combatants.
  • They are thought to have claimed millions in legal aid while representing foreign prisoners and combatants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether monogramming is a chic and elegant decision or a bit 'noov' is debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was in this spirit that I was able to roger that houri in Borneo during the Batang Lupar battle, whimpering fearfully the while, and do justice to Mrs Popplewell while in flight from the outraged townsfolk of Harper's Ferry. Watershed
  • But Mark Mix of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Fund says conservatives will remember that Mr. Daniels chose to be a non-combatant in a fight that was almost won. Daniels in the Lions Den
  • The horns front a rhythm section that includes three percussionists armed with congas and bata drums, with no piano or guitar in the middle to mediate.

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