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bass viol

  1. largest and lowest member of the violin family
  2. viol that is the bass member of the viol family with approximately the range of the cello

How To Use bass viol In A Sentence

  • An ensemble of three recorders, harpsichord, bass viol and theorbo supported the trio of singers with sensitivity and aplomb.
  • Yet this Saturday night I had the privilege of being present when Suzie McNeil, backed only by drums, bass violin and a lonely electro-acoustic guitar, gave in to the crowd.
  • One of the commonest consorts in the Elizabethan period was the combination of treble viol or violin, flute or recorder, bass viol, lute, cittern, and bandora, for which Morley wrote his Consort Lessons in 1599.
  • Up to a dozen of these particular clamps would be used when gluing up the body of a cello or a bass viol.
  • One of the commonest consorts in the Elizabethan period was the combination of treble viol or violin, flute or recorder, bass viol, lute, cittern, and bandora, for which Morley wrote his Consort Lessons in 1599.
  • There were not more than a dozen musicians in all, and they ranged themselves in an orderly manner on each side of the laurel-crowned bust, in the order of the pitch of their instruments, the violins and flutes being in the middle, while the bass viol was at the extreme left, and the bass cornopean on the right. Stradella
  • The double bass is also called the bass viol, string bass, and bass fiddle. A Child’s View of Music « You Got to be Kidding's Blog
  • This essay has of course to disentangle the transition from viol to violoncello which was catalysed by the Italians, and he manages to throw light on the grey areas surrounding bass violins, gambas and cellos.
  • Apart from the organ, the only other instrument is a bass violin.
  • The Ouverture which begins the CD is impressive and dramatic to say the least, with large chords and double-dotted rhythms, and the ensemble of five (soloist plus keyboard, bass viol, violone and theorbo) sounds more like a small orchestra. AvaxHome RSS:
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