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basic principle

  1. principles from which other truths can be derived
    first you must learn the fundamentals
    let's get down to basics

How To Use basic principle In A Sentence

  • The basic principle is to keep an upright, erect posture.
  • As the basic principle of the feudal law, "Criminate according to the five costumes"is of great significance to the legislative process and the judicial practice.
  • It should systematically unify and organize a set of observations, building from basic principles.
  • The difference and similarity between shadow moire fringe and Newtonian circlet are discussed from basic principles.
  • Organic managers adhere to the same basic principles when it comes to selecting a site for a new orchard, choosing rootstocks, pruning, and staking or trellising trees.
  • It was an outrageous action, the worst violation of the basic principle of diplomatic immunity in modern history.
  • The same basic principles of animation can be applied when animating 3-D objects, where in fact perspective is usually built-in anyway.
  • By following these seven basic principles when xeriscaping your lawn and garden, you can create a lush, colourful and unique garden.
  • Fortune tellers are known for using basic principles and techniques such as math, numerology and Cabalistic symbolism.
  • Videotex has more evident superiorities to other information broadcasting methods. The basic principles of videotex broadcasting system are described in this paper.
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